Fuduric, Nikolina

Fuduric, Nikolina


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    OWARNA - User needs in the "Future warning system" project
    (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2021) Fuduric, Nikolina; Zachlod, Cécile; Bisang, Léonie
    MeteoSwiss warns of weather hazards on behalf of the federal government. The current severe weather warning system of MeteoSwiss has been in operation for several years and is now to be renewed within the OWARNA2@MCH program based on the latest findings from natural and social science research. The main project of the OWARNA2@MCH program is the "Future Warning System" project. To define the parameters of a new warning system, it is important to combine the user needs with the benefits the warning system can provide. The effort that goes into producing a warning can only be justified if the warning reaches the user, the user understands it and takes action to avoid harm or casualties. A User Needs Analysis is part of Module 2 of the New Warning System project at MeteoSwiss. In addition to the public, important recipients of MeteoSwiss warnings are authorities such as cantons, municipalities and emergency response organizations. They derive regionally and locally specific consequences from the warnings, decide on necessary measures and ensure the protection of the population in the event of a serious incident. In order for the organizations concerned to be able to take the right measures in the event of an incident, the warnings must meet their needs and provide them with the best possible support in fulfilling their tasks. MeteoSwiss took to task to explore the data product/service needs of two main target groups: Natural Hazard Experts (from here on, mentioned as NHE) and Fire Commanders or Inspectors. At a “New Warning System” internal project workshop on October, 19. 2020, MeteoSwiss collected and jointly prioritized their questions for these target groups (presented in table 1). In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), these questions are partly answered through the qualitative and quantitative research process presented in this document. Their final resolution will occur at the Design-thinking workshops at the FHNW in Olten in June 2021. After the workshops, a photo protocol will be attached as Appendix C to this document. The workshop goals are to have two data product development iterations with representatives from both target groups and MeteoSwiss experts. The weather warning data product parameters or, in the language of Design-thinking, the design specifications are based on the quantitative data from this document. The collaboration between MeteoSwiss and the FHNW should also serve as a knowledge transfer and enable MeteoSwiss to carry out the Jobs-to-Be-Done method independently in the future.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    MeteoSwiss CHAPo: pollen information needs analysis
    (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2021) Fuduric, Nikolina; Kraft, Corin; Sterchi, Martin
    There is a network of pollen measurement devices in 14 stations throughout Switzerland. To date, the standard of pollen identification and measurement has been done manually with calculations and models providing forecasts with a six day delay. This standard is not serving the allergic public, the doctors and scientists specializing in pollen research any longer. A laser technology measurement device has successfully been tested in the regional center of MeteoSwiss in Payerne. It opens up new perspectives in terms of automation, real-time transmission and higher data quality. The technology is not only applicable to pollen measurement, but also enables partnerships to be strengthened in the areas of air quality and health effects. Based on this technology, MeteoSwiss can provide new, more valuable data products and services. With these new possibilities, two questions arise which are explored in this research report: Q1) What data products and services best serve the allergic public and doctors? Q2) Within which channels should these products be offered? MeteoSwiss has invited the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland's (FHNW) School of Business to conduct a needs analysis of the two above-mentioned target groups. The needs analysis was carried out using a customer insights research-based method called “Jobs to Be Done” (JtbD) originally from Harvard University (Christensen 1997). The FHNW researchers extrapolated those jobs or tasks that were important to the target groups but not satisfied in the market. Upon isolating these “jobs”, MeteoSwiss experts from the CHAPo project and aha! were invited to design workshops at the FHNW to create a rough prototype of data products based on the research outcomes.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Necessity Entrepreneurship in the Post-Socialist Periphery: A resource perspective
    (Aalborg Universitet, 2009) Fuduric, Nikolina; Smallbone, David; Welter, Friederike; Busck, Ole
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Formal Institutions and Environmental Factors Framing Entrepreneurship in Croatia
    (Aalborg Universitet, 2008) Fuduric, Nikolina; Smallbone, David; Welter, Friederike; Busck, Ole
    This paper has two purposes. First, it provides an assessment of the factors framing entrepreneurship in Croatia and how they influence the predominantly necessity-oriented entrepreneurship in the nation. The factors considered include – economics, formal institutions, culture, the industrial structure, human capital and social capital. The second purpose is to present possibilities on how different institutions, through their policies, programs and implementing organizations, impact the above factors. Understanding the sources influencing necessity entrepreneurship is important because the Croatian government’s goal is to reach 75% of the EU25 mean GDP by 2013, partly using entrepreneurship development as an engine of this growth.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht