Hengevoss, Dirk

Hengevoss, Dirk


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 13
  • Publikation
    Circularity and environmental sustainability of organic and printed electronics
    (Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2024) Le Blévennec, Kévin; Hengevoss, Dirk; Zimmermann, Yannick-Serge; Brun, Nadja; Hugi, Christoph; Lenz, Markus; Corvini, Philippe; Fent, Karl; Nisato, Giovanni; Lupo, Donald; Rudolf, Simone [in: Organic and printed electronics. Fundamentals and applications]
    In this chapter, the possible role and impact of organic and printed electronics (OPE) in a transition toward a circular economy and more sustainable society will be discussed. The learning targets are twofold: first, understanding main environmental issues associated with the emerging field of OPE, and second, identifying, through a systemic perspective, the enabling potential of these technologies.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Guidelines on pre- and co-processing of waste in cement production. Use of waste as alternative fuel and raw material
    (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2020) Hinkel, Michael; Blume, Steffen; Hinchliffe, Daniel; Mutz, Dieter; Hengevoss, Dirk
    The main objective of these Guidelines is to improve waste management by offering updated and objective information about pre- and co-processing of waste in the cement industry. They contain knowhow and practical experiences gained in implementing pre- and co-processing since the first edition that served as a reference document in international agreements (e.g. Basel Convention for Hazardous Waste Treatment) and adaptation of various national guidelines. The Guidelines follow common understanding that avoiding and reducing waste is the best way of dealing with current waste problems all over the world. The extension of waste collection to 100% of the population and of waste fractions is notably a prerequisite to manage waste effectively in many countries. However, the Guidelines promote an approach that aims to reduce existing waste problems and at the same time to encourage the use of waste as an alternative source for primary energy and virgin raw materials in cement production. Wherever possible, the concepts of resource efficiency, circular economy, recycling and reuse must be given first priority. Improving waste management will take time. Reaching the status of an effective waste management solution in Europe has taken place over a period of 20-30 years. It has been supported by stringent legislation to monitor quality and emissions. Developing pre- and co-processing as a suitable waste management option requires also time and investments. Rigorous permitting and quality assurance procedures need to be applied. Pre- and coprocessing respects the waste hierarchy and does not contradict it, when these Guidelines are followed. In this context, it can be classified as a technology for energy recovery and mineral recycling. The key for implementation of these Guidelines and to achieve the maximum benefit from pre- and co-processing of waste in cement production continues to be close collaboration and co-operation between the public and the private sectors. Innovative techniques and technical knowhow are available and will be further developed by the private ector, whereas the public sector should ensure that environmental standards are maintained and health and safety regulations are applied and enforced. In addition ethical business conduct, good governance and social responsibility remain prerequisites for successfully implementing the Guidelines.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
  • Publikation
    Environmental potential analysis of co-processing waste in cement kilns
    (Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, 2019) Kleshchov, Anton; Hengevoss, Dirk; Hugi, Christoph [in: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Industrial Data-Based Life Cycle Assessment of Architecturally Integrated Glass-Glass Photovoltaics
    (Elsevier, 2019) Park, Jeeyoung; Hengevoss, Dirk [in: Buildings]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Umweltnutzen eines Hausmanagers (Custom Energy Manager) im progressiven Energieszenario 2035 der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
    (2019) Hengevoss, Dirk; Hugi, Christoph; Kunz, Dominique [in: FHNW - Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz - Hochschule für Life Sciences]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Selective CRM recovery from acidic solutions by nanofiltration/liquid-liquid extraction
    (05/2017) Hengevoss, Dirk; Hugi, Christoph; Wintgens, Thomas; Lenz, Markus; Schäfer, Roman
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Waste-to-Energy Options in Municipal Solid Waste Management A Guide for Decision Makers in Developing and Emerging Countries
    (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 2017) Mutz, Dieter; Hengevoss, Dirk; Hugi, Christoph; Gross, Thomas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
  • Publikation
    Environmental aspects of printable and organic electronics (POE)
    (Pan Stanford Publishing, 04/2016) Hengevoss, Dirk; Zimmermann, Yannick; Brun, Nadja; Hugi, Christoph; Lenz, Markus; Corvini, Philippe; Fent, Karl; Nisato, Giovanni; Lupo, Donald; Ganz, Simone [in: Organic and Printed Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Life Cycle Assessment and eco-efficiency of prospective, flexible, tandem organic photovoltaic module
    (Elsevier, 2016) Hengevoss, Dirk; Baumgartner, Corinne; Hugi, Christoph; Nisato, Giovanni [in: Solar Energy]
    Organic photovoltaic technology has reached a sufficient maturity to enable commercially viable products for integration into buildings with power conversion efficiencies up to about 5%, for example, using a roll-to-roll (R2R) processing of single bulk heterojunction devices technology. This paper reports on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and eco-efficiency analysis of prospective tandem organic photovoltaic (OPV) modules which have been manufactured to the most part in pilot environments. To realistically model the LCA and eco-efficiency a power conversion efficiency of both 10% and a more modest 8% were used with lifespan scenarios of 15 and 20 years. The tandem OPV modules modelled in this study have: a cell stack consisting of new advanced materials such as nano-sized zinc oxide, nano-sized silver, and semiconductor polymers; a light management structure; and new flexible PET based encapsulation with organic and inorganic barriers. This tandem technology was modelled assuming an industrialized production based on real and estimated resource consumption and pollution data from an existing roll-to-roll pilot OPV plant and from material suppliers together with projected costs. Established multi-silicon (multi-Si) and cadmium-telluride (CdTe) photovoltaics were taken to benchmark the environmental impacts in production and the expected levelized costs of electricity. The results of the modelling show that the production of 1 m2 tandem OPV module represents only approximately 3–10% of the impacts of 1 m2 of the benchmark multi-Si or CdTe modules when the global warming potential (GWP), cumulative energy demand (CED), eco-toxicity, and metal depletion environmental impacts are considered. The results also show the energy payback time of a tandem OPV at facade is only 18–55% of that of the benchmarks, and the GWP is just 12–60% of that of the benchmarks. An eco-efficiency comparison indicates that, for applications where photovoltaic modules cannot be optimally oriented towards the sun, a flexible tandem OPV might be a superior alternative to multi-Si and CdTe modules.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Quantifizierung des Umweltnutzens von gebrauchten Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen als gebäudeintegrierte 2nd-Life-Stromspeichersysteme
    (Wiley, 08/2015) Kim, David Pascal; Geissler, Achim; Hengevoss, Dirk; Menn, Claudio [in: Bauphysik]
    Aufgrund der Energieperspektiven 2050 des schweizerischen Bundesamtes für Energie (BFE) wird das zukünftige Potenzial von gebrauchten Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen als stationäre Stromspeicher in Gebäuden untersucht. In drei Szenarien wird der Umweltnutzen für das Jahr 2035 und 2050 ermittelt. Hierzu wird berechnet wie viel Kapazität an herkömmlichen Speichern durch eine gewisse Kapazität an wiederverwendbaren gebrauchten Batterien substituiert werden kann. Das Substitutionspotenzial wird mit ausgewählten Wirkindikatoren wie dem Treibhauspotenzial (GWP) und dem kumulierten Energieaufwand (CED) analysiert. Im Jahr 2050 können dadurch 760 bis 1170 MWh an herkömmlichen Speichern durch 2nd-Life-Speicher substituiert werden. Dabei kann das Treibhauspotenzial pro Jahr um 11'000 bis 16'000 t CO2 Äq gesenkt und der kumulierte Energieaufwand um 207'000 bis 305'000 GJ verringert werden. Die Resultate zeigen, dass der Einsatz von 2nd-Life-Batterien in stationären Anwendungen einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Reduktion der Umweltbelastung von Batterien beitragen kann.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift