Nebiker, Stephan

Nebiker, Stephan


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    Accurate visual localization in outdoor and indoor environments exploiting 3D image spaces as spatial reference
    (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018) Rettenmund, Daniel; Fehr, Markus; Cavegn, Stefan; Nebiker, Stephan [in: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences]
    In this paper, we present a method for visual localization and pose estimation based on 3D image spaces. The method works in indoor and outdoor environments and does not require the presence of control points or markers. The method is evaluated with different sensors in an outdoor and an indoor test field. The results of our research show the viability of single image localization with absolute position accuracies at the decimetre level for outdoor environments and 5 cm or better for indoor environments. However, the evaluation also revealed a number of limitations of single image visual localization in real-world environments. Some of them could be addressed by an alternative AR-based localization approach, which we also present and compare in this paper. We then discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches and show possibilities for combining them to obtain accurate and robust visual localization in an absolute coordinate frame.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Development of a portable high performance mobile mapping system using the robot operating system
    (Copernicus, 2018) Blaser, Stefan; Cavegn, Stefan; Nebiker, Stephan [in: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences]
    The rapid progression in digitalization in the construction industry and in facility management creates an enormous demand for the efficient and accurate reality capturing of indoor spaces. Cloud-based services based on georeferenced metric 3D imagery are already extensively used for infrastructure management in outdoor environments. The goal of our research is to enable such services for indoor applications as well. For this purpose, we designed a portable mobile mapping research platform with a strong focus on acquiring accurate 3D imagery. Our system consists of a multi-head panorama camera in combination with two multi-profile LiDAR scanners and a MEMS-based industrial grade IMU for LiDAR-based online and offline SLAM. Our modular implementation based on the Robot Operating System enables rapid adaptations of the sensor configuration and the acquisition software. The developed workflow provides for completely GNSS-independent data acquisition and camera pose estimation using LiDAR-based SLAM. Furthermore, we apply a novel image-based georeferencing approach for further improving camera poses. First performance evaluations show an improvement from LiDAR-based SLAM to image-based georeferencing by an order of magnitude: from 10–13 cm to 1.3–1.8 cm in absolute 3D point accuracy and from 8–12 cm to sub-centimeter in relative 3D point accuracy.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Robust and accurate image-based georeferencing exploiting relative orientation constraints
    (Copernicus, 2018) Cavegn, Stefan; Blaser, S.; Nebiker, Stephan; Haala, N. [in: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences]
    Urban environments with extended areas of poor GNSS coverage as well as indoor spaces that often rely on real-time SLAM algorithms for camera pose estimation require sophisticated georeferencing in order to fulfill our high requirements of a few centimeters for absolute 3D point measurement accuracies. Since we focus on image-based mobile mapping, we extended the structure-from-motion pipeline COLMAP with georeferencing capabilities by integrating exterior orientation parameters from direct sensor orientation or SLAM as well as ground control points into bundle adjustment. Furthermore, we exploit constraints for relative orientation parameters among all cameras in bundle adjustment, which leads to a significant robustness and accuracy increase especially by incorporating highly redundant multi-view image sequences. We evaluated our integrated georeferencing approach on two data sets, one captured outdoors by a vehicle-based multi-stereo mobile mapping system and the other captured indoors by a portable panoramic mobile mapping system. We obtained mean RMSE values for check point residuals between image-based georeferencing and tachymetry of 2 cm in an indoor area, and 3 cm in an urban environment where the measurement distances are a multiple compared to indoors. Moreover, in comparison to a solely image-based procedure, our integrated georeferencing approach showed a consistent accuracy increase by a factor of 2–3 at our outdoor test site. Due to pre-calibrated relative orientation parameters, images of all camera heads were oriented correctly in our challenging indoor environment. By performing self-calibration of relative orientation parameters among respective cameras of our vehicle-based mobile mapping system, remaining inaccuracies from suboptimal test field calibration were successfully compensated.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Cloud-Based Geospatial 3D Image Spaces—A Powerful Urban Model for the Smart City
    (MDPI, 26.10.2015) Nebiker, Stephan; Cavegn, Stefan; Loesch, Benjamin [in: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information]
    In this paper, we introduce the concept and an implementation of geospatial 3D image spaces as new type of native urban models. 3D image spaces are based on collections of georeferenced RGB-D imagery. This imagery is typically acquired using multi-view stereo mobile mapping systems capturing dense sequences of street level imagery. Ideally, image depth information is derived using dense image matching. This delivers a very dense depth representation and ensures the spatial and temporal coherence of radiometric and depth data. This results in a high-definition WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) urban model, which is intuitive to interpret and easy to interact with, and which provides powerful augmentation and 3D measuring capabilities. Furthermore, we present a scalable cloud-based framework for generating 3D image spaces of entire cities or states and a client architecture for their web-based exploitation. The model and the framework strongly support the smart city notion of efficiently connecting the urban environment and its processes with experts and citizens alike. In the paper we particularly investigate quality aspects of the urban model, namely the obtainable georeferencing accuracy and the quality of the depth map extraction. We show that our image-based georeferencing approach is capable of improving the original direct georeferencing accuracy by an order of magnitude and that the presented new multi-image matching approach is capable of providing high accuracies along with a significantly improved completeness of the depth maps.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Evaluation of Matching Strategies for Image-Based Mobile Mapping
    (09/2015) Cavegn, Stefan; Haala, Norbert; Nebiker, Stephan; Rothermel, Mathias; Zwölfer, Thomas [in: ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences]
    The paper presents the implementation of a dense multi-view stereo matching pipeline for the evaluation of image sequences from a camera-based mobile mapping system. For this purpose the software system SURE is taken as a basis. Originally this system was developed to provide 3D point clouds or DEM from standard airborne and terrestrial image blocks. Since mobile mapping scenarios typically include stereo configurations with camera motion predominantly in viewing direction, processing steps like image rectification and structure computation of the existing processing pipeline had to be adapted. The presented investigations are based on imagery captured by the mobile mapping system of the Institute of Geomatics Engineering in the city center of Basel, Switzerland. For evaluation, reference point clouds from terrestrial laser scanning are used. Our first results already demonstrate a considerable increase in reliability and completeness of both depth maps and point clouds as result of the matching process.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift