Riedl, Wolfgang

Riedl, Wolfgang


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    An “Agile” project planning course. Learning by doing in process engineering education
    (Elsevier, 07/2024) Riedl, Wolfgang; Brown, Andrew; Rausenberger, Julia [in: Education for Chemical Engineers]
    Process engineering education requires a comprehensive foundation and practical application. To bridge the gap between theoretical education and market requirements, a "Project Planning Course” has been offered since 2018 as part of the MSc specialization in Chemical Engineering at the FHNW School of Life Sciences. The course didactics combines the principles of an “agile” teaching mindset and problem-based learning, which optimally support the experience of this module. Students had to work on unresolved real-world problems, make decisions based on incomplete information, and present their work in a board meeting role play with board members from industry. These situations represent typical real-world challenges for future chemical engineers. The results show that most of the students learned to cope with the unconventional teaching methodology. The students’ evaluations of the module have been very positive, especially the fact that the active participation of the students triggers the actual learning process - which means that the essential learning goal has been achieved.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Electrochemical membrane-assisted pH-swing extraction and back-extraction of lactic acid
    (Elsevier, 2022) Gausmann, Marcel; Bertram, Franziska; Schuur, Boelo; Jupke, Andreas; Gössi, Angelo; Riedl, Wolfgang [in: Separation and Purification Technology]
    Reactive extraction of carboxylic acids such as lactic acid with tertiary amines is a state-of-the-art process but suffers strongly from reduced extraction efficiency in buffered environments like fermentation broths. In order to increase the efficiency of in-situ product removal, we here propose the combination of a membrane-assisted reactive extraction with an electrochemical pH shift. Prior to extraction in the membrane module, the fermentation broth containing the lactic acid at neutral pH is treated by anodic electrolysis to reduce the pH and thereby improve the extraction yield. Additionally, the cathodic reaction is used to increase the pH of the aqueous stream used for back-extraction of the loaded organic phase. Model solutions were used to develop a mathematical model, capable of calculating the required membrane area for in-situ extractions, considering the effect of the aqueous pH on the extraction performance. Additionally, using electrochemical pH shift, we were able to concentrate lactic acid from 1 wt% in the dilute broth to 7 wt% in the back extract.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift