von Kutzschenbach, Michael
Engaging Sustainability - A Multilevel Approach to Strategic Sustainability Challenges
2014-06-20T00:00:00Z, von Kutzschenbach, Michael, Brønn, Carl
Sustainability challenges the limits of human decision making capability but managerial prescriptions and recommendations for sustainability are mostly based on simplifying disciplinary assumptions that reduce the complexity of the challenge that organizations face. This limits the effectiveness of organizational initiatives for change. A deeper appreciation of the problem context is required. When is coupled with a process-oriented problem structuring methodology and a learning-based approach to innovation, this can result in organizational strategies that are both more effective and that ensure organizational flourishing. This paper describes an engagement process that is based on three elements: an inquiry and structuring process based on Aristotelian causality, the use of systems thinking for analysis and communication, and an innovation process based on the logic of effectuation. Aristotelian causality is the foundation of the engagement process and links systems thinking and effectuation in a natural way. The organizations learning culture is shown to be a key element in the engagement process.
China's transition to a knowledge-based society
2012-05-13T00:00:00Z, von Kutzschenbach, Michael
Enhancing learning capability: The role of social network structures and processes on organizational learning
2008, von Kutzschenbach, Michael
Zukunftsfähige Organisationsentwicklung. Nachhaltig wirtschaften
2013-06-01T00:00:00Z, von Kutzschenbach, Michael
Die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahrzehnte darunter die Weltwirtschaftskrise, die globale Erwärmung oder das Bevölkerungswachstum stellen bestehende Konzepte erfolgreichen Wirtschaftens auf die Probe. Ob und wie nachhaltiges Wirtschaften möglich ist, gehört zu den derzeit oft gestellten Fragen.
Wirtschaftsmeditation - Lösungen für das Projektmanagement
2011, von Kutzschenbach, Michael
Forstunternehmen in Deutschland: Anforderungen erkennen und ihnen erfolgreich begegnen
2006, von Kutzschenbach, Michael, Brogt, Thomas
You can't teach understanding, you construct it: applying social network analysis to organizational learning
2010, von Kutzschenbach, Michael, Brønn, Carl
Communicating sustainable development initiatives: applying co-orientation to forest management certification
2006, von Kutzschenbach, Michael, Brønn, Carl