Schmid, Holger
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Rauchstoppversuche, Ex-Rauchen und die Rolle des nationalen Rauchentwöhnungsprogramms «Stopgether». Eine längsschnittliche, repräsentative Befragung von Rauchenden und Ex-Rauchenden in der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Schweiz
2020-07-17, Schmid, Holger
Fourchette verte – Senior @home: Das gesundheitsförderliche Potenzial eines Mahlzeitendienstes für selbstständig wohnende ältere Menschen
2019-05-24, Schmid, Holger, Wettstein, Felix, Nieuwenboom, Jan Willem, Bühler, Sarah
Innovative Methods of Effects Research in Inpatient Addiction Treatment - Measuring Changes of Quality of Life
2016-04-01, Bayer-Oglesby, Lucy, Schmid, Holger, Hellmüller, Ursula
Fair enough? Decreased equity of dyadic coping across the transition to parenthood associated with depression of first-time parents
2020, Meier, Fabienne, Milek, Anne, Rauch-Anderegg, Valentina, Benz-Fragnière, Christelle, Nieuwenboom, Jan Willem, Schmid, Holger, Halford, W. Kim, Bodenmann, Guy
The transition to parenthood (TTP) is a stressful life event for most couples. Therefore, the way both partners jointly cope with stress (i.e., dyadic coping) is important for the prevention of individual adjustment problems (e.g., depression). For dyadic coping to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms, efforts of both partners should be equal. However, many couples experience a decrease of equity in task division within the domestic sphere across the TTP. The current study investigates the equity of a specific skill within the ‘relationship sphere’, because similarly to a decreased equity in household and childcare, a decreased equity of dyadic coping is likely to be associated with poorer individual adjustment. We collected longitudinal self-report data on dyadic coping and depressive symptoms from 104 mixed-gender first-time parents (n = 208 individuals) from pregnancy until 40 weeks postpartum. We created an equity score for men and women that measured their perceived difference between received and provided dyadic coping. On average, women reported providing more and receiving less dyadic coping than men. While both genders agreed on this distribution, men did perceive a higher equity of dyadic coping than women. Furthermore, the decrease of equity perceived by women across TTP was not visible in men. In line with our assumptions based on the equity theory, perceived equity of dyadic coping was associated with depressive symptoms in a curvilinear manner: Decreases in women’s perceived equity in either direction (over- or underbenefit) were associated with more depressive symptoms in women and their male partners. This association was found above and beyond the beneficial effect of dyadic coping itself. This implies that not only how well partners support each other in times of stress, but also how equal both partners’ efforts are, is important for their individual adjustment across TTP.
15 Jahre Tabakpräventionsfonds: Ist die Pubertät überstanden?
2019, Schmid, Holger, Müller, Richard
Seit 15 Jahren werden durch den Tabakpräventionsfonds TPF jährlich rund 14 Millionen Franken für Projekte zur Verfügung gestellt, welche die Verbreitung des Rauchens senken sollen. Trotz Einsatz dieser Mittel rauchen unverändert mehr als 25 % der Bevölkerung. Eine drastische Erhöhung des Preises für Rauchwaren als eine wirksame, tabakspezifische Massnahme ist nicht in Sicht. Der TPF sollte wieder mehr Projekte finanzieren, an einer neutralen Stelle verwaltet werden und unabhängig von politischem Druck agieren können. Die Massnahmen zur Senkung der Verbreitung des Rauchens sind nicht ausgeschöpft.
Health inequalities: Social determinants of health and the role of Social Work
2016-03-31, Nieuwenboom, Jan Willem, Sommerfeld, Peter, Bayer-Oglesby, Lucy, Schmid, Holger
Wann ist Case Management indiziert? Ein Online-Instrument zur Erhebung des selbsteingeschätzten Hilfebedarfs in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen
2020, Schmid, Holger, Bühler, Sarah, Nieuwenboom, Jan Willem, Süsstrunk, Simon, Amstutz, Jeremias, Kilcher, Gablu, Scheibli, Erich, Möller, Elisabeth, Büchi, Stefan
L'approche psychométrique dans l'analyse du cas singulier
2016, Schmid, Holger, Reicherts, Michael, Genoud, Philippe A., Reicherts, Michael