Krause, Andreas

Krause, Andreas


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    Development of the Japanese version of the self-endangering work behavior (J-SEWB) scale
    (Juntendo Medical Society, 05/2022) Yokoyama, Kazuhito; Nakata, Akinori; Kannari, Yuto; Nickel, Frank; Deci, Nicole; Krause, Andreas; Dettmers, Jan [in: Juntendo Medical Journal]
    Objective The concept of self-endangering work behavior (SEWB) was recently proposed to describe problematic behaviors to cope with heavy workloads and self-management. Although SEWB may enable workers to achieve immediate goals, it risks health and long-term work capacity. In this study, we developed a Japanese version of the SEWB (J-SEWB) scale, which was originally in German, and verified its validity and reliability. Materials The original SEWB scale consisted of 21 items, constituting five subscales: “Intensification of working hours,” “Prolongation/extension of working hours,” “Refraining from recovery/leisure activities,” “Working despite illness,” and “Use of stimulating substances.” We translated the scale into Japanese, then checked the wording using back-translation. Methods The J-SEWB scale and questions for working conditions and sociodemographic variables was administered via an online survey with 600 participants registered with an internet survey company in Japan. Cronbach’s α coefficients were calculated for each subscale to assess internal consistency. Construct validity was examined using principal factor analysis with equamax rotation. An analysis of variance evaluated the relationships of J-SEWB scores with working conditions and sociodemographic variables. Results Cronbach’s α coefficients ranged from 0.846 to 0.964 for five subscales, and 0.957 for all 21 items (total J-SEWB score) in 600 participants. The factor analysis identified five factors, classifying 21 items into corresponding subscales. Total J-SEWB scores were significantly higher for flexible work as well as longer working hours. Conclusions The J-SEWB scale appears to be an effective tool for assessing SEWB in Japanese employees, with satisfactory reliability and construct validity
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