Compositing Spaces
DOI of the original publication
Project type
angewandte Forschung
Project start
Project end
Project status
Project contact
Wiedmer, Martin
Project manager
Wiedmer, Martin
Digital tools are used in the designing of spaces or the representation of architectural projects. Apart from bidimensional architectural plans and photorealistic visualization, computer-generated animation is becoming increasingly prevalent in architectural representation. Technically, this medium is throwing a bridge to cinematography. Compositionally, however, a whole new field of its own is opening up.
At this point Compositing Spaces cuts in. It points up the ways in which architectural animation may compositionally borrow from the world of cinematography. Co-operation with architectural visualizers, film specialists, and phenomenological psychologists brought forth a mode of expression that implements the compositing technique, i.e. the joining and animating of digital pictural elements. On the strength of high-resolution stills, a genuine pictorial language has evolved that not only improves upon narrative structures and haptic properties, but whose cost is reasonable, too.
Created during FHNW affiliation
Strategic action fields FHNW
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW
Institut Experimentelle Design- und Medienkulturen
Financed by
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF), DORE
Project partner
Mathys Partner GmbH
ArchiMedia Schweiz AG
nimmrichter cda
V bis F Video- und Filmproduktionen
HFF Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen München
Institut für Psychologie, Universität Basel
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kulturwissenschaften SGWK
Institut für Medienwissenschaften, Universität Basel
ArchiMedia Schweiz AG
nimmrichter cda
V bis F Video- und Filmproduktionen
HFF Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen München
Institut für Psychologie, Universität Basel
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kulturwissenschaften SGWK
Institut für Medienwissenschaften, Universität Basel
Contracting authority
SAP reference
Subject (DDC)
700 - Künste und Unterhaltung