Archetypes of early adopters in quantum computing - In the context of supply chain problems

dc.contributor.authorSchwarz, Philip
dc.contributor.mentorEhrenthal, Joachim
dc.description.abstractThe developments in quantum computing have rapidly increased in speed, and the so-called quantum advantage, the point where quantum computers will outperform classical computers, could soon be reached. Leading companies like Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, or D-Wave are already hosting cloud services where companies can try out quantum computing possibilities. As supply chain problems often deal with complex optimisation problems, they often limit themselves through assumptions or need to take long processing time into account. The impact on the business is currently not addressed in the most distinguished journals in supply chain management. This inductive, qualitative study research collects data from 10 companies to investigate how practitioners identify, evaluate, select, and implement quantum computing applications for supply chain problems. First, six process design themes were identified, and three early adopter archetypes were developed. The results suggest that only companies that can balance the six different relevant dimensions (Strategy, Identification, Technology Type, Methodology Type, Organisation, and Evaluation) and constantly reevaluate the necessary actions in the context of the current Technology Readiness Level are more likely to select suitable quantum technology and methods for their supply chain problems. Finally, the results open up research in the supply chain area for the possible application of quantum computing and derive actionable recommendations for business leaders.
dc.publisherHochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW
dc.subject.ddc330 - Wirtschaft
dc.titleArchetypes of early adopters in quantum computing - In the context of supply chain problems
dc.type11 - Studentische Arbeit
fhnw.affiliation.hochschuleHochschule für Wirtschaft
fhnw.affiliation.institutMaster of Science