Waterstraat, Silke
Waterstraat, Silke
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Publikation Corporate governance und corporate performance. Case study Japan(Springer, 2024) Kustner, Clemens; Waterstraat, Silke; Hüttche, TobiasAfter the bursting of the stock market bubble at the end of the 1980s Japan began to comprehensively reform its corporate governance system. Modernising Japan’s corporate governance system was seen as one of the key levers to making Japanese companies more profitable, faster growing and less risk-prone, with the overarching goal of revitalising the Japanese economy in the long term. The first phase of the reform lost some of its momentum in the wake of the great financial crisis that broke out in 2008. Prime Minister Abe then pushed the reform process forward again with vehemence from 2012 onwards. Abe’s reform efforts encompassed several elements, such as the reform of company law and the introduction of a corporate governance code and a stewardship code. At the same time, the Tokyo Stock Exchange has influenced the corporate governance of Japanese companies through its listing rules. From a regulatory perspective, the Japanese corporate governance system can be described as modern and efficient. However, corporate practice often lags behind. The Fujitec case study at the end of this chapter shows two things: first, how lacking the actual practice of corporate governance can be despite good rules. Second, it shows how determined shareholders today have the power to protect their interests and ensure that Japan’s modern corporate governance rules are brought to life, to the benefit of employees, shareholders and the Japanese economy as a whole.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation 04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation ESG Disclosures – Voluntary guidelines and standards & mandatory regulations. A decision framework for directors of multinational firms(ExpertSuisse, 2023) Da Silva Lima, Yanina; Waterstraat, Silke01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation IFRS 9 Einführung in Banken – Implikationen für Unternehmen(WEKA, 2022) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Does board composition taking account of sustainability expertise influence ESG ratings? An exploratory study of European banks(Springer, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens; Koch, Maximilian; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Working Capital Management - Tipps in Zeiten der Krise(WEKA, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Negativzinsen und Profitabilitätsstrategien von Retailbanken(ExpertSuisse, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Trade Finance – Finanzierung von Handelsaktivitäten(WEKA, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Messung der Treasury Performance(WEKA, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Negativzinsen – Herausforderung im Cash-Management(WEKA, 2021) Waterstraat, Silke; Kustner, Clemens01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung