Grimm, David
Grimm, David
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Publikation (Near) real-time snow water equivalent observation using GNSS refractometry and RTKLIB(MDPI, 2022) Steiner, Ladina; Studemann, Géraldine Laurence; Grimm, David; Marty, Christoph; Leinss, SilvanGlobal navigation satellite system (GNSS) refractometry enables automated and continuous in situ snow water equivalent (SWE) observations. Such accurate and reliable in situ data are needed for calibration and validation of remote sensing data and could enhance snow hydrological monitoring and modeling. In contrast to previous studies which relied on post-processing with the highly sophisticated Bernese GNSS processing software, the feasibility of in situ SWE determination in post-processing and (near) real time using the open-source GNSS processing software RTKLIB and GNSS refractometry based on the biased coordinate Up component is investigated here. Available GNSS observations from a fixed, high-end GNSS refractometry snow monitoring setup in the Swiss Alps are reprocessed for the season 2016/17 to investigate the applicability of RTKLIB in post-processing. A fixed, low-cost setup provides continuous SWE estimates in near real time at a low cost for the complete 2021/22 season. Additionally, a mobile, (near) real-time and low-cost setup was designed and evaluated in March 2020. The fixed and mobile multi-frequency GNSS setups demonstrate the feasibility of (near) real-time SWE estimation using GNSS refractometry. Compared to state-of-the-art manual SWE observations, a mean relative bias below 5% is achieved for (near) real-time and post-processed SWE estimation using RTKLIB01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Highly accurate pose estimation as a reference for autonomous vehicles in near-range scenarios(MDPI, 2021) Kälin, Ursula; Staffa, Louis; Grimm, David; Wendt, AxelTo validate the accuracy and reliability of onboard sensors for object detection and localization for driver assistance, as well as autonomous driving applications under realistic conditions (indoors and outdoors), a novel tracking system is presented. This tracking system is developed to determine the position and orientation of a slow-moving vehicle during test maneuvers within a reference environment (e.g., car during parking maneuvers), independent of the onboard sensors. One requirement is a 6 degree of freedom (DoF) pose with position uncertainty below 5 mm (3σ), orientation uncertainty below 0.3° (3σ), at a frequency higher than 20 Hz, and with a latency smaller than 500 ms. To compare the results from the reference system with the vehicle’s onboard system, synchronization via a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and system interoperability to a robot operating system (ROS) are achieved. The developed system combines motion capture cameras mounted in a 360° panorama view setup on the vehicle, measuring retroreflective markers distributed over the test site with known coordinates, while robotic total stations measure a prism on the vehicle. A point cloud of the test site serves as a digital twin of the environment, in which the movement of the vehicle is visualized. The results have shown that the fused measurements of these sensors complement each other, so that the accuracy requirements for the 6 DoF pose can be met while allowing a flexible installation in different environments.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Implementierung der Bibliothek in die Campus App Muttenz der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)(Universitätsbibliothek Basel, 2021) Ledl, Andreas; Grimm, David; Hürzeler, MariusDer Artikel beschreibt am Beispiel der Campus App Muttenz der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW), wie zentrale Bibliotheksfunktionalitäten in bereits bestehende Apps integriert werden können. Er liefert einen Überblick über die Hochschul-App-Landschaft der Schweiz, schildert die spezifischen Anforderungen der Campus Muttenz Bibliothek und deren technische Umsetzung in der App und zeigt so Wege für Bibliotheken auf, ausgewählte Dienstleistungen über Responsive Webdesign hinaus nativ auf Smartphones und Tablets verfügbar zu machen. Using the example of the Campus App Muttenz of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), the article describes how central library functionalities can be integrated into already existing apps. It provides an overview of the university app landscape in Switzerland, describes the specific requirements of the Campus Muttenz library and their technical implementation in the app, and thus shows ways for libraries to make selected services available natively on smartphones and tablets beyond Responsive Web Design.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift