Grimberg, Frank
Grimberg, Frank
13 Ergebnisse
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Publikation A cyber attack simulation for teaching cybersecurity(2023) Scherb, Christopher; Heitz, Luc; Grimberg, Frank; Grieder, Hermann; Maurer, Marcel; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, KnutWith the rising number of cyberattacks, such as ransomware attacks and cyber espionage, educating non-cybersecurity professionals to recognize threats has become more important than ever before. However, traditional training methods, such as phishing awareness campaigns, training videos and assessments have proven to be less effective over time. Therefore, it is time to rethink the approach on how to train cyber awareness. In this paper we suggest an alternative approach -- a serious game -- to educate awareness for common cyberattacks. While many serious games for cybersecurity education exist, all follow a very similar approach: showing people the effects of a cyber attack on their own system or company network. For example, one of the main tasks in these games is to sort out phishing mails. We developed and evaluated a new type of cybersecurity game: an attack simulator, which shows the entire setting from a different perspective. Instead of sorting out phishing mails the players should write phishing mails to trick potential victims and use other forms of cyberattacks. Our game explains the intention of each attack and shows the consequences of a successful attack. This way, we hope, players will get a better understanding on how to detect cyberattacks.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Building digital trust to protect whistleblowers - A blockchain-based reporting channel(2023) Asprion, Petra; Grieder, Hermann; Grimberg, FrankOrganizations today need internal reporting channels to report illegal/unethical misconduct. For this purpose, organizations set up one or more - often digital - internal reporting channels. Persons/Employees who want to report misconduct, so-called whistleblowers, expose themselves to reprisals and therefore need trustworthy reporting channels which ensure ´Digital Trust´. Blockchain, a technology that overcomes the need for trust due to its properties of immutability and integrity of data, could be promising as underlying technology for a digital reporting channel which is recognized as trustworthy. In our research, we explored multiple perspectives relevant to a trustworthy digital reporting system. Applying design science research, we evaluated the current state of the art of (digital) reporting channels and developed a prototypical blockchain-based reporting solution called “Integrity@Inside”. The prototype is being iteratively demonstrated and pre-evaluated.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation RWD-Cockpit. Application for quality assessment of real-world data(JMIR Publications, 18.10.2022) Degen, Markus; Babrak, Lmar; Smakaj, Erand; Agac, Teyfik; Asprion, Petra; Grimberg, Frank; Van der Werf, Daan; Van Ginkel, Erwin Willem; Tosoni, Deniz David; Clay, Ieuan; Brodbeck, Dominique; Natali, Eriberto; Schkommodau, Erik; Miho, EnkelejdaDigital technologies are transforming the health care system. A large part of information is generated as real-world data (RWD). Data from electronic health records and digital biomarkers have the potential to reveal associations between the benefits and adverse events of medicines, establish new patient-stratification principles, expose unknown disease correlations, and inform on preventive measures. The impact for health care payers and providers, the biopharmaceutical industry, and governments is massive in terms of health outcomes, quality of care, and cost. However, a framework to assess the preliminary quality of RWD is missing, thus hindering the conduct of population-based observational studies to support regulatory decision-making and real-world evidence.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation RWD-Cockpit: application for quality assessment of real-world data(JMIR Publications, 2022) Babrak, Lmar; Smakaj, Erand; Agac, Teyfik; Asprion, Petra; Grimberg, Frank; Van der Werf, Daan; van Ginkel, Erwin Willem; Tosoni, Deniz David; Clay, Ieuan; Degen, Markus; Brodbeck, Dominique; Natali, Eriberto Noel; Schkommodau, Erik; Miho, EnkelejdaBackground: Digital technologies are transforming the health care system. A large part of information is generated as real-world data (RWD). Data from electronic health records and digital biomarkers have the potential to reveal associations between the benefits and adverse events of medicines, establish new patient-stratification principles, expose unknown disease correlations, and inform on preventive measures. The impact for health care payers and providers, the biopharmaceutical industry, and governments is massive in terms of health outcomes, quality of care, and cost. However, a framework to assess the preliminary quality of RWD is missing, thus hindering the conduct of population-based observational studies to support regulatory decision-making and real-world evidence. Objective: To address the need to qualify RWD, we aimed to build a web application as a tool to translate characterization of some quality parameters of RWD into a metric and propose a standard framework for evaluating the quality of the RWD. Methods: The RWD-Cockpit systematically scores data sets based on proposed quality metrics and customizable variables chosen by the user. Sleep RWD generated de novo and publicly available data sets were used to validate the usability and applicability of the web application. The RWD quality score is based on the evaluation of 7 variables: manageability specifies access and publication status; complexity defines univariate, multivariate, and longitudinal data; sample size indicates the size of the sample or samples; privacy and liability stipulates privacy rules; accessibility specifies how the data set can be accessed and to what granularity; periodicity specifies how often the data set is updated; and standardization specifies whether the data set adheres to any specific technical or metadata standard. These variables are associated with several descriptors that define specific characteristics of the data set. Results: To address the need to qualify RWD, we built the RWD-Cockpit web application, which proposes a framework and applies a common standard for a preliminary evaluation of RWD quality across data sets—molecular, phenotypical, and social—and proposes a standard that can be further personalized by the community retaining an internal standard. Applied to 2 different case studies—de novo–generated sleep data and publicly available data sets—the RWD-Cockpit could identify and provide researchers with variables that might increase quality Conclusions: The results from the application of the framework of RWD metrics implemented in the RWD-Cockpit application suggests that multiple data sets can be preliminarily evaluated in terms of quality using the proposed metrics. The output scores—quality identifiers—provide a first quality assessment for the use of RWD. Although extensive challenges remain to be addressed to set RWD quality standards, our proposal can serve as an initial blueprint for community efforts in the characterization of RWD quality for regulated settings.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Integrity@Inside - Blockchain-based Whistleblowing(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2022) Asprion, Petra; Grieder, Hermann; Grimberg, FrankIntegrity@Inside leverages blockchain technology to prototype a web-based internal reporting channel that is compliant with the new EU Directive 2019/1937.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation The real-world data challenges radar: a review on the challenges and risks regarding the use of real-world data(Karger, 2021) Grimberg, Frank; Asprion, Petra; Schneider, Bettina; Miho, Enkelejda; Babrak, Lmar; Habbabeh, AliBackground: The life science industry has a strong interest in real-world data (RWD), a term that is currently being used in many ways and with varying definitions depending on the source. In this review article, we provide a summary overview of the challenges and risks regarding the use of RWD and its translation into real-world evidence and provide a classification and visualization of RWD challenges by means of the RWD Challenges Radar. Summary: Based on a systematic literature search, we identified 3 types of challenges – organizational, technological, and people-based – that must be addressed when deriving evidence from RWD to be used in drug approval and other applications. It further demonstrates that numerous different aspects, for example, related to the application field and the associated industry, must be considered. A key finding in our review is that the regulatory landscape must be carefully assessed before utilizing RWD. Key Messages: Establishing awareness and insight into the challenges and risks regarding the use of RWD will be key to taking full advantage of the RWD potential. As a result of this review, an “RWD Challenges Radar” will support the establishment of awareness by providing a comprehensive overview of the relevant aspects to be considered when employing RWD.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Innovative Lernmodelle zur Bewältigung der digitalen Transformation in der Audit- und Controllingprofession(Verlag IFZ – Hochschule Luzern, 2021) Canipa, Marco; Grimberg, Frank; Krings, Ulrich; Behringer, StefanWelche Rolle spielen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen in einer Welt, in der Wissen leichter zugänglich ist als je zuvor? Dies ist eine zentrale Frage, der sich Bildungseinrichtungen heute stellen müssen. So wie viele andere Unternehmen durch den digitalen Wandel bereits gezwungen waren, ihre Geschäftsmodelle zu überdenken, müssen auch Hochschulen einen Weg finden, um attraktiv zu bleiben. Das Bildungsumfeld hat sich mit dem Aufkommen des Internets verändert, durch das Wissen ortsunabhängig und permanent verfügbar geworden ist. Schon vor der Corona-Krise wurden immer mehr Bildungsangebote ins Internet verlagert. Sogenannte Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) ermöglichen es Interessierten, Kurse von renommierten Universitäten online und meist kostenlos zu besuchen. Diese Veränderungen durch die Digitalisierung stellen jedoch keine grundsätzliche Bedrohung für die traditionellen Bildungseinrichtungen dar. Vielmehr sind sie dazu aufgefordert, ihr Bildungsangebot entsprechend anzupassen, um die Vorteile beider Systeme in Kombination nutzen zu können. Auch aus Sicht des Berufsstandes der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der Controller haben Studien herausgefunden, dass der Status quo für einen Berufseinstieg in Zukunft nicht mehr ausreichen wird. Dementsprechend hat die Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) begonnen, ihr prüfungs- und controllingspezifisches Bildungsangebot zu modernisieren. Traditionelle Vorlesungen in "Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling" des FHNW-Bachelor-Studiengangs in Betriebsökonomie wurden durch den Einsatz neuer innovativer Lernmodelle weiterentwickelt. Damit kann die FHNW nicht nur die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung nutzen, sondern auch den Bedürfnissen der Audit- und Controllingbranche aufgrund der veränderten Berufspraxis gerecht werden.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Innovative learning models to master the digital transformation in the audit profession(2020) Canipa, Marco; Grimberg, Frank; Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín; Candel Torres, IgnacioThe fourth industrial revolution is in full swing. The digitalization of living and working environments is changing our society and thus the way we learn. Under these conditions, audit work is becoming even more process-oriented, networked and with a more holistic audit focus. Universities - like the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) - are playing a crucial part at an early stage on the career path of an auditor. Hence, there is a strong need to react on the digital transformation in the audit profession by implementing innovative learning models in a way that graduates bring newly required competencies and qualifications into their job as an auditor of tomorrow.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Exploring cyber security awareness through LEGO serious play part I: the learning experience(ToKnowPress, 2020) Asprion, Petra; Schneider, Bettina; Moriggl, Pascal; Grimberg, Frank; Dermol, ValerijLego Serious Play (LSP) is a methodology that helps people brainstorm and discuss complex ideas through storytelling and metaphors. LSP has been successfully applied as a mechanism for creative learning and team building. In this paper, we discuss using LSP to teach core topics of Cyber Security and Resilience (CS&R) in higher education. Initial results suggest that LSP has a positive impact on student learning, while also improving student engagement both, within the course and in their business environment. While the use of LSP discussed here focuses on its implementation in CS&R courses, this highly transferable methodology can be applied across the spectrum of disciplines and for multiple purposes. In addition, it can also be used to facilitate cyber security awareness or risk assessment workshops in various environments.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Real World Data - Technologies, Research Questions and Applications - Study in Cooperation - School of Business & School of Life Science(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2019) Grimberg, Frank; Asprion, Petra; Schneider, Bettina; Miho, Enkelejda; Babrak, Lmar; Habbabeh, AliIn this research report of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), a classification of ‘Real World Data’ into the research landscape takes place. In addition, an identification of the still open research questions is done based on the fundamental principles and properties. The manifold potential of this relatively new data set is illustrated by a presentation of the already existing but also conceivable future application possibilities. Finally, the contribution of the FHNW, based on its specific competencies, to the further application of the dataset is shown.05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht