Özdemir, Feriha
Feriha Özdemir
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Publikation Platform-based solutions in the German craft sector(2022) Said, Christophe; Özdemir, FerihaDigitalization continues to gain in importance. Entire industries have been revolutionized by platform-based companies. Companies that cannot keep up with this rapid change will sooner or later lose out. This development is not limited to industry or commerce; it will also affect traditional industries such as the skilled trades in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the following research questions are examined in more detail in this paper: - What opportunities and challenges do digital platforms offer as an (additional) business model for craft enterprises? - How can craft enterprises use these insights? Studies show that the challenges outweigh the opportunities when it comes to developing a platform of their own for small craft enterprises. A development time of several years, barriers to thinking, and a lack of personnel and time resources inhibit innovative investments within the craft enterprises. Nevertheless, the opportunities that come with the use of an in-house or external platform are of great importance for the survival of craft enterprises. As technology advances, the industry will become a strong competitor for the manufacturing trades. Through digital platforms, small businesses can build up a network and thus save costs and increase efficiency. In addition, many customers request an increasingly comprehensive holistic service which must be implemented primarily using digitized processes. Consequently, many small craft businesses must deal with this topic. At present, most companies are relying on their business model. Future developments are not adequately questioned and consequently a strategy is missing. This poses the risk that early entry will be missed. In addition, some gaps have been noticed in the research; for example, the lack of differentiation between rating or mediation platforms and a holistic ecosystem, the lack of investigation of private and public platforms, and the (future) role of industry in the craft sector.06 - PräsentationPublikation From managing diversity to managing opportunity(Open Education Platform, 2021) Özdemir, Feriha; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, KnutCompanies with path-dependencies on trivial assumptions reach their limits in Society 5.0. Resilient and vital organizations need multiple reservoirs of competencies, i.e .their people’s capabilities. Furthermore, resilient organizations in hypermodernity depend on an ability to respond to rising complexity by enhancing their own inner variety and competencies. Society 5.0 is characterized by a huge amount of diversity, and is human-focused. This paper presents a human-centered approach, the Capability Approach, which is conceptualized as a developed approach to Diversity Management. This paper goes beyond the classical diversity discourse, outlining an approach to Managing Opportunities in Society 5.0 that contributes toward the SDGs and Capability Management, introducing the Capability Cycle as a process for managing opportunities for dialogue-orientated communication. An economy designed for people requires a new diversity discourse − because the right to development is an inalienable human right.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Smart Services – Innovationen und der Transfer in KMU und Handwerk(Springer, 2021) Strina, Giuseppe; Özdemir, Feriha; Said, Christophe; Heinen, Ewald; Sterzik, Alexander; Lerche, Henrik; Rein, Wilfried; Beverungen, Daniel; Schumann, Jan Hendrik; Stich, Volker; Strina, GiuseppeAusgangssituation dieses Beitrags und damit des gesamten Projekts ist die Feststellung, dass bei kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in Bezug auf Digitalisierung und Dienstleistungsinnovation in erster Linie nicht etwa eine Forschungslücke, sondern vielmehr ein hoher Transferbedarf besteht. Die vorherrschende Auffassung im Digitalisierungsdiskurs wird durch die Annahme einer technischen Pfadabhängigkeit dominiert. Die Digitalisierung als fortschreitender Transformationsprozess von Unternehmen sollte jedoch vielmehr begriffen werden als Gesamtheit strategischer, organisatorischer und soziokultureller Veränderungen. Es geht also um mehr als „nur“ technische Entwicklung. Es geht um Veränderungen von Managementansätzen und Geschäftsmodellen in Unternehmen. Im Vordergrund dieses, noch nicht abgeschlossenen, Begleitvorhabens der Universität Siegen und des itb steht die Transferlücke, die bei KMU und Handwerksbetrieben besteht. Hierzu werden u. a. die für die Umsetzung von Dienstleistungsinnovation durch Digitalisierung erforderlichen Transferaktivitäten gezielt um solche Maßnahmen erweitert, die ausdrücklich den kleinbetrieblichen Sektor mit passgenauen Instrumenten und zielgruppengerechten Formaten adressieren.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Connected capabilities in democratic organizations(2019) Özdemir, FerihaResilient and vital organizations need multiple reservoirs of competences that are people’s capabilities. Furthermore, resilient organizations in hypermodernity depend on the ability to respond to rising complexity by increasing their own inner variety and competences. Discrimination is a process of exclusion and has great impacts on the capabilities of people. Unequal employment opportunities and disadvantages in the labor market are exposed to a lack of opportunities with the result of a capability gap. Diversity Management is known as a strategy to promote diversity, to reduce disadvantages in organizations, protect from discrimination and to enhance equality of opportunities. But it makes differences of human beings visible, too (Özdemir 2019). It focuses on six core dimensions that are subject of the German Equal Treatment Law: ethnicity, gender, religion, physical disability, age or sexual orientation (§1 AGG). Conventional diversity approaches are strongly focused on highlighting differences of human diversity that is based on one-dimensional attribution of identity and stereotyping with the result of a) more discrimination b) exclusion of multidimensional discrimination in the classic discourses.06 - PräsentationPublikation Managing Capability. Ein Ansatz zur Neubestimmung von Diversity Management(Springer Gabler, 2019) Özdemir, FerihaDieses Buch ist ein fundamentaler Beitrag für die Grundlagenforschung sowie die Anwendungsorientierung im Diversity Management. Ausgehend vom klassischen Diversity-Ansatz wird ein Befähigungsansatz für den Management- und Organisationsbereich entwickelt, der über eine plurale Managementtheorie den üblichen Diversity-Diskurs verlässt. Der neue, ganzheitliche Capability-Ansatz der Autorin, der innovativ diverse Ideen und Theorien integriert, postuliert eine differenzierte Förderung, die Entwicklung einer Befähigungskultur und strukturelle Verbesserungen, die Entfremdung und Diskriminierung wirklich aufheben und ist insbesondere für Handlungszusammenhänge in der Praxis konzipiert.02 - MonographiePublikation Das Recht auf Befähigung – der Capability Approach als neue Gerechtigkeitstheorie(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019) Özdemir, Feriha; Bergmann, Gustav; Daub, Jürgen; Özdemir, FerihaAls eine Form von Befähigung und neue Gerechtigkeitstheorie führt der vorgestellte Capability Ansatz als neuer Diversity Ansatz ethische Überlegungen in die Ökonomie für die Menschen und die Mitwelt. Damit etabliert sich der Diskurs um das gehaltvolle Leben zur Grundlage der digitalen Transformation. Die Idee einer gehaltvollen Zusammenarbeit wird die Arbeitswelt maßgeblich umgestalten. Die Ausführungen über den Capability Approach legitimieren eine Ökonomie für den Menschen, die sich entsprechend auf den Leistungsbegriff auswirken. Leistung über Befähigung und Verwirklichungschancen legitimiert gutes Leben. Der aktuelle Leistungsbegriff legitimiert lediglich gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit. Das gehaltvolle Leben in einer Leistungsgesellschaft muss unaufhörlich mit allen Beteiligten gestaltet werden, denn das gute Leben existiert nicht ohne Weiteres.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Developing digital service systems innovations in SME especially crafts(2019) Özdemir, Feriha; Said, Christophe; Strina, GiuseppeNew digital start-ups are threatening business models of traditional service providers. Creating new service systems innovations in a digital world has reached a new dimension. Examples like Uber and Zipcar in transportation, Airbnb in hotels and hospitality or AngelList in venture capital reflect the digital disruptions that began two decades ago. Especially SME businesses in the field of crafting are facing new challenges in developing innovative service systems. The purpose of this study is to examine, exemplary in selected companies, to what extent accompanying concepts / coaching concepts for SME can be developed specifically to help crafts, to identify digitization and digitalization potentials for the company and to realize new innovative services. The focus is clearly on the transferability of these concepts to other craft SMEs to help them developing digital smart services.06 - PräsentationPublikation Diversity management: towards managing capabilities(Ibima, 2018) Özdemir, FerihaThe future prospects of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in Germany depend on creative employees as key actors. Nevertheless, several studies investigated inequalities especially discrimination in the labor market intensifying brain drain. Social discrimination has great impact on the capabilities of people, particularly in labour. Disadvantages are exposed to a lack of opportunities with the result of a capability gap. A widely known management tool to handle diversity and prevent discrimination in organizations is called Diversity Management. This management concept offers competitive advantages but it is mostly a management tool of bigger enterprise performances. This paper will present a process of enabling and empowering management process of capabilities. It is presented by the example of the ‘Solution Cycle’ which will be called a participatory process design contributing to the lack in the classical diversity management approach.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Future Mobility in Case of Electro-Mobility in a German Regiopolis(2018) Özdemir, Feriha; Said, Christopheindustrialized countries, is a major challenge. Electromobility is intended with a huge potential of sustainable innovation and will emerge in urban areas. Urban mobility solutions are changing and become multi-modal sharing systems which combine different mobile alternatives. Nevertheless, changing the mobility culture means changing mobility habits, practices and values and allaying fear of new things. Younger generations currently undergo a transformation towards a multi-modal sharing system and collaborative economy. Both are regarded as interventions against the automobile path-dependency (Urri 2006). The transition into electromobility is a chance for urban regions to design an environmentally friendly mobility form (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology 2016). This research project works with the contextual-relational approach that integrates all actors in this changing process. The goal is to design and promote a framework of electromobility in an urban area in Germany with a high automobile- dependency. This happens by a networked innovation cooperation with regional companies and the city council. The transformation of the mobility culture towards new mobility solutions happens in four separate but collaborative service development processes.06 - Präsentation