Auflistung nach Schlagwort "003 - Systeme"
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Publikation 3D imaging for hold baggage screening: The relevance of rotation and slicing functions(06.09.2022) Merks, Sarah; Sauer, Juergen; Schwaninger, Adrian06 - PräsentationPublikation A viewpoint-based case-based reasoning approach utilising an enterprise architecture ontology for experience management(Taylor & Francis, 28.03.2016) Martin, Andreas; Emmenegger, Sandro; Hinkelmann, Knut; Thönssen, BarbaraThe accessibility of project knowledge obtained from experiences is an important and crucial issue in enterprises. This information need about project knowledge can be different from one person to another depending on the different roles he or she has. Therefore, a new ontology-based case-based reasoning (OBCBR) approach that utilises an enterprise ontology is introduced in this article to improve the accessibility of this project knowledge. Utilising an enterprise ontology improves the case-based reasoning (CBR) system through the systematic inclusion of enterprise-specific knowledge. This enterprise-specific knowledge is captured using the overall structure given by the enterprise ontology named ArchiMEO, which is a partial ontological realisation of the enterprise architecture framework (EAF) ArchiMate. This ontological representation, containing historical cases and specific enterprise domain knowledge, is applied in a new OBCBR approach. To support the different information needs of different stakeholders, this OBCBR approach has been built in such a way that different views, viewpoints, concerns and stakeholders can be considered. This is realised using a case viewpoint model derived from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard. The introduced approach was implemented as a demonstrator and evaluated using an application case that has been elicited from a business partner in the Swiss research project.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Aesthetic design of app interfaces and their impact on secondary students’ interest and learning(Elsevier, 2022) Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen; Agotai, Doris; Iten, Glena; Opwis, KlausInterest in science topics is an important prerequisite for science learning and achievement. Here, as part of a field experiment, we studied whether teenagers’ interest and learning of physics topics would be influenced by the aesthetics of a multimedia learning app. More specifically, we investigated with the example of learning about energy (types of power plants) how different interface designs of a multimedia learning app would influence aesthetic experience, interest, and learning outcome. In our study Swiss high school students (N = 108) were assigned to one of two conditions (i.e., game-style vs. industrial-style) differing in various aesthetic features. Results indicate that high-quality interfaces support learning and expressive aesthetic design features additionally foster interest in order to engage with the topic. Moreover, our findings on aesthetic experience suggest that deep perceptual processes, such as emotion and cognitive stimulation induced by interfaces, further impact interest and learning. Thus, our study gives implications for the design of interest-generating and learning-supporting science apps for teenagers and emphasizes the significance to consider aesthetic experience in future research.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation AI empowerment in scientific endeavors: illuminating student potential and seizing opportunities with self-learning materials(IATED Academy, 2024) Weber, Joshua; Tschopp, Dominik; Chova, Luis Gómez; Martínez, Chelo González; Lees, Joanna04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation AI makes its way into airport x-ray Screening(Aerospace & Security Media, 24.07.2024) Sterchi, Yanik01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Algorithmic Nudging for Sustainability in E-Commerce: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda(06.06.2022) Wozniak, Thomas; Stieger, Mirjam; Schaffner, Dorothea; Schu, Matthias; Lu, Guang04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Am Anfang war das Netzwerk – die Entwicklung von Fachsoftware aus Perspektive der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie(Kohlhammer, 2024) Rink, Konstantin; Weber, Joshua; Seelmeyer, Udo; Schröer, Laura; Bräutigam, Christoph; Schmidt, Christopher; Evans, Michaela04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Arbeitsintegration – Implementierung eines Learning Management Systems bei der arbeitsmarktlichen Massnahme Berner Stellennetz (AMM BEST). Eine qualitative Analyse aus der Sicht von internen und externen Expertinnen und Experten(Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW, 07.09.2023) Stähli, Tatjana; Avramakis, Joannis; Stiftung Diaconis, Geschäftsbereich Arbeitsintegration, AMM Berner StellennetzEine Lernplattform soll gemäss neuem Leistungsauftrag in die Bewerbungskurse bei der arbeitsmarktlichen Massnahme Berner Stellennetz integriert werden. Dabei soll ein Produkt entstehen, welches von den Teilnehmenden akzeptiert und genutzt wird sowie Erkenntnisse aus der Psychologie berücksichtigt. In der Vorliegenden Arbeit wird anhand von qualitativer Forschung in Form von internen und externen Experteninterviews eine Gesamtübersicht geschaffen und Hinweise zur Konzeption und Implementierung der Lernplattform zusammengetragen. Dabei fliessen Erkenntnisse zu den Konstrukten Akzeptanz und Reaktanz ein. Ebenfalls werden Determinanten der modernen Zielpsychologie ermittelt und Handlungsempfehlungen für Inhalte und Gestaltung abgeleitet. Die Determinanten der Machbarkeit und Wünschbarkeit, konkretes vs. abstraktes Denken, Ideal-Selbst vs. Soll-Selbst, implizite Theorien der Fähigkeit und Zielhierarchien können bei der Gestaltung der Lernplattform berücksichtigt werden. Auf der Lernplattform lassen sie sich mittels Erfolgsgeschichten, verschiedener Hilfestellungen für die Zielformulierung, positiver Formulierungen mit Fokus auf Fortschritte und der Abbildung von Lernzielen und Beispielen zu Zielhierarchien abbilden. Zugleich gelten Selbstwirksamkeit und Optimismus als auf die Machbarkeits-Determinante einwirkende Grössen. Selbstwirksamkeit kann mit Erfolgserlebnissen auf der Lernplattform gestärkt werden. Optimismus unterstützt dabei, Ziele zu formulieren und umzusetzen. Die Fachkräfte können mit ihrer Haltung einen Beitrag zur optimistischen Stimmung leisten. Ebenso zentral für eine zielführende Umsetzung sind die Wahrnehmung des Nutzens sowie der Bedienbarkeit der Lernplattform. Diese soll einen hohen Unterhaltungs- sowie Informationswert bieten. Integration von Humor und Referenzpersonen auf der Lernplattform und Partizipation wirken sich positiv auf Widerstände aus. Stets zu berücksichtigen ist die heterogene Zielgruppe. Eine individuelle Auseinandersetzung mit der Lernplattform soll dabei möglich sein und wirkt reaktanzmindernd.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Automatisierte Sprengstofferkennung von 2D Röntgensystemen mit multi-view Technologie: gehört das Entfernen von elektronischen Gegenständen aus dem Handgepäck bald der Vergangenheit an?(04.03.2021) Hügli, David; Merks, Sarah; Schwaninger, Adrian06 - PräsentationPublikation Bar display or numeric display – which punctuality display makes more sense for train drivers?(09.11.2022) Stoller, Nicole; Wahrstätter, Stefan; Brüngger, Jonas; Fischer, KatrinBackground: Drivers of some public transport, like trams or buses, are equipped with a punctuality display to continuously monitor the actual status with the scheduled times of the timetable. The train drivers of the Swiss Federal Railways and some other major railway companies in the country do not have such a punctuality display until now. Instead, they receive other information aids on the screen of their work tablets, such as frequent passage times for operating points or recommended speeds for a smooth and energy-saving journey. However, train drivers must compare two displayed times and perform a mental calculation to get their current earliness or delay in relation to the timetable. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how a punctuality display needs to be designed to support drivers in a smooth and safe journey without causing stress or distraction. Method: Two prototype punctuality displays, a bar graph display and a numeric display, were developed in a workshop with experts from the railway and occupational psychology fields. During the development the two prototypes were evaluated according to suitable design and usability criteria such as task appropriateness, conformity to expectations or individuality. In addition, the two prototypes were not allowed to restrict the train drivers' scope of action or distract them during the journey. The train drivers tested the two punctuality displays on test tablets during one to two work shifts. They then rated usefulness, distraction, stress, risk of confusion and other issues on an online-questionnaire using a 7-point Likert scale. Results: Seventy-three train drivers tested the punctuality displays, 55 of whom completed the questionnaire. Eighty per cent of the drivers preferred the numerical display to the bar display. The ratings of some aspects, such as usefulness or interpretability, were significantly higher for the numeric display than for the bar display. Conclusion: The results show a clear preference for the numeric display over the bar display. While the usability criteria in this study were only considered for the punctuality display itself, they should also be applied when the system is put in place.06 - PräsentationPublikation Being Snoopy and Smart: The Relationship between Curiosity, Fluid Intelligence, and Knowledge(Hogrefe, 2022) Hartung, Freda-Marie; Thieme, Pia; Wild-Wall, Nele; Hell, BenediktCuriosity is a basic driver for learning and development. It has been conceptualized as a desire for new information and knowledge that motivates people to explore their physical and social environment. This raises the question of whether curiosity facilitates the acquisition of knowledge. The present study ( N = 100) assessed epistemic curiosity and general knowledge as well as fluid intelligence (i.e., reasoning ability, processing speed, memory) in a student sample. The results indicate that epistemic curiosity is moderately related to knowledge ( r = .24) and reasoning ability ( r = .30). None of the fluid intelligence measures did moderate the relationship between curiosity and knowledge (interaction terms β < |.08|). Rather, reasoning ability mediated the relationship between epistemic curiosity and general knowledge (indirect effect: β = .10, p < .05). The findings suggest that epistemic curiosity facilitates the acquisition of knowledge by promoting reasoning. One might speculate that epistemically curious individuals enrich their environment, which in turn enhances their cognitive ability.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Boundary Management(02.12.2021) Baumgartner, Marcel; Knecht, MichaelaModerne Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien machen es möglich, praktisch immer und überall zu arbeiten und erreichbar zu sein. Diese Entwicklung stellt eine Chance dar: Sie sorgt für mehr Flexibilität und damit für eine aktive Gestaltung der Life Domain Balance. Sie birgt aber auch Risiken für die Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit, wenn ein Abschalten der Arbeit nicht mehr gelingt. Im Lunch Learning "Boundary Management" behandeln die beiden Forschenden Dr. Michaela Knecht und Marcel Baumgartner von der Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW das Thema Abgrenzung von Beruf und Privatleben. Sie werden wichtige Einflussfaktoren besprechen und Ihnen Anregungen mitgeben, wie eine gesundheitsförderliche Abgrenzung von Beruf und Privatleben gelingen kann.06 - PräsentationPublikation Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes von Künstlicher Intelligenz im HR-Bereich(12.12.2022) Hell, Benedikt06 - PräsentationPublikation Cybersecurity-Awareness. Die spielerische Gestaltung von Cybersecurity – Untersuchung der Effektivität von spielbasierten Ansätzen am Beispiel des Escape-Rooms(Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW, 07.09.2023) Malama, Annina; Ruf, Alessia; Breakout BaselIn einer zunehmend digitalen Welt ist der Schutz vertraulicher Informationen und Systeme vor Bedrohungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Angesichts der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung von Angriffsmethoden und der wachsenden Komplexität von Cyberbedrohungen sind innovative und effektive Schulungsansätze erforderlich. Diese Bachelorarbeit untersucht die Wirksamkeit von spielbasierten Ansätzen bei der Vermittlung von Cyberthemen am Beispiel eines Escape-Rooms. Durch den Einsatz qualitativer sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden wurden sieben Cybersecurity-Experten aus der Schweiz befragt, um Einblicke in die praktische Umsetzung von Awareness-Massnahmen zu gewinnen. Der spielbasierte Ansatz bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, komplexe Themen interaktiv und erlebnisorientiert zu vermitteln. Die Sensibilisierung für Cybersecurity wird von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst, wobei das individuelle Sicherheitsbewusstsein einen wesentlichen Einfluss darstellt. Ausserdem zeigen die Ergebnisse die Bedeutung der Berücksichtigung dieser Faktoren bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Schulungsinitiativen im Bereich Cybersecurity.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Der Mensch als Erfolgsfaktor bei der Digitalisierung von Industrieprozessen(19.03.2024) Kugler, Manuel; Schmid, Daniel; Sommerhäuser, Lars; Wäfler, Toni10 - Elektronische-/ WebpublikationPublikation Digital Distance in Times of Physical Distancing: ICT Infrastructure and Use in Long-Term Care Facilities(SAGE, 21.02.2023) Seifert, Alexander; Cotten, SheliaAlthough information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as smartphones, tablets, and the internet have all become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic, we often forget that not everyone has access to the internet or uses ICT devices. Individuals on the wrong side of the digital divide are often older adults living in long-term care facilities (LTCFs), such as “old–old” adults, who often have various functional impairments. To shed light on the initial situation shortly before the pandemic, three data sources from Switzerland were used in this study to answer the following questions: (1) Do older adults want to have internet access if and/or when they move into a LTCF? (2) What form does ICT use take (specifically internet, smartphone, and tablet use) among LTCF residents, and what need do they have for ICT support? (3) What is the state of LTCFs’ ICT infrastructure and residents’ level of involvement in the decision-making process related to acquiring new technologies? Community-dwelling older adults in this study reported a desire to have internet access when moving into LTCFs, and 21% of LTCF residents reported using the internet just before the pandemic began. Internet access and ICT infrastructure in LTCFs, in general, are both limited, however, and LTCF managers seldom involve older adults in the ICT decision-making process. While modern ICT usage has reached the long-term care sector, the results of this study show that compensating for a lack of physical social contacts by relying on digital solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be the sole solution.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Digital transformation of everyday lives of older Swiss adults. Use of and attitudes toward current and future digital services(Springer, 11.01.2022) Seifert, Alexander; Charness, NeilDigital (consumer) services, such as ticket machines, self-checkout, and online reservations, have become increasingly important in modern society. Studies on adoption of these services and openness to using future public digital services (e.g., online voting, online taxes, electronic patient records) have mostly focused on younger adults or nonrepresentative samples among older adults. Therefore, two important questions remain that can best be addressed with representative sampling: To what extent do older adults use or are willing to use current and future digital services in their everyday lives? How do older adults evaluate the ease of use of these services?. The study included data on use of current and future digital services among a large Swiss sample of 1149 people age 65 years and older (mean age: 74.1 years, SD: 6.69). Descriptive and multivariate analyses showed that (a) established services such as cash machines were used more often than new services, such as self-checkout apps or machines. (b) Perceived ease of use is related to age, socioeconomic status, health, and interest in technology. (c) Only 8.9% had an overall positive attitude toward these digital services, and this attitude was predicted by age, gender, socioeconomic status, and interest in technology. (d) Participants were more often open to filing taxes online than voting online, and openness was predicted by age, income, and interest in technology. Today, mainly older adults with a high interest in technology use digital services. Nevertheless, potential for greater use is evident.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Digitalisierung in Altersheimen(Gerontologie CH, 2022) Seifert, Alexander01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung