Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik
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Publikation 3D-printed LEGO®-inspired titanium scaffolds for patient-specific regenerative medicine(Elsevier, 2023) Lee, Seunghun S.; Du, Xiaoyu; Smit, Thijs; Bissacco, Elisa G.; Seiler, Daniel; de Wild, Michael; Ferguson, Stephen J.Despite the recent advances in 3D-printing, it is often difficult to fabricate implants that optimally fit a defect size or shape. There are some approaches to resolve this issue, such as patient-specific implant/scaffold designs based on CT images of the patients, however, this process is labor-intensive and costly. Especially in developing countries, affordable treatment options are required, while still not excluding these patient groups from potential material and manufacturing advances. Here, a selective laser melting (SLM) 3D-printing strategy was used to fabricate a hierarchical, LEGO®-inspired Assemblable Titanium Scaffold (ATS) system, which can be manually assembled in any shape or size with ease. A surgeon can quickly create a scaffold that would fit to the defect right before the implantation during the surgery. Additionally, the direct inclusion of micro- and macroporous structures via 3D-printing, as well as a double acid-etched surface treatment (ST) in the ATS, ensure biocompatibility, sufficient nutrient flow, cell migration and enhanced osteogenesis. Three different structures were designed (non-porous:NP, semi-porous:SP, ultra-porous:UP), 3D-printed with the SLM technique and then surface treated for the ST groups. After analyzing characteristics of the ATS such as printing quality, surface roughness and interconnected porosity, mechanical testing and finite element analysis (FEA) demonstrated that individual and stacked ATS have sufficient mechanical properties to withstand loading in a physiological system. All ATS showed high cell viability, and the SP and UP groups demonstrated enhanced cell proliferation rates compared to the NP group. Furthermore, we also verified that cells were well-attached and spread on the porous structures and successful cell migration between the ATS units was seen in the case of assemblies. The UP and SP groups exhibited higher calcium deposition and RT-qPCR proved higher osteogenic gene expression compared to NP group. Finally, we demonstrate a number of possible medical applications that reveal the potential of the ATS through assembly. © 2023 The Authors01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Three-dimensional printed hydroxyapatite bone substitutes designed by a novel periodic minimal surface algorithm are highly osteoconductive(Liebert, 2023) Maevskaia, Ekaterina; Khera, Nupur; Ghayor, Chafik; Bhattacharya, Indranil; Guerrero, Julien; Nicholls, Flora; Waldvogel, Christian; Bärtschi, Ralph; Fritschi, Lea; Salamon, Dániel; Özcan, Mutlu; Malgaroli, Patrick; Seiler, Daniel; de Wild, Michael; Weber, Franz E.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Topology-optimized patient-specific osteosynthesis plates(De Gruyter, 02.09.2022) Maintz, Michaela; Seiler, Daniel; Thieringer, Florian M.; de Wild, MichaelPatient-specific osteosynthesis plates can be used to reduce complications related to bone fracture treatment, such as infection, malocclusion and fatigue fractures of plates and screws. However, the implant design process is tedious. We propose a semi-automatic workflow to computationally design patient-specific titanium osteosynthesis plates for mandibular angle fractures. In this process, the plate stiffness is maximized while the mass is reduced. Two plate designs with different numbers of screw holes (implant #1 with four holes, implant #2 with eight holes) were generated with identical topology optimization settings and compared in a finite element model simulating various biomechanical masticatory loads. Differences in von Mises stresses in the implants and screws were observed. The load case of clenching the jaw on the opposite side of the fracture showed the highest stress distribution in implant #1 and higher peak stresses in implant #2. Stress concentrations were observed in sharp corners of the implant and could be reduced using local stress-based topology optimization. We conclude that the design process is an effective method to generate patientspecific implants.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift