50 Ergebnisse
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Publikation Energyefficient Kubernetes(Hochschule für Technik FHNW, 22.03.2024) Baur, Jérôme; Engel, Julie; Graf, Sebastian; SIX GroupCloud Computing hat sich als unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der IT-Welt etabliert. Es ermöglicht Unternehmen, Ressourcen wie CPU und Arbeitsspeicher flexibel und bedarfsgerecht zu nutzen. Eine eziente Nutzung dieser Ressourcen ist entscheidend, da eine ineziente Nutzung mit einem erhöhten Stromverbrauch einhergeht. Bei der Produktion von Strom werden, direkt oder indirekt, Treibhausgase emittiert. Aufgrund des kontinuierlichen und starken Wachstums von Kubernetes als Schlüsseltechnologie besteht ein erhebliches Potenzial, die CO2-Emissionen durch eine ezientere Nutzung dieser Plattform zu reduzieren. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Energieverbrauch von Kubernetes-Clustern mithilfe des KeplerProjektes und zielt darauf ab, Strategien zur Steigerung der Energieezienz zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Im Zentrum stehen dabei zwei Hauptansätze: der Vergleich von Monolithen und Microservices hinsichtlich ihres Energieverbrauchs und die Evaluation des Einsatzes des Vertical Pod Autoscalers (VPA) zur Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung. In der Untersuchung des ersten Ansatzes wurde festgestellt, dass die Deploymentstrategie (Monolith vs. Microservices) allein keine signifikante Auswirkung auf die Energieezienz hat. Der Energieverbrauch wird hauptsächlich durch den Idle Energieverbrauch der Nodes beeinflusst. Der zweite Ansatz dieser Arbeit, der Einsatz des Vertical Pod Autoscalers, zeigte hingegen positive Eekte auf die Energieezienz. Durch die dynamische Anpassung der Ressourcenanforderungen von Pods und durch das Entfernen von Nodes konnte die Auslastung der Nodes verbessert und somit der Idle Energieverbrauch verringert werden. Dies führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs. Diese Arbeit bietet wichtige Einsichten in die Energieezienz von Kubernetes-Clustern und zeigt auf, dass insbesondere die Reduktion des Idle Energieverbrauchs und der gezielte Einsatz von Ressourcenmanagement-Tools entscheidend für ezientere Ressourcennutzung sind.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Interactive use-case generation tool for functional REST API testing(Hochschule für Technik FHNW, 18.08.2023) Volken, Jonas; Leu, Benjamin; Kropp, Martin; Affolter, Fabian; Tesitifi GmbHSoftware is an integral part of any business, which makes the significance of high-quality software in today’s digital age undeniable. However, despite the advancements in software testing, challenges persist in efficiently planning, generating, and executing test cases, particularly for REST API-based applications. This project addresses the issue by developing a sequence generator tool that enables testers to effortlessly create and execute sequences of requests, streamlining the creation of comprehensive test scenarios. By simplifying the process of connecting response values to subsequent request values, the software seeks to maximize test coverage, improve test quality, and enable testers to focus more on software quality enhancement than the efforts of test construction. The client for this project is Testifi GmbH, a company dedicated to enhancing software delivery processes through DevOps integrations and AI-automated quality assurance solutions. The main focus of the project was to find out if the test quality increased by using the sequence generator tool due to more edge cases and more complex scenarios being tested compared to manual API testing, as well as showing if the efficiency improvement can be measured in reduced amount of time necessary for creation sequences. To answer these questions and develop an application that offers value for Testifi GmbH, a literature review was conducted on the subjects of basic user interface design and user experience concepts for advanced users. Based on the findings, the user interface of the application was outlined and the software implemented. During development and with the finished product, multiple sets of user tests were conducted with users experienced in working with APIs, to improve the design and software during development, and to gain insights about the effectiveness of the final product. Those tests showed that the main goals of the project could be reached by demonstrating a considerable amount of time saved by using the application, while also outperforming manual testing methods in efficiency and ease of use. Key features like the linking of response values to subsequent request values and the suggestion of such links based on Testifi’s Pulse Artificial intelligence (AI) as well as previously created sequences were well received by testers and customer. The literature review also proved to be very valuable as users praised the straightforward design, while never missing any important data. When Testifi GmbH integrates the end product in their pulse workflow, its ability to create sequences easily and intuitively as well as the potential of the additional link suggestions created by the tool to be used in improving the Pulse AI will be indispensable.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Benefits of card walls in agile software development. A systematic literature review(Springer, 2022) Sallin, Marc; Kropp, Martin; Stray, Viktoria; Stol, Klaas-Jan; Paasivaara, Maria; Kruchten, PhilippeCard walls are often used to visualize various aspects of the software development process. They are an essential and widespread agile practice. Despite the drawback of physical card walls, its digital version is often not considered a sufficient alternative. This paper aims to find the reason for this and suggests how to evolve digital card walls into a viable alternative. We conducted a systematic literature review and analyzed twenty-two studies. We identified which desirable effects agile teams get from card wall usage and derived a set of properties a card wall needs to achieve those effects. Furthermore, we suggested a typology of card walls to compare the benefits and challenges among them.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Waste self-reporting for software development productivity improvement(Springer, 2023) Sallin, Marc; Kropp, Martin; Anslow, Craig; Biddle, Robert; Stettina, Christoph J.; Garbajosa, Juan; Kruchten, PhilippeLittle research has been done on enabling software development teams to self-report waste to assist in productivity improvement. This study created a waste categorization and survey for teams to identify and quantify wasteful activities. Developers from a Swiss company used the survey for three weeks. Participants found the survey helpful for identifying waste but there was little evidence that self-reported waste correlated with improved performance.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Enhancing agile team collaboration through the use of large digital multi-touch cardwalls(Springer, 2017) Kropp, Martin; Anslow, Craig; Mateescu, Magdalena; Burkhard, Roger; Vischi, Dario; Zahn, Carmen; Baumeister, Hubert; Lichter, Horst; Riebisch, Matthias04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Stress in Agile Software Development: Practices and Outcomes(Springer, 2018) Meier, Andreas; Kropp, Martin; Anslow, Craig; Biddle, Robert; Garbajosa, Juan; Wang, Xiaofeng; Aguiar, Ademar04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Measuring Software Delivery Performance Using the Four Key Metrics of DevOps(Springer, 2021) Sallin, Marc; Kropp, Martin; Anslow, Craig; Quilty, James W.; Meier, Andreas; Gregory, Peggy; Lassenius, Casper; Wang, Xiaofeng; Kruchten, PhilippeThe Four Key Metrics of DevOps have become very popular for measuring IT-performance and DevOps adoption. However, the measurement of the four metrics deployment frequency, lead time for change, time to restore service and change failure rate is often done manually and through surveys - with only few data points. In this work we evaluated how the Four Key Metrics can be measured automatically and developed a prototype for the automatic measurement of the Four Key Metrics. We then evaluated if the measurement is valuable for practitioners in a company. The analysis shows that the chosen measurement approach is both suitable and the results valuable for the team with respect to measuring and improving the software delivery performance.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Understanding Leadership in Agile Software Development Teams: Who and How?(Springer, 09.06.2022) Weichbrodt, Johann; Kropp, Martin; Biddle, Robert; Gregory, Peggy; Anslow, Craig; Bühler, Ursina Maria; Mateescu, Magdalena; Meier, Andreas; Stray, Viktoria; Stol, Klaas-Jan; Paasivaara, Maria; Kruchten, PhilippeIn this paper we report on a study of the nature of different aspects of leadership in agile teams. We used an established model of leadership, distinguishing transactional and transformational styles, and asked IT professionals a set of questions about the leadership they experience, both from direct supervisors (hierarchical leadership) and from the team itself (shared leadership). Our results show that agility is indeed related to the transformational style, but that the transactional style also plays a part, especially as shared leadership. Furthermore, even in highly agile software development, leadership by direct supervisors still plays an important role. We propose that, as software development becomes more agile, the transactional aspects of leadership may shift away from the leadership dyad between supervisor and employee into the agile team, while transformational leadership is important for both the team and supervisors.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Beyond REST: GraphQL with Java(17.10.2019) Gruntz, DominikRESTful Web services are well established for accessing data from the backend, but REST interfaces have their disadvantages and constraints. That’s why Facebook developed GraphQL as an alternative. In this talk the goals and principles of GraphQL are presented. We will look at GraphQL's Schema Language and its Query Language and play around with the GraphQL API of github. Using an example application we will show how Java can be used to build a GraphQL server which supports queries, mutations and notifications.06 - PräsentationPublikation Deshalb gewinnt Edge Computing an Bedeutung(Netzmedien, 2022) Amberg, ThomasInternet-of-Things-Systeme speichern und analysieren Daten in der Cloud. Edge Computing bringt Rechenpower und Datenspeicher an den Rand des Netzwerks, zu den Sensoren und Aktuatoren im Feld.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung