Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW
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18 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation FlexiCluster – Energetische Flexibilität von Arealen(Bundesamt für Energie BFE, 06.09.2024) Hall, Monika; Geissler, AchimZiel des Projektes ist es, für Areale verbesserte Aussagen über das Zusammenspiel von Gebäudelast, Nutzung lokaler Strom-/Wärmeerzeugung, dem lokalen elektrischen Verteilnetz und der jeweiligen Trafostation zu machen. Insbesondere die Residuallast an der Trafostation ist für den Netzausbau ein wichtiger Parameter, weshalb sie detailliert betrachtet werden muss. Hierzu wird das System «Areal» in Verbindung mit dem System «elektrisches Netz» detailliert simuliert. Die komplexen Strukturen werden mit einer Multi-Agent Co-Simulations Umgebung abgebildet. Die System-Architektur setzt sich aus EnergyPlus (Gebäude inkl. Haustechnik), Mosaik (Multi-Agent Co-Simulation) und Pandapower (elektrisches Netz) zusammen. Mit der erstellten System-Architektur wird der Einfluss verschiedener Steuersignale auf verschieden Gebäude- und Arealparameter untersucht. Mit der erstellten System-Architektur wird ein Areal bestehend aus acht Einfamilienreihenhäusern mit unterschiedlichen Lastprofilen abgebildet. Aufgrund der Simulationen mit der erstellten System-Architektur kann gezeigt werden, dass das gewählte Lastmanagement (Day Ahead Preise, CO2äq-Emissionen, Trafoleistung und Trafotemperatur) für den netzdienlichen Betrieb des untersuchten Areals geeignet ist, ohne dass die thermische Behaglichkeit der Bewohnenden signifikant eingeschränkt wird. Es wird aber auch deutlich, dass die Netzeinspeisung eine grosse Rolle spielt. Ohne Berücksichtigung von Kurz- bzw. Langzeitspeicher kann das Areal gerade im Sommer nur eine sehr begrenzte Flexibilität aufweisen bzw. dem Lastmanagement nur bedingt Folge leisten.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Dekarbonisierung und Ressourcen sparen beim Heizungsersatz(30.03.2023) Hall, MonikaDer Wechsel einer fossil betriebenen Heizung zu Erneuerbaren Energie ist unumgänglich, doch wie einfach ist der Heizungsersatz möglich? Bei dem Ersatz sollte auch auf die Treibhausgasemissionen des neuen Heizsystems für die Erstellung geachtet werden. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob es sinnvoll ist jedes Haus mit einem neuen Heizsystem zu versehen oder ob ein kleiner Wärmeverbund mit einer Zentrale für mehrere Häuser nachhaltiger ist?06 - PräsentationPublikation Potential-estimation of thermal micro-grids in urban areas based on heat load and building clustering(IOP Publishing, 2023) Hall, Monika; Bereuter, Pia; Geissler, AchimAs a result of climate change, fossil heating systems must be replaced with renewable systems. The question arises whether it makes sense for each building to have its own new heating system or whether a thermal micro-grid is possible. In this paper a model is presented which allows to aggregate buildings into thermal micro-grid clusters. All gas-heated residential buildings of Basel (Switzerland) are marked via geo-data. The heat demand of each building is determined depending on the year of construction and is then converted into the heat load. Each building then is grouped into thermal micro-grids according to a given grid load limit. The thermal micro-grids generated in this way are marked in color, so that the potential of any given city district can be easily and quickly identified. If the grid load limit is increased, the number of possible micro-grids increases, also.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Developing energy flexibility in clusters of buildings. A critical analysis of barriers from planning to operation(Elsevier, 05.10.2023) Le Dréau, Jérôme; Lopes, Rui Amaral; O'Connell, Sarah; Finn, Donal; Hu, Maomao; Queiroz, Humberto; Alexander, Dani; Satchwell, Andrew; Österreicher, Doris; Polly, Ben; Arteconi, Alessia; de Andrade Pereira, Flavia; Hall, Monika; Kırant-Mitić, Tuğçin; Cai, Hanmin; Johra, Hicham; Kazmi, Hussain; Li, Rongling; Liu, Aaron; Nespoli, Lorenzo; Saeed, Muhammad HafeezThis paper examines building energy flexibility at an aggregated level and addresses the main barriers and research gaps for the development of this resource across three design and development phases: market and policy, early planning and design, and operation. We review methodologies and tools and discuss barriers, challenges, and opportunities, incorporating policy, economic, technical, professional, and social perspectives. Although various legal and regulatory frameworks exist to foster the development of energy flexibility for small buildings, financing mechanisms are limited with a significant number of perceived risks undermining private investment. For the early planning and design phase, planners and designers lack appropriate tools and face interoperability challenges, which often results in insufficient consideration of demand response programs. The review of the operational phase highlighted the socio-technical challenges related to both the complexity of 2 deployment and communication, as well as privacy and acceptability issues. Finally, the paper proposes a number of targeted research directions to address challenges and promote greater energy flexibility deployments, including capturing building demand side dynamics, improving baseline estimations and developing seamless connectivity between buildings and districts.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Determine the heat demand of existing buildings with machine learning(IOP Publishing, 01.12.2023) Hofmann, Joachim Werner; Amoser, Christian; Geissler, Achim; Hall, MonikaThe renovation rate of existing buildings plays a major role in the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050+. To increase this rate, there must be a simple and cost-effective method to determine the heat demand of existing buildings. In this paper, the generation of such a method, based on the Swiss cantonal building energy certificate (GEAK) database with the help of machine learning (ML), is studied. The aim of the project was to develop a ML model which allows the heat demand of existing buildings to be determined quickly with a minimal set of parameters. The comparison of the GEAK building envelope class for single family houses calculated with the new ML model and the original GEAK classes shows that approximately 62 % have the same class, 32 % differ by one class and 6 % by two classes. The ML model is a good starting point for further refinements and developments.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Gravity ventilation for interior bathrooms(IOP Publishing, 01.12.2023) Hall, Monika; Gerber, Vincent; Geissler, AchimBased on the extensive experience of a building cooperative with interior bathroom gravity (shaft) ventilation in existing apartment buildings, the replacement buildings constructed at the same location are also equipped with gravity ventilation. The aim of the project described here is to demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of gravity ventilation in one of the new replacement buildings by means of monitoring. Detailed monitoring over a complete year recorded the behaviour and effectiveness of the gravity ventilation in all seasons. In winter, gravity ventilation leads to higher air change rates in interior bathrooms than in summer. In general, humidity can be removed with gravity ventilation except in summer, when after a shower the bathroom door stays closed for 24 h. In summer when the indoor and ambient temperature is the same the gravity ventilation does not work. In this case, the interior bathroom should be ventilated by the main apartment ventilation, e.g., while the bathroom door and other room doors and windows are open at the same time. In summer, doors and windows are often open and the gravity ventilation summer problem can be viewed as negligible. Therefore, gravity ventilation is a good alternative to other ventilation systems in interior bathrooms.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Building aggregation to estimate the potential for shared energy generation with heat pumps(Copernicus Publications, 21.06.2023) Bereuter, Pia; Hall, Monika04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Comparison of flexibility factors for a residential building(IOP Publishing, 18.11.2021) Hall, Monika; Geissler, AchimBuildings that are able to shift their loads without comfort restraints are important for the ongoing transformation of the power supply. This flexibility potential can be expressed in flexibility factors. The usefulness of four factors is investigated based on load control for the heat pump of a small apartment building according to electricity prices (high/low tariffs, spot market prices), CO2eq emissions share in the grid and a restricted operation period during daytime. The calculation methodology of the presented flexibility factors GSC, RIP, FF and FI is very different. RIP and FF are preferable because they have defined valid ranges which makes them easier to understand. Current electricity prices force the heat pump operation mainly into the night. The optimization of CO2eq emissions encourages operation mainly during the day. The optimization goals costs or CO2eq emissions thus lead to opposing heat pump operation times and can currently therefore not both be met simultaneously.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Comparison of flexibility factors and introduction of a flexibility classification using advanced heat pump control(MDPI, 13.12.2021) Hall, Monika; Geissler, AchimWith the increasing use of renewable energy, the energy flexibility of buildings becomes increasingly important regarding grid support. Therefore, there is a need to describe this flexibility in a concise manner. For the characterization of building energy flexibility, flexibility factors can be used. The comparison of a selection of existing flexibility factors shows that they are not easy to use or understand for designers and users. A simplification is necessary. The aim of this study is to introduce a flexibility classification that is easy to understand and shows in an easy way if a building already uses the lowest energy cost level or if further improvement is possible. The classification expresses the annual energy costs in colored classes: green (class A) for lowest up to red (class D) for highest level. Basically, the flexibility classes can be derived for any metric of interest, in this paper examples are shown for energy costs and CO2eq emissions. The results given are based on the simulation of load management scenarios with different penalty signals applied for the heat pump operation of a residential building.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Schwerkraftlüftung - Monitoring Mehrfamilienhaus Eidgenossenweg(Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW, 22.05.2023) Hall, MonikaZur Belüftung der innenliegenden Bäder wird auf bedarfsgesteuerte Abluftventilatoren verzichtet und stattdessen eine Schwerkraftlüftung eingesetzt. Die Schwerkraftlüftung (Schachtlüftung) ist anhängig von der Druckdifferenz über die Gebäudehülle und daher nicht regelbar und die Belüftungseffizienz der innenliegenden Bäder ist saisonal verschieden. Im Winter und den Übergangsjahreszeiten ist der Luftaustausch ausreichend, um die Bäder zu entfeuchten. Im Sommer, wenn die Temperaturdifferenz zwischen innen und aussen gering ist, muss die Belüftung der innenliegenden Bäder unterstützt werden, z.B. über geöffnete Fenster in anderen Räumen.05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht