Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW

Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/6


Bereich: Suchergebnisse

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 456
  • Publikation
    Gebäudeenergieausweis in der Schweiz - Methodik des GEAK®
    (Ernst & Sohn, 07.04.2011) Hall, Monika
    Der Gebäudeenergieausweise der Kantone GEAK® ist seit über einem Jahr in der Schweiz erfolgreich eingeführt. Anfang August 2009 wurde der GEAK® als Onlinetool aufgeschaltet und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Der GEAK® ist ein kombinierter Gebäudeenergieausweis. Der Energiebedarf wird auf der Basis der Gebäudedaten rechnerisch ermittelt und dieser mit effektiven Verbrauchsdaten validiert. Kernstück des GEAK® ist eine Energieetikette mit Doppelbewertung: Eine Klassierung nach “Effizienz Gebäudehülle” für die Beurteilung der Gebäudehülle und nach ”Effizienz Gesamtenergie” zur Quantifizierung des gesamten Gebäudes inkl. Gebäudetechnik und Elektrizitätsbedarf für Geräte und Beleuchtung. Weiter enthält der GEAK® eine Beschreibung des Ist-Zustandes der Gebäudehülle und -technik sowie Massnahmen und Empfehlungen energietechnischer Verbesserungen. Zukünftig können im Rahmen des GEAK® Plus Varianten von kostenoptimierten Sanierungsmaßnahmen detailliert zusammengestellt werden.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Introducing the pedestrian accessibility tool. Walkability analysis for a geographic information system
    (SAGE, 2017) Erath, Alexander; van Eggermond, Michael; Ordóñez, Sergio A.; Axhausen, Kay W.
    The indexes for walkability proposed so far refer generally to the closest amenities and public transport stops and the existing network structure. The weights of the attributes do not reflect the independently measured preferences of the users and residents. Design attributes such as the location and type of crossings and walkway design features are usually surveyed in walkability audits. However, such attributes are usually not considered when pedestrian walksheds or other accessibility-based walkability indexes are calculated. Nevertheless, these design attributes are very relevant for actual planning decisions. The proposed walkability index can be behaviorally calibrated, has been implemented as a geographic information system tool, and is published as open source software. The pedestrian accessibility tool allows the evaluation of existing and future urban plans with regards to walkability. The tool calculates Hansen-based accessibility indicators with the use of a customizable specification of the generalized walking costs, and it incorporates user-defined weights of destination attractiveness. The basic user workflow of the tool is summarized. Three case studies show real-world applications of the tool to support the planning of pedestrian infrastructure in an urban context. With indications of potential areas of improvement that have been reported by pilot users working in an urban planning department, hints are also given for future research.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Untersuchungen zum thermisch induzierten Luftwechselpotential von Kippfenstern
    (Ernst & Sohn, 17.07.2004) Hall, Monika
    Die sogenannte natürliche Lüftung — Lüftung infolge Temperatur‐ und Windeinwirkung über geöffnete Türen und Fenster — ist auch heute noch in Wohngebäuden die verbreitetste Form des Lüftens. Da die Lüftung über Kippfenster eine übliche Form des Lüftens ist, ist die Kenntnis des Luftwechsels über Kippfenster von großem Interesse. Der Vergleich von Ansätzen aus der Literatur zur Berechnung des Luftwechsels über Kippfenster zeigt, daß diese unter Verwendung gleicher Randbedingungen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Aus diesem Grund wird aus eigenen Messungen ein Modellansatz abgeleitet, der die einseitige, thermisch induzierte Kippfensterlüftung besser beschreibt und gleichzeitig das Vorhandensein einer Laibung und/oder einer Heizung berücksichtigt.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Do you see us? Applied visual analytics for the investigation of group coordination
    (Springer, 18.02.2019) Rack, Oliver; Zahn, Carmen; Bleisch, Susanne
    Group coordination is a relevant prerequisite for understanding the effectiveness of groups. But, contrary to the large number of empirical studies, only a few studies concentrate on the development of analysis methods of coordination in groups. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to give a summary of the opportunities and limitations of common methods for capturing group coordination in applied field settings and to outline how visual analytics approaches might add to the common methods. Based on two illustrated visual analytics implementation examples—1) coordination and movements of soccer players, and 2) spatio-temporal event data—the potential of visual analytics approaches is identified for studying a greater variety of types of group coordination, and to consider the multifaceted nature of group processes in order to go beyond traditional coding processes.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Multiperspective analysis of microscale trigeneration systems and their role in the crowd energy concept
    (KeAi Publishing, 2015) Sawant, Parantapa; Meftah, Naim; Pfafferott, Jens
    The energy system of the future will transform from the current centralised fossil based to a decentralised, clean, highly efficient, and intelligent network. This transformation will require innovative technologies and ideas like trigeneration and the crowd energy concept to pave the way ahead. Even though trigeneration systems are extremely energy efficient and can play a vital role in the energy system, turning around their deployment is hindered by various barriers. These barriers are theoretically analysed in a multiperspective approach and the role decentralised trigeneration systems can play in the crowd energy concept is highlighted. It is derived from an initial literature research that a multiperspective (technological, energy-economic, and user) analysis is necessary for realising the potential of trigeneration systems in a decentralised grid. And to experimentally quantify these issues we are setting up a microscale trigeneration lab at our institute and the motivation for this lab is also briefly introduced.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Quasi-first-principle based grey-box modelling of microscale trigeneration systems for application in automatic control
    (Elsevier, 2018) Sawant, Parantapa; Pfafferott, Jens; Felsmann, Clemens
    With the need for automatic control based supervisory controllers for complex energy systems, comes the need for reduced order system models representing not only the non-linear behaviour of the components but also certain unknown process dynamics like their internal control logic. At the Institute of Energy Systems Technology in Offenburg we have built a real-life microscale trigeneration plant and present in this paper a rational modelling procedure that satisfies the necessary characteristics for models to be applied in model predictive control for grid-reactive optimal scheduling of this complex energy system. These models are validated against experimental data and the efficacy of the methodology is discussed. Their application in the future for the optimal scheduling problem is also briefly motivated.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Continuously-fed gravity currents propagating over a finite porous substrate
    (American Institute of Physics, 31.12.2019) Venuleo, Sara; Pokrajac, Dubravka; Schleiss, Anton J.; Franca, Mário J.
    We present the results of laboratory investigations of continuously-fed density currents that propagate first over a smooth horizontal bed and then over a porous substrate of limited length. Inflow discharge, initial excess density, and substrate porosities are varied. Density measurements, acquired through an image analysis technique, are performed above the porous layer simultaneously with quasi-instantaneous vertical velocity profiles. After a first phase in which the current sinks into the substrate, freshwater entrainment from the bed begins and, gradually, a mixing layer forms at the interface between the surface flow and the porous bed. Shear-driven and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities rule the dynamics of this mixing layer. The porous boundary effects are observed in the vertical distributions of both density and velocity, especially in the near-bed region. Here, larger flow velocities are recorded over porous substrates. We argue that these are due to the presence of a longitudinal pressure gradient, which in turn is a consequence of the current mass loss. Its presence over the porous substrate is proved by the current interface longitudinal slope. However, other effects of the presence of the porous substrate, such as the relaxation of the no-slip boundary condition and the bed-normal momentum exchange, also affect the velocity field. The turbulent structure changes significantly over the porous substrate: while streamwise turbulence decreases, shear and bed-normal Reynolds stresses increase in large part of the current depth. Buoyancy instabilities further enhance the bed-normal momentum flux and, in the near-bed region, contribute to turbulent kinetic energy generation together with shear.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Applying bias correction for merging rain gauge and radar data
    (Elsevier, 13.01.2015) Rabiei, Ehsan; Haberlandt, Uwe
    Weather radar provides areal rainfall information with very high temporal and spatial resolution. Radar data has been implemented in several hydrological applications despite the fact that the data suffers from varying sources of error. Several studies have attempted to propose methods for solving these problems. Additionally, weather radar usually underestimates or overestimates the rainfall amount. In this study, a new method is proposed for correcting radar data by implementing the quantile mapping bias correction method. Then, the radar data is merged with observed rainfall by conditional merging and kriging with external drift interpolation techniques. The merging product is analysed regarding the sensitivity of the two investigated methods to the radar data quality. After implementing bias correction, not only did the quality of the radar data improve, but also the performance of the interpolation techniques using radar data as additional information. In general, conditional merging showed greater sensitivity to radar data quality, but performed better than all the other interpolation techniques when using bias corrected radar data. Furthermore, a seasonal variation of interpolation performances has in general been observed. A practical example of using radar data for disaggregating stations from daily to hourly temporal resolution is also proposed in this study.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Measurements and observations in the XXI century (MOXXI). Innovation and multi-disciplinarity to sense the hydrological cycle
    (Taylor & Francis, 18.01.2018) Tauro, Flavia; Selker, John; Giesen, Nick van de; Abrate, Tommaso; Uijlenhoet, Remko; Porfiri, Maurizio; Manfreda, Salvatore; Caylor, Kelly; Moramarco, Tommaso; Benveniste, Jerome; Ciraolo, Giuseppe; Estes, Lyndon; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Perks, Matthew T.; Corbari, Chiara; Rabiei, Ehsan; Ravazzani, Giovanni; Bogena, Heye; Harfouche, Antoine; Brocca, Luca; Maltese, Antonino; Wickert, Andy; Tarpanelli, Angelica; Good, Stephen; Lopez Alcala, Jose Manuel; Petroselli, Andrea; Cudennec, Christophe; Blume, Theresa; Hut, Rolf; Grimaldi, Salvatore
    To promote the advancement of novel observation techniques that may lead to new sources of information to help better understand the hydrological cycle, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) established the Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI) Working Group in July 2013. The group comprises a growing community of tech-enthusiastic hydrologists that design and develop their own sensing systems, adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective in tackling complex observations, often use low-cost equipment intended for other applications to build innovative sensors, or perform opportunistic measurements. This paper states the objectives of the group and reviews major advances carried out by MOXXI members toward the advancement of hydrological sciences. Challenges and opportunities are outlined to provide strategic guidance for advancement of measurement, and thus discovery.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Depth-averaged momentum equation for gravity currents with varying density. Coefficient in pressure term
    (Taylor & Francis, 31.07.2017) Pokrajac, Dubravka; Venuleo, Sara; Franca, Mário J.
    Gravity currents are often modelled by means of shallow water equations (SWEs). In these models, simplifications such as the consideration of a constant layer-averaged density are common. This note presents the complete and general derivation of a 2D depth-averaged momentum equation for gravity currents with density and velocity varying in the bed-normal direction. Special attention is given to the pressure term which is evaluated for constant, linear and exponential density profile. The shape of the density profile has implications for the momentum balance: the assumption of constant density leads to an overestimation of the driving force due to pressure gradient by a factor of 33% for linear density profile and up to 50% for an exponential profile. It also leads to an overestimation of celerity in numerical models based on traditional SWEs by factor of 22% and around 40% for linear end exponential density profiles respectively.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift