Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW
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261 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation U-Werte von Vorhangfassaden und geneigter Verglasung(AWEL Zürich, 10/2012) Hall, Monika; Geissler, AchimWorin unterscheiden sich Vorhangfassaden aus thermischer Sicht von normalen Fassaden? Ist es für die Berechnung des U-Werts relevant? Was sind die entscheidenden Kriterien? Ein weiteres Thema im Zusammenhang mit dem Nachweis der thermischen Qualität der Gebäudehülle sind geneigte Verglasungen – zum Beispiel grosse Dachfenster oder Atrien mit Glasdächern. Wie ändert sich der Glas-U-Wert (Ug-Wert) einer Isolierverglasung in Abhängigkeit vom Neigungswinkel? Welchen Einfluss hat dies auf die Heizwärmebedarfsrechnung?01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Gleichzeitigkeit von PV-Ertrag und Stromverbrauch an einem Mehrfamilienhaus mit Elektromobilität(05.09.2014) Hall, Monika; Dorusch, FalkDie detaillierte Erfassung der Energieflüsse an einem Mehrfamilienhaus mit Elektromobilität und einer grossen Photovoltaikanlage zeigt, wann welcher Energieverbraucher wieviel Elektrizität bezieht. Hieraus wird abgeleitet, welche Verbraucher zur Erhöhung der Gleichzeitigkeit von Produktion und Ver-brauch geeignet sind. In den Wintermonaten besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, zwischen 10 und 16 Uhr Gleichzeitigkeit zu erreichen. Die Wärmepumpe weist das grösste Einzelpotential auf, um die Gleichzeitigkeit zu erhöhen. Aus diesem Grund wird die Laufzeit der Wärmepumpe auf die Tagesstunden limitiert (10-19 Uhr für den Heizbetrieb, 13-17 Uhr den Betrieb für Warmwasser). Die Auswertungen zeigen, dass bei dem betrachteten Gebäude die Verschiebung des Wärmepumpenbetriebs in die Tagesstunden ohne Komforteinbusse möglich ist. Dabei wird der Heizbetrieb in der Mittagszeit für die Warmwassererwärmung unterbrochen. Mit dieser Strategie wird nicht nur die Gleichzeitigkeit erhöht und die Netzbelastung reduziert, sondern auch die Einspeisespitze zur Mittagszeit, insbesondere durch die Warmwassererwärmung, geglättet. Thermische Simulationen zeigen, dass die gewählte Strategie sowohl in Massiv- als auch in Leichtbauten angewendet werden kann. Die von den Mietern gewünschten Temperaturen werden erreicht. Um im Mittel eine Temperatur von 20 °C in allen drei Wohnungen sicherzustellen, reicht für fast alle Bauweisen eine Wärmepumpenlaufzeit zu Heizzwecken von 5 h aus.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation EU Ökodesign von Wärmepumpen. Eine Übersicht zum aktuellen Stand(EnergieSchweiz, 17.11.2014) Genkinger, Andreas; Afjei, Thomas05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Implementation and first evaluation of an indoor mapping application using smartphones and frameworks(2019) Hasler, Oliver; Blaser, Stefan; Nebiker, StephanIn this paper, we present the implementation of a smartphone-based indoor mobile mapping application based on an augmented reality (AR) framework and a subsequent performance evaluation in demanding indoor environments. The implementation runs on Android and iOS devices and demonstrates the great potential of smartphone-based 3D mobile mapping. The application includes several functionalities such as device tracking, coordinate, and distance measuring as well as capturing georeferenced imagery. We evaluate our prototype system by comparing measured points from the tracked device with ground control points in an indoor environment with two different campaigns. The first campaign consists of an open, one-way trajectory whereas the second campaign incorporates a loop closure. In the second campaign, the underlying AR framework successfully recognized the start location and correctly repositioned the device. Our results show that the absolute 3D accuracy of device tracking with a standard smartphone is around 1% of the travelled distance and that the local 3D accuracy reaches sub-decimetre level.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Contributions to system integration of PV and PVT collectors with heat pumps in buildings(2019) Koch, Manuel; Dott, Ralf; Tanabe, Shin-ichi; Zhang, H.; Kurnitski, Jarek; Gameiro da Silva, Manuel; Nastase, Ilinca; Wargocki, Pawel; Cao, Guangyu; Mazzarela, Livio; Inard, ChristianA common approach to improve self-consumption of photovoltaic (PV) generation in buildings with heat pumps (HP) is to overload the thermal storage capacities during times with surplus PV generation (hereinafter referred to as thermal overloading). The impact of battery capacity and domestic hot water (DHW) consumption on the effectiveness of this method in a single-family home (SFH) is evaluated through numerical simulations. Increased battery capacity is shown to decrease the effectiveness of thermal overloading. Regarding DHW consumption, temporal concentration is shown to have a stronger influence on the effectiveness of thermal overloading than total energy. Furthermore, the potential of photovoltaic-thermal collectors (PVT) as heat exchangers for air/brine/water heat pumps (ABWHP) is estimated. The results show that the properties of PVT collectors with high thermal conductivity are in the feasible range for application in a well-insulated SFH in Central European climate.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation EFKOS – Effizienz kombinierter Systeme mit Wärmepumpe(Bundesamt für Energie BFE, 31.07.2013) Genkinger, Andreas; Afjei, Thomas05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation CoolShift. Cooling of buildings by chiller-assisted nocturnal radiation and convection(IOP Publishing, 2019) Koch, Manuel; Dott, Ralf; Eismann, RalphA novel approach for cooling an office building is numerically evaluated. PVT collectors are used for nocturnal radiative and convective cooling. A TABS ceiling serves as thermal storage. If the free cooling power of the PVT collectors is too low, it is boosted by a chiller raising the collector temperature. While the energy efficiency improves compared to a conventional daytime chiller cooling system, the room temperature cannot always be kept in the desired band. Furthermore, the PVT collectors stay cooler than comparable PV modules during the day, increasing the electricity generation.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Investigating roundabout properties and bicycle accident occurrence at Swiss roundabouts: A logistic regression approach(MDPI, 2019) Hollenstein, Daria; Hess, Martin; Jordan, Denis; Bleisch, SusanneThe positive effects of active mobility on mental and physical health as well as on air quality are widely acknowledged. Increasing the share of active travel is therefore an aim in many countries. Providing bicycle-safe infrastructure is one way to promote cycling. Roundabouts are a common traffic infrastructure and are supposed to facilitate safe and smooth traffic flow. However, data on road traffic accidents indicate an over-proportional involvement of cyclists in accidents at roundabouts. In the present study, the influence of roundabout geometry and traffic flow on bicycle accident occurrence was investigated using a logistic regression approach on twelve parameters of N = 294 mostly small- and mini-sized single-lane roundabouts in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland. Average weekday motorized traffic was identified as a major factor in explaining bicycle accident occurrence at roundabouts. Further, the radius of the central island, the location of the roundabout (in town vs. out of town) and the number of legs were significantly related to bicycle accident occurrence. While these results are in general agreement with findings from similar studies, the findings regarding the central island’s radius and the number of legs underpin the need for roundabout type-specific studies: Some parameters may not prove relevant in intermediate- to large-sized roundabouts, but become critical in small or mini roundabouts, which are common in Switzerland and numerous in the present sample.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Relationship of critical dynamics, functional connectivity, and states of consciousness in large-scale human brain networks(Elsevier, 2019) Lee, Heonsoo; Golkowski, Daniel; Jordan, Denis; Berger, Sebastian; Ilg, Rüdiger; Lee, Joseph; Mashour, George A.; Lee, UnCheol; Avidan, Michael S.; Blain-Moraes, Stefanie; Golmirzaie, Goodarz; Hardie, Randall; Hogg, Rosemary; Janke, Ellen; Kelz, Max B.; Maier, Kaitlyn; Mashour, George A.; Maybrier, Hannah; McKinstry-Wu, Andrew; Muench, Maxwell; Ochroch, Andrew; Palanca, Ben J.A.; Picton, Paul; Schwarz, E. Marlon; Tarnal, Vijay; Vanini, Giancarlo; Vlisides, Phillip E.Recent modeling and empirical studies support the hypothesis that large-scale brain networks function near a critical state. Similar functional connectivity patterns derived from resting state empirical data and brain network models at criticality provide further support. However, despite the strong implication of a relationship, there has been no principled explanation of how criticality shapes the characteristic functional connectivity in large-scale brain networks. Here, we hypothesized that the network science concept of partial phase locking is the underlying mechanism of optimal functional connectivity in the resting state. We further hypothesized that the characteristic connectivity of the critical state provides a theoretical boundary to quantify how far pharmacologically or pathologically perturbed brain connectivity deviates from its critical state, which could enable the differentiation of various states of consciousness with a theory-based metric. To test the hypothesis, we used a neuroanatomically informed brain network model with the resulting source signals projected to electroencephalogram (EEG)-like sensor signals with a forward model. Phase lag entropy (PLE), a measure of phase relation diversity, was estimated and the topography of PLE was analyzed. To measure the distance from criticality, the PLE topography at a critical state was compared with those of the EEG data from baseline consciousness, isoflurane anesthesia, ketamine anesthesia, vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, and minimally conscious state. We demonstrate that the partial phase locking at criticality shapes the functional connectivity and asymmetric anterior-posterior PLE topography, with low (high) PLE for high (low) degree nodes. The topographical similarity and the strength of PLE differentiates various pharmacologic and pathologic states of consciousness. Moreover, this model-based EEG network analysis provides a novel metric to quantify how far a pharmacologically or pathologically perturbed brain network is away from critical state, rather than merely determining whether it is in a critical or non-critical state.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Accurate visual localization in outdoor and indoor environments exploiting 3D image spaces as spatial reference(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018) Rettenmund, Daniel; Fehr, Markus; Cavegn, Stefan; Nebiker, StephanIn this paper, we present a method for visual localization and pose estimation based on 3D image spaces. The method works in indoor and outdoor environments and does not require the presence of control points or markers. The method is evaluated with different sensors in an outdoor and an indoor test field. The results of our research show the viability of single image localization with absolute position accuracies at the decimetre level for outdoor environments and 5 cm or better for indoor environments. However, the evaluation also revealed a number of limitations of single image visual localization in real-world environments. Some of them could be addressed by an alternative AR-based localization approach, which we also present and compare in this paper. We then discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches and show possibilities for combining them to obtain accurate and robust visual localization in an absolute coordinate frame.04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift