Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW

Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/60


Bereich: Suchergebnisse

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 7 von 7
  • Vorschaubild
    New speakers on lost ground in the football stadium
    (De Gruyter, 2015) Del Percio, Alfonso
    Football is a key site for local pride to be enacted by fans through the celebration of local dialects and local myths. At the same time, sport industries are currently undergoing major transformations and becoming global, professional and profit-oriented. Consequently, pride in a place is not solely the property of the given area or its inhabitants. Indeed, fandom is increasingly enacted by new groups who speak different languages and live in other places, and who thus cross borders to consume local fan practices and tokens of imagined local authenticity. Furthermore, football clubs are increasingly owned by multinational investors who employ international and multilingual football workers. Meanwhile, nostalgic adherents of so-called traditional football frequently interpret the emergence of these transnational actors as a corruption of this sport. The presence of such transnational actors raises questions regarding the challenges encountered by these new speakers when they produce and consume cultural resources that are widely perceived to be not only the commodities sold by the football industry but also tokens of local authenticity. Drawing on an ethnography conducted in the stadium of the FC Basel in Switzerland, I discuss the case of two transnational actors who are identified as new speakers of Basel’s local dialect and of standard German, both codes being specifically associated with being a legitimate fan or coach of FC Basel. In discussing the challenges faced by these new speakers during their encounters with FC Basel as a commercial product, I examine how these individuals have constructed their legitimacy as members of FC Basel’s imagined community and analyze how, why, and by whom this legitimacy is given or contested.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    The governmentality of migration. Intercultural communication and the politics of (dis)placement in Southern Europe
    (Elsevier, 2016) Del Percio, Alfonso
    The European Union and the Italian state have currently implemented a state infrastructure enabling to govern the migration flows towards Europe. This infrastructure has involved the formation of an ensemble of institutions, procedures, analyses and reflections that raise the efficiency of migrants' reception, integration or expulsion. Expertise on intercultural communication has been celebrated as a key resource of this infrastructure. In this article, I discuss the status of expertise on intercultural communication within an infrastructure managing migration in Italy. I focus on the circumstances by which expertise on intercultural communication has emerged as a crucial technology of this infrastructure and on ways this knowledge contributes to the regulation of migrants' access to the life projects migration stands for.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Engineering commodifiable workers. language, migration and the governmentality of the self
    (Springer, 2017) Del Percio, Alfonso
    This article examines the strategies and forms of expertise on language and communication mobilized to engineer commodifiable migrant workers. Drawing on an ethnographic account of counselling practices in a state-run Italian job guidance centre for newly arrived migrants, I examine the calculations, tactics, and forms of expertise on language and communication mobilised by job counsellors. Here, I illustrate how these tactics regulate, or “police”, migrants’ communicational conduct and promote their socialisation into a desirable professional self that can be commodified on the Italian job market. In doing so, I demonstrate that the state’s investment in the policing of migrants and the commodifiability of their labour is an investment in a larger project of societal consent for both the arriving migrants and for the forms of precarity they are believed to embody in Italy. At the same time, I argue this state agenda should not make us blind to the fact that the individuals and actors, including professional counsellors, working in these job guidance centres seem ready to invest a great deal into these spaces in the interest of pursuing another, more emancipated agenda. Indeed, in my paper I aim to demonstrate that job guidance centres are also spaces of hope where people work to support migrants who are preparing themselves for a viable future and attempting to create the practical framework for their life projects.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Genealogies of reflexivity. Register formations and the making of affective workers
    (De Gruyter, 2022) Del Percio, Alfonso
    How has the ability to express reflexivity, including regulating affect, come to be part of the bundled self that workers are required to be? This paper offers a rigorous genealogical analysis of the multiple histories of knowledge and power that have informed the emergence and shaping of ‘reflexive registers,’ or socially typified ways of speaking and reflecting about oneself that stand for morally marked models of selfhood. It takes as a starting-point programs documented in my ethnography of employability programs in London, UK where workers of all sorts are asked to learn to examine their personalities and to express their feelings. It then draws on original historiographical and ethnographic data that allows documentation of the logics and circumstances informing the emergence and development of reflexivity as a resource for employability. It argues for an interdisciplinary understanding of reflexivity and its communicability that theorises the workers as products of history, capital, and affect.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Telefonseelsorge 143: Freiwillige sind gefordert
    (01.05.2020) Freiermuth, Karin
    Angst, Einsamkeit, Überforderung – vielen Menschen machen das Coronavirus und die strengen Massnahmen zu schaffen. Bei «Telefon 143 – Die Dargebotene Hand» suchen doppelt so viele Personen wie normal ein offenes Ohr für ihre Sorgen. Ein freiwilliger Mitarbeiter aus dem Fricktal gibt einen Einblick in seine Beratungstätigkeit.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Vorschaubild
    Wertvolles Ehrenamt
    (AvenirSocial, 06/2019) Freiermuth, Karin
    Neben professionellen Beiständen sind private Mandatstragende auch im revidierten Erwachsenenschutzrecht weiterhin ein wichtiger Pfeiler. Private Beistände stehen schutzbedürftigen Menschen wie Betagten, Personen mit einer geistigen oder körperlichen Behinderung oder sozial Benachteiligten im Rahmen einer gesetzlichen Massnahme unterstützend zur Seite. Damit leisten sie nicht nur für die Klientinnen und Klienten, sondern auch für die Behörde einen grossen Beitrag.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Vorschaubild
    Monitoring statistical data preparation
    (2016) Hulliger, Beat; Kilchmann, Daniel
    06 - Präsentation