Bruder, Johannes

Bruder, Johannes


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You wasted a good crisis! Paranoia, speculation and discipline in finance

2023, Bruder, Johannes


Optimal Brain Damage. Theorizing our Nervous Present

2021, Bruder, Johannes, Halpern, Orit


The Algorithms of Mindfulness

2021-06-22, Bruder, Johannes

This paper analyzes notions and models of optimized cognition emerging at the intersections of psychology, neuroscience, and computing. What I somewhat polemically call the algorithms of mindfulness describes an ideal that determines algorithmic techniques of the self, geared at emotional resilience and creative cognition. A reframing of rest, exemplified in corporate mindfulness programs and the design of experimental artificial neural networks sits at the heart of this process. Mindfulness trainings provide cues as to this reframing, for they detail each in their own way how intermittent periods of rest are to be recruited to augment our cognitive capacities and combat the effects of stress and information overload. They typically rely on and co-opt neuroscience knowledge about what the brains of North Americans and Europeans do when we rest. Current designs for artificial neural networks draw on the same neuroscience research and incorporate coarse principles of cognition in brains to make machine learning systems more resilient and creative. These algorithmic techniques are primarily conceived to prevent psychopathologies where stress is considered the driving force of success. Against this backdrop, I ask how machine learning systems could be employed to unsettle the concept of pathological cognition itself.

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Intelligence Has Always Been Artificial

2020, Bruder, Johannes

It’s time to stop celebrating experiments, tests, and demos designed to show that there is one “real” form of intelligence. These have primarily been used to devalue “unskilled” human labour and to dehumanize those who are supposedly not intelligent. Maybe it’s time to stop defending human intelligence altogether. Maybe it’s time to queer the concept of intelligence until it stops defining so much of what seems to matter.


Donkey Kong's Legacy. About Microprocessors as Model Organisms and the Behavioral Politics of Video Games in AI

2021, Bruder, Johannes

The article discusses forms of contamination between human and artificial intelligence in computational neuroscience and machine learning research. I begin with a deep dive into an experiment with the legacy microprocessor MOS 6502, conducted by two engineers working in computational neuroscience, to explain why and how machine learning algorithms are increasingly employed to simulate human cognition and behavior. Through the strategic use of the microprocessor as “model organism” and references to biological and psychological lab research, the authors draw attention to speculative research in machine learning, where arcade video games designed in the 1980s provide test beds for artificial intelligences under development. I elaborate on the politics of these test beds and suggest alternative avenues for machine learning research to avoid that artificial intelligence merely reproduces settler-colonialist politics in silico.