Perrett, Pieter Jan
Best practice of Social Hubs - A qualitative survey of 21 social hubs in Europe, Northern America, and Asia
2018, Meyer, Rolf, Perrett, Pieter Jan
The report provides an insight into the success factors of Social Hubs in Europe, North America, and Asia. It suggests that despite providing evidence of a thriving social start-up scene, there is no agreed definition of success. Whilst the vibrancy and collaborative nature of the hub com-munity are seen as crucial, how to achieve and manage this cohesion varies. Some have fo-cused on a myriad of different activities in the physical space (events, trainings, coaching, net-working, incubation and acceleration programmes, and research), while others have far-reaching virtual communities. Our research illustrates a diversity of social hubs with different models running on social entrepreneurial as well as business principles. All countries covered in the research highlighted the growth in start-up hubs, while some report-ed competition as a distinct threat. Most of these start-up hubs are located in the larger urban cities; they provided evidence of different success levels. Some recommendations, for (new) soc
Key success factors for a social innovation hub
2018, Meyer, Rolf, Perrett, Pieter Jan
Erfolgsfaktoren von Social Innovation Hubs aufgrund einer Analyse von 21 Interviews mit den Managern dieser Hubs in Europa und Nordamerika.