Leemann, Regula Julia

Regula Julia
Leemann, Regula Julia


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    Access to baccalaureate school in Switzerland. Regional variance of institutional conditions and its consequences for educational inequalities
    (MDPI, 2022) Leemann, Regula Julia; Pfeifer Brändli, Andrea; Imdorf, Christian [in: Education Sciences]
    In Switzerland, baccalaureate school is still considered to be the royal road to a university education and the elite path for the social reproduction of the upper class. However, cantonal enrollment to baccalaureate school varies widely due to Swiss federalism. There is a recurring debate on whether access to baccalaureate school is fair and equal among pupils who live in different cantons and who are of different social origin. This paper aims to analyze how the institutional conditions of cantons and municipalities impact a pupil’s probability of entering baccalaureate school and how the cantonal provisioning of places in baccalaureate school affects social inequality of access. For our theoretical foundation, we combine concepts of neo-institutionalism with mechanisms of social reproduction in education. Empirically, we analyze national longitudinal register data to model educational transitions from compulsory to baccalaureate school by using logistic regression models. Our results show that institutional structures at the cantonal and municipal levels influence the probability of transition beyond individual pupils’ characteristics. The degree of inequality varies between cantons, depending on the supply of baccalaureate school places. Inequality first increases with an increasing number of places (the scissors effect) and decreases only after the demand of more privileged families for places at baccalaureate school is saturated.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Establishment of a school-based pathway to Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. Conventions of higher education access in vocational and general education
    (Seismo, 2019) Esposito, Raffaella Simona; Leemann, Regula Julia; Imdorf, Christian [in: Swiss Journal of Sociology]
    How did the upper-secondary specialised school (SpS) establish itself as a school-based pathway to the universities of applied sciences in Switzerland? The sociology of conventions serves to analyse how actors justify and assess this type of school. The analysis of interviews and educational policy documents shows that the specialised school has been a recurring target of criticism from advocates of the VET system. It had to make compromises with the world of work to gain recognition as a pathway to the universities of applied sciences.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Les réseaux d'entreprises formatrices. Une nouvelle forme d'apprentissage en Suisse
    (French Centre for Research on Education, Training and Employment, 2016) Leemann, Regula Julia; Da Rin, Sandra; Imdorf, Christian [in: Formation emploi]
    Training networks are a model of vocational training in the dual VET system in Switzerland. Small and medium-sized enterprises can train apprentices jointly. Drawing on four case studies of training networks in Switzerland and on the theory of the economics of conventions, two questions are treated: What are the motives of Training companies for participation in a training network? Which conflicts and tensions arise from the joint training of apprentices? The results demonstrate the plurality of motifs for participation in a training network, resulting in dissatisfaction of the training companies and ongoing conflicts in the network over the course of the training.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Cooperative VET in training networks – analysing the free-rider problem in a sociology-of-conventions perspective
    (European Educational Research Association, 2015) Leemann, Regula Julia; Imdorf, Christian [in: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training]
    In training networks, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises pool their resources to train apprentices within the framework of the dual VET system, while an intermediary organisation is tasked with managing operations. Over the course of their apprenticeship, the apprentices switch from one training company to another on a (half-) yearly basis. Drawing on a case study of four training networks in Switzerland and the theoretical framework of the sociology of conventions, this paper aims to understand the reasons for the slow dissemination and reluctant adoption of this promising form of organising VET in Switzerland. The results of the study show that the system of moving from one company to another creates a variety of free-rider constellations in the distribution of the collectively generated corporative benefits. This explains why companies are reluctant to participate in this model. For the network to be sustainable, the intermediary organisation has to address discontent arising from free-rider problems while taking into account that the solutions found are always tentative and will often result in new free-rider Problems.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift