Lindeque, Johan Paul

Johan Paul
Lindeque, Johan Paul


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    Social media and reputation management: social media monitoring and database approaches
    (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2021) Lindeque, Johan Paul
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Social media and reputation management. Social media listening techniques, tools and KPIs
    (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2020) Zachlod, Cécile; Lindeque, Johan Paul
    This report will first define the important fields of reputation management, online reputation management (ORM) and social media monitoring. In doing so, social media monitoring will be shown to be a process. This is then followed by a brief explanation of how social media monitoring tools work and a discussion of what should be considered in general when selecting such a tool for monitoring corporate reputation on social media. This is followed by a market analysis of social media monitoring tools, supported by a supplementary Excel overview of these tools. This is followed by a brief explanation of what should be considered in general when implementing such a tool. The report concludes with a presentation of the key performance indicators (KPI) that can be adopted for assessing corporate reputation on social media and online, to support the strategic engagement with reputation management on social media.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Social media and reputation management. Accessing social media data and detecting social bots
    (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2020) Zachlod, Cécile; Lindeque, Johan Paul
    Social media has emerged as a critical domain with respect to corporate reputation management. Correspondingly a number of task specific offerings are available to support firms to monitor the engagement with their products and brands online (also known as social listening). These offerings are however subject to limitations, not least the ability to achieve long term archiving of social media activity for a given brand and its products/services and the ability to integrate this social media activity with other key business intelligence being gathered by a given firm. Given these needs the FHNW School of Business at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland has developed a research project to scope out the identified research needs in anticipation of a full application for a collaborative research project via application to Innosuisse in 2020. This project seeks to understand current best practice in big data database design for historic and real time data collection and analysis (Module 1), as well as how this can be integrated with social media monitoring. Additionally, it will provide a competitive review of providers in the market for social media reputation management (Module 2), focusing on leading actors and techniques they apply. Identifying the current best practices of the leading social media reputation management providers identified (Module 3). Capturing tools, techniques and approaches that are currently available in the market and which are seen as best in class. Describe the current state of knowledge on accessing social media data and techniques for identifying social bots in support of developing a technological proof of concept for social media chat bot analysis (Module 4). These activities prepare a final project report and the initial draft of the follow-on application to Innosuisse for a larger innovation project.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Demerged multinational enterprises: a study of post-demerger international strategies
    (Inderscience, 2020) Merkestein, Wouter; Lindeque, Johan Paul [in: European Journal of International Management]
    Demerged Multinational Enterprises (DMNEs) that emerge with an independent corporate status after a demerger from a parent multinational enterprise (MNE) are unique firms with a great variety of post-demerger strengths, weaknesses and international strategic responses. This paper adopts a firm-level internalisation theory approach to MNE strategy to empirically explore the characteristics and post-demerger strategies of four focal case DMNEs. Five years of post-demerger data from annual accounts, newspaper articles and databases were analysed. Analysis of the strategic responses of the four DMNEs has allowed a typology that distinguishes four DMNE types to be proposed. This typology explains the international strategies of DMNEs by the degree of post-demerger strategic dynamism that is possible and the need to address the quality of the firm specific advantages endowed to the DMNE in the demerger.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Strategic action fields of digital transformation: an exploration of the strategic action fields of Swiss SMEs and large enterprises
    (Emerald, 2020) Peter, Marc K.; Kraft, Corin; Lindeque, Johan Paul [in: Journal of Strategy and Management]
    Strategic Action Fields of Digital Transformation. An Exploration of the Strategic Action Fields of Swiss SMEs and Large Enterprises.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift