Dettling, Walter

Dettling, Walter


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  • Publikation
    Bloxxgame – A simulation game for teaching blockchain
    (2020) Dettling, Walter; Schneider, Bettina; Marfisi-Schottman, Iza; Bellotti, Francesco; Hamon, Ludovic; Klemke, Roland [in: Games and Learning Alliance. 9th International Conference, GALA 2020, Laval, France, December 9-10, 2020. Proceedings]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    How to teach blockchain in a business school
    (Springer, 2018) Dettling, Walter; Dornberger, Rolf [in: Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change]
    There are different approaches to developing a syllabus for a “blockchain curriculum” in a business school. The following chapter identifies many questions which can guide lecturers through their own process of creating a blockchain syllabus. The list of topics and figures presented indicate how much time could be spent on these topics. This list does not present a definite syllabus, because the essence of blockchain is that it is a holistic approach which goes beyond naming topics. It raises certain questions and is intended to start a broader discussion which will eventually lead to a systematic approach to this multidimensional challenge. Structuring this journey leads to the following four main questions, which are considered relevant in this discussion: What are the key research topics in blockchain? What is the impact of blockchain and by what criteria do we define impact? Which building blocks of blockchain are relevant to understanding the blockchain mechanism? Which applications (beside Bitcoin) should be discussed and are expected to become important in the near and distant future? This journey closes with some methodological remarks based on my experience of teaching blockchain classes. Finally, it is obvious that any curriculum will be condemned to continuous adaption because blockchain technology is changing in an ongoing way.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Mobile Communication Price Parity and index: Making Money off the poor
    (Elsevier, 2016) Dettling, Walter; Hitz, Anna [in: Telematics and Informatics]
    The price for mobile services is the most important determinant in the way low-income households use mobile phones. Based on existing data on mobile communication prices, a global index for measuring the price of mobile communication with 2G handsets has been developed. This index allows the comparison of price levels in different countries. The first step involves defining a mobile communication basket, containing a specific amount of speech and short messaging per month. The definition of this basket is based on the OECD definition of a standard basket of monthly mobile communication consumption (OECD, 2010) and targets the consumption Habits of low income users. Two different indices are proposed. A first calculation from the years 2009 to 2012 involving the indices of 149 countries provides a useful overview of the global mobile price landscape.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Informatikausbildung in der Schweiz: Wir müssen dranbleiben!
    (Netzmedien, 2013) Dettling, Walter [in: Netzwoche]
    Seit mehr als 20 Jahren hören wir, dass die Schweiz viel zu wenige Informatiker ausbildet. Aktuell droht über 2000 Informatikern bei der UBS die Kündigung. Haben wir nun zu viele oder zu wenige Informatiker? Oder vielleicht nicht die richtigen?
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    Informatiker-Ausbildung: Mehr Mut bitte!
    (Swiss Professional Media, 26.10.2012) Dettling, Walter [in: Unternehmer Zeitung]
    Seit Mitte der 90er-Jahre werden wir auf einen eklatanten Mangel an Informatik-Fachkräften in der Schweiz hingewiesen. Das trifft auch heute im Jahr 2012 immer noch zu. Trotz der enormen Verbreitung von Informatik in Beruf und Alltag scheint es so, dass der Beruf Informatiker immer noch wenig attraktiv für junge Nachwuchskräfte ist.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung