Kolb, Lucie

Kolb, Lucie


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  • Publikation
    'Counter-conscious’ Ways of Life
    (Brand-New-Life, 2019) Allen, Jamie; Garnicnig, Bernhard; Kolb, Lucie; Willats, Stephen [in: Artwork as Institution]
    In his opening address to the symposium Art Creating Society at the Museum of Modern Art Oxford in 1990, Stephen Willats compelled participants and the audience to contribute their viewpoints on the development of a new vision for art, one that extends its social meaning beyond the institutional territory to which it has traditionally been confined. This statement is an example of his pronounced intention to have his artworks intervene into the functioning of society at large, developing models that provide both critical outlooks and promising perspectives. Willats’ approach is connected to the «interactive communication networks» he creates in contemporary art. He also creates a network between artists and others through the magazine Control he has been publishing since 1969. The magazine’s title should be read in the sense of «agency» and «interaction» and not in the authoritarian sense beloved of the critics of cybernetics, as historians like Andrew Pickering pointed out.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    A tank to think through contemporary art
    (Les Presses Du Réel, 2019) Kolb, Lucie; Enckell Julliard, Julie [in: Exhibiting in an Educational Field – LiveInYourHead 2009-2019]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Arbeit am Rahmen. A.N.Y.P. und when tekkno turns to sound of poetry
    (Diaphanes, 2018) Kolb, Lucie; Kolb, Lucie; Preisig, Barbara; Welter, Judith [in: Paratexte. Zwischen Produktion, Vermittlung und Rezeption]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    «We need to talk». Kunst, Kritik und e-flux conversations
    (Diaphanes, 2018) Kolb, Lucie; Kleesattel, Ines; Müller, Pablo [in: The Future Is Unwritten. Position und Politik kunstkritischer Praxis]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband