Hall, Monika

Hall, Monika


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  • Publikation
    Net zero energy balance for high-rise buildings
    (Advanced Building Skins, 2016) Hall, Monika; Geissler, Achim [in: Advanced Building Skins]
    Multifamily dwellings and office buildings with a square and a stretched footprint with up to 40 floors are considered for a net zero energy balance. A wide range of parameters is investigated in regard to their impact on the zero energy balance. The main results gained by the simulation based research described above can be summarized as follows: Only the HVAC zero balance can be achieved for up to 40 floors for all variants studied but one. The five main parameters in regard to achieving a HVAC or TE zero energy balance are, efficient electric devices and lighting, low heat demand, the type of heating system, the actually available area for PV and the overall efficiency of the PV-System. The results show that a net zero energy balance for HVAC only or for total energy can be achieved for large multifamily dwellings and office buildings of up to 40 floors. To this end, however, apart from a well-insulated building envelope, electronic devices, lighting and PV systems with a very high efficiency are necessary. With further improvements in the efficiency of devices, lighting and PV-systems, reaching the "zero" will become easier.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    LCE analysis of buildings - Taking the step towards Net Zero Energy Buildings
    (Elsevier, 2013) Hall, Monika; Berggren, Björn; Wall, Maria [in: Energy and Buildings]
    The basic concept of a Net Zero Energy Building (Net ZEB) is that on-site renewable energy generation covers the annual energy load. The main objective of this study is to analyse the increase of embodied energy compared to the decrease of the energy use related to building operation; partly by a literature review, partly by detailed analysis of eleven case studies; taking the step from a low energy building to a Net ZEB. The literature review shows that the metric of evaluation, assumed life-span, boundary conditions, age of database and the origin of database differ in different studies and influence the result of embodied energy. The relationship between embodied energy and life cycle energy use is almost linear for all cases studied herein. During the last two decades, embodied energy in new buildings has decreased slightly. However, the relative share of embodied energy related to life cycle energy use has increased. The detailed life cycle energy analysis show that taking the step from a low energy building to a Net ZEB results in a small increase of the embodied energy. However, the energy savings achieved in the annual operating energy balance clearly exceed the increase in embodied energy.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    One Year Minergie-A—Switzerlands Big Step towards Net ZEB
    (David Publishing Company, 01/2013) Hall, Monika [in: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture]
    The first available label standardizing a zero-balanced type of building is the Swiss Standard Minergie-A. The Standard prescribes an annual net zero primary energy balance for heating, domestic hot water and ventilation. Electricity consumption for appliances and lighting is excluded. Additionally, Minergie-A is the first standard worldwide which includes a requirement in regard to embodied energy. Based on an analysis of 39 Minergie-A buildings, this paper shows that a wide range of different energy concepts and embodied energy strategies are possible in the scope of the label. The basis of all Minergie-A buildings is a well-insulated building envelope. However, the step from the Swiss Standard Minergie-A to a Net ZEB (net zero energy building) standard which includes electricity consumption for appliances and lighting is not a very big one. Increasing the size of the photovoltaic system is sufficient in most cases. Anyway, some of the Minergie-A buildings evaluated are also Net ZEBs. In this paper, it is also shown that the net zero balance during the operational phase of Net ZEBs clearly outweighs the increased embodied energy for additional materials in a life cycle energy analysis.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Taking the step towards Net Zero Energy Buildings - How will that affect the energy use from a life cycle perspective?
    (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2013) Hall, Monika; Berggren, Björn; Wall, Maria [in: CISBAT]
    An important measure for climate change mitigation is reduction of energy use in buildings worldwide. There are today a growing number of buildings for which the design principle has been to achieve a Zero Energy Building (ZEB) or Net Zero Energy Building (Net ZEB). It is today generally assumed, when the energy use of a building is discussed from a LifeCycle perspective, that energy use in the operational phase of buildings accounts for 70-90% of energy used during its life cycle. However, a natural consequence is that for Net ZEBs the relative share of energy use related to building operation will decrease. Some might argue that the energy savings achieved related to building operation of a Net ZEB is lower compared to the increased energy use for production, maintenance and demolition. This study analyzes the change of embodied energy compared to the decrease of the energy use related to building operation; by literature review and detailed analysis of eleven case studies, taking the step from a low energy building to a Net ZEB.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift