Thomann, Michael

Thomann, Michael


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Scattered and transmitted light as surrogates for activated carbon residual in advanced wastewater treatment processes. Investigating the influence of particle size

2024-04, Kirchen, Franziska, Fundneider, Thomas, Gimmel, Louis, Thomann, Michael, Pulfer, Michael, Lackner, Susanne

The use of powdered activated carbon (PAC) is a common process in advanced wastewater treatment to remove micropollutants. Retention and separation of PAC is essential as PAC loaded with micropollutants should not be released into the environment. Determining the activated carbon (AC) residual in the effluent poses a challenge, as there is currently no on-line measurement method. In this study, the correlation between turbidity, measured by scattered light, and absorption at wavelength of 550 nm (Absorption550 nm), measured by transmitted light, was investigated in relation to the AC residue. Linear correlations for turbidity (R2 = 0.95) and Absorption550 nm (R2 = 1.00) to AC concentrations were observed in both laboratory and full-scale experiments in a pilot plant where superfine PAC was added prior to Pile Cloth Media Filtration (PCMF). Decreasing the particle size (d50) while maintaining the same AC concentration leads to increased turbidity: Therefore, a fourfold reduction in d50 results in a 2- to 3-fold increase in turbidity, whereas a 30-fold reduction in d50 leads to a 6-to 8-fold increase. Furthermore, the original wastewater turbidity led to a parallel shift in the linear correlation between turbidity and AC. Coagulant doses of up to 400 mg Me3+/g AC resulted in a 50% reduction in turbidity. However, higher concentrations from 400 to 1,000 mg Me3+/g AC resulted in increased turbidity with only a 30% reduction compared to the initial turbidity. The study also highlights the significance of AC particle size in optical measurements, impacting result accuracy.

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Quality evaluation methods for wastewater treatment plant data

2008, Thomann, Michael

Non identified systematic errors in data sets can cause severe problems inducing wrong decisions in function control, process modelling or planning of new treatment infrastructure. In this paper statistical methods are shown to identify systematic errors in full-scale WWTP data sets. With a redundant mass balance approach analyzing five different mass balances, systematic errors of about 10%–20% compared to the input fluxes can be identified at a 5%-significance level. A Shewhart control-chart approach to survey the data quality of on-line-sensors allows a statistical as well as a fast graphical analysis of the measurement process. A 19 month data set indicates that NO3−, PO4− and NH4− on-line analyzers in the filter effluent and MLSS sensors in the aeration tanks were not disturbed by any systematic error for 85–95% of the measuring time. The in-control-interval (±3·standard deviation) has a width of ±12–17% (NO3-N), ±35–40% (PO4-P), ±83% (NH4-N) and ±12–15% (TS) of the measured reference value.

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Spectral in-situ analysis of NO2, NO3, COD, DOC and TSS in the effluent of a WWTP

2004, Rieger, Leiv, Langergraber, Günter, Thomann, Michael, Fleischmann, Nikolaus, Siegrist, Hansruedi

An in-situ UV spectrometer was applied to the effluent of a WWTP in Switzerland and calibrated using a multivariate calibration algorithm based on PLS regression. Except for nitrite, the calibration was based on comparative measurements of the effluent in the plant laboratory. Samples made of stock solution added to three different matrices prepared in the EAWAG laboratory were used for the nitrite calibration because the effluent concentrations were always in the range of 0.06–0.26 mg/l. The results show very good precision for nitrite and nitrate. The measuring range for COD and DOC was not completely covered by the measurements, so the meaningfulness of the results is limited. Nevertheless the precision obtained for soluble COD is high enough for most applications at WWTPs. The accuracy of the TSS measurement is unsatisfactory as regards effluent limits since the spectrometer used does not cover the wavelength region up to 700 nm, which gives better signals for TSS calibration due to its strong correlation with turbidity.


Micropollutant abatement with UV/H2O2 oxidation or low-pressure reverse osmosis? A comparative life cycle assessment for drinking water production

2022-02-15, Roth, Christine, Wünsch, Robin, Wülser, Richard, Antes, Ralf, Dinkel, Fredy, Hugi, Christoph, Thomann, Michael

Micropollutants (MP) are undesired in drinking water. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) or low-pressure reverse osmosis membrane filtrations (LPRO) can be used to remove them during the water purification process. For a specific case, two treatment scenarios were compared with a life cycle assessment (LCA), using three impact assessment methods (Ecological Scarcity 2013, ILCD 2011, EDIP 2003). Scenario 1 (AOP-based) was a UV/H2O2 oxidation with a subsequent granular activated carbon (GAC) filter to remove excess H2O2 before soil infiltration. Scenario 2 (LPRO-based) was a side-stream treatment with an ultrafiltration (UF) and low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) filtration before soil infiltration and the LPRO retentate was treated with O3/H2O2 and subsequent granular activated carbon (GAC) filter before discharge back into Rhine. Sensitivity analyses were performed on the relevant contributors to evaluate the robustness of the results. LCA results showed that in the base-line scenario (electricity from renewable energy sources) the LPRO-based treatment had notably fewer environmental impacts than the AOP-based treatment, which was confirmed with three impact assessment methods. Key contributors to the impacts were mostly operating resources, i.e., electricity, H2O2, liquid O2 for ozone generation and GAC, but also construction resources in the LPRO process. The electrical energy source was decisive for the results: with a share of renewable energy sources <80%, the AOP-based treatment was the better option due to its lower specific energy demand. The optimization of treatment conditions, such as lower H2O2 concentration at an increased UV fluence; different H2O2:O3 molar ratios; or extended GAC utilization time could influence the environmental impact within a range of ±10–30%. Environmental benefits, i.e. the reduction of potential hazardous effects of 21 MPs, were determined with EDIP 2003 and USEtox for both treatment scenarios. The estimated benefits were negligible in comparison to the environmental burden caused by the treatments, thus would not be justified from a global LCA impact-benefit perspective. However, because of several uncertainties and lack of data, the inclusion of treatment benefits in LCAs for drinking water purification requires further research.

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Quantifying the uncertainty of on-line sensors at WWTPs during field operation

2005-12, Rieger, Leiv, Thomann, Michael, Gujer, Willi, Siegrist, Hansruedi

It remains an ongoing task to quantify the uncertainty of continuous measuring systems at WWTPs during field operation. The commonly used methods are based on lab experiments under standardized conditions and are only suitable for characterizing the measuring device itself. For measuring devices under field conditions, a knowledge of the response time, trueness and precision is equally important. A method is proposed which can be used to characterize newly installed on-line sensors or to evaluate monitoring data which may contain systematic errors. The concept is based on comparative measurements between the sensor and a reference. A linear regression is used to differentiate between trueness and precision. Various statistical tests are conducted to validate the preconditions of linear regression. The information about the trueness and precision of the measuring system under field conditions helps to adapt control strategies more effectively to the relevant processes and permits sophisticated control concepts. Moreover, the concept can help to define guidelines for evaluating the uncertainties of effluent quality monitoring to overcome the concerns about on-line sensors, improve the trust in these systems and to allow the use of continuously measuring systems for legislative purposes. The approach is discussed in detail in this paper and all statistical tests and formulas are listed in the Appendix.

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Progress in sensor technology - progress in process control? Part I: Sensor property investigation and classification

2003, Rieger, Leiv, Alex, Jens, Winkler, S., Boehler, Marc, Thomann, Michael, Siegrist, H.

To ensure correctly operating control systems, the measurement and control equipment in WWTPs must be mutually consistent. The dynamic simulation of activated sludge systems could offer a suitable tool for designing and optimising control strategies. Ideal or simplified sensor models represent a limiting factor for comparability with field applications. More realistic sensor models are therefore required. Two groups of sensor models are proposed on the basis of field and laboratory tests: one for specific sensors and another for a classification of sensor types to be used with the COST simulation benchmark environment. This should lead to a more realistic test environment and allow control engineers to define the requirements of the measuring equipment as a function of the selected control strategy.


Tradeoff between micropollutant abatement and bromate formation during ozonation of concentrates from nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes

2022, Wünsch, Robin, Hettich, Timm, Prahtel, Marlies, Thomann, Michael, Wintgens, Thomas, Von Gunten, Urs

Water treatment with nanofiltration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes results in a purified permeate and a retentate, where solutes are concentrated and have to be properly managed and discharged. To date, little is known on how the selection of a semi-permeable dense membrane impacts the dissolved organic matter in the concentrate and what the consequences are for micropollutant (MP) abatement and bromate formation during concentrate treatment with ozone. Laboratory ozonation experiments were performed with standardized concentrates produced by three membranes (two NFs and one low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) membrane) from three water sources (two river waters and one lake water). The concentrates were standardized by adjustment of pH and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, total inorganic carbon, selected micropollutants (MP) with a low to high ozone reactivity and bromide to exclude factors which are known to impact ozonation. NF membranes had a lower retention of bromide and MPs than the LPRO membrane, and if the permeate quality of the NF membrane meets the requirements, the selection of this membrane type is beneficial due to the lower bromate formation risks upon concentrate ozonation. The bromate formation was typically higher in standardized concentrates of LPRO than of NF membranes, but the tradeoff between MP abatement and bromate formation upon ozonation of the standardized concentrates was not affected by the membrane type. Furthermore, there was no difference for the different source waters. Overall, ozonation of concentrates is only feasible for abatement of MPs with a high to moderate ozone reactivity with limited bromate formation. Differences in the DOM composition between NF and LPRO membrane concentrates are less relevant than retention of MPs and bromide by the membrane and the required ozone dose to meet a treatment target.

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Computer-aided monitoring and operation of continuous measuring devices

2004, Rieger, Leiv, Thomann, Michael, Joss, Adriano, Gujer, Willi, Siegrist, Hansruedi

Extended studies of measuring and control systems in activated sludge plants at EAWAG revealed that the measuring devices remain the weakest point in control applications. To overcome this problem, a software package was developed which analyses and evaluates the residuals between a reference measurement and the sensor and collects the information in a database. The underlying monitoring concept is based on a two-step evaluation of the residuals by means of statistical evaluations using control charts with two different sets of criteria. The first step is a warning phase in which hints on probable errors trigger an increase in the monitoring frequency. In the second step, the alarm phase, the error hypothesis has to be validated and should allow immediate and targeted reactions from the operator. This procedure enables an optimized and flexible monitoring effort combined with an increased probability of early detection of systematic measuring errors. Beside the monitoring concept, information about the measuring device, the performed servicing actions and the responsibilities is stored. Statistical values for the quantitative characterization of the measuring system during operation will be given. They are needed to parameterise controllers or to guarantee the accuracy of the instrument in order to allow reliable calculations of effluent tax. In contrast to other concepts, not only is the measuring device examined under standard conditions, but so is the entire measuring chain from the liquid to be analysed to the value stored in the database of the supervisory system. The knowledge of the response time of the measuring system is then required in order to allow a comparison of the corresponding values.

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An efficient monitoring concept with control charts for on-line sensors

2002, Thomann, Michael, Rieger, Leiv, Frommhold, Sabine, Siegrist, Hansruedi, Gujer, Willi

A monitoring concept for on-line sensors will be discussed which helps the WWTP staff to detect drift-, shift- and outlier effects as well as unsatisfactory calibration curves. The approach is based on the analysis of comparative measurements between the sensor and a reference method. It combines statistical analysis such as control charts and regression analysis with decision support rules. The combination of two different detection levels in the selected Shewhart control charts with additional criteria allows one to detect ‘out-of-control’ situations early with an optimized measurement effort. Beside the statistical analysis the concept supports the operator with a graphical analysis to monitor the accuracy of on-line measurements efficiently. The widely applicable monitoring concept will be illustrated with examples for an ion-sensitive NH4+- and a MLSS-sensor.