Hanne, Thomas
Hybridized white learning in cloud-based picture archiving and communication system for predictability and interpretability
2020, Tallón-Ballesteros, Antonio J., Fong, Simon, Li, Tengyue, Liu, Lian-sheng, Hanne, Thomas, Lin, Weiwei, de la Cal, Enrique Antonio, Villar Flecha, José Ramón, Quintián, Héctor, Corchado, Emilio
Special issue on Recent Advances in Machine Intelligence
2016, Hanne, Thomas, Deb, Suash, Fong, Simon
Shopping Furniture Online via Intelligent Agent as an Artificial Neural Adviser
2015, Wu, Yi, Fong, Simon, Deb, Suash, He, Xingshi, Hanne, Thomas, Moutinho, Luiz, Huarng, Kun-Huang
Gaussian guided self-adaptive wolf search algorithm
2018, Song, Qun, Fong, Simon, Deb, Suash, Hanne, Thomas
Nowadays, swarm intelligence algorithms are becoming increasingly popular for solving many optimization problems. The Wolf Search Algorithm (WSA) is a contemporary semi-swarm intelligence algorithm designed to solve complex optimization problems and demonstrated its capability especially for large-scale problems. However, it still inherits a common weakness for other swarm intelligence algorithms: that its performance is heavily dependent on the chosen values of the control parameters. In 2016, we published the Self-Adaptive Wolf Search Algorithm (SAWSA), which offers a simple solution to the adaption problem. As a very simple schema, the original SAWSA adaption is based on random guesses, which is unstable and naive. In this paper, based on the SAWSA, we investigate the WSA search behaviour more deeply. A new parameter-guided updater, the Gaussian-guided parameter control mechanism based on information entropy theory, is proposed as an enhancement of the SAWSA. The heuristic updating function is improved. Simulation experiments for the new method denoted as the Gaussian-Guided Self-Adaptive Wolf Search Algorithm (GSAWSA) validate the increased performance of the improved version of WSA in comparison to its standard version and other prevalent swarm algorithms.
Recent advances in machine intelligence
2016, Hanne, Thomas, Deb, Suash, Fong, Simon
Solving the Permutation Flow Shop Problem with Firefly Algorithm
2014-12-08T00:00:00Z, Fong, Simon, Zhuang, Yan, Deb, Suash, Hanne, Thomas
Eidetic Wolf Search Algorithm with a Global Memory Structure
2016, Hanne, Thomas, Fong, Simon, Deb, Suash
Metaheuristics in Logistics
2015, Hanne, Thomas, Deb, Suash, Fong, Simon, Moutinho, Luiz, Huarng, Kun-Huang