Fellmann, Lukas

Fellmann, Lukas


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    Exploring the impact of multilocal housing arrangements on the well-being of young people in residential youth care
    (19.04.2024) Schmid, Thomas; Osswald, Jana; Kindler, Tobias; Fellmann, Lukas; Köngeter, Stefan; Schaffner, Dorothee; Zellner, Carole
    Exploring the impact of multilocal housing arrangements on the well-being of young people in residential youth care – A quantitative study Background: Previous research in the field of child and youth care has overlooked the fact that many young people in residential care may have multiple residences in addition to their placement. As a result, there is a lack of empirical data on the impact of multilocal housing arrangements on young people's well-being. Research questions: In order to fill this research gap, our study draws on two theoretical frameworks - the Personal Life Theory developed by Carole Smart in 2007 and the perspective of housing as a complex social and educational issue put forward by Miriam Meuth in 2018. The aim of the study is to explore the living arrangements and evaluations of (multiple) residences of young people in residential care and to identify possible factors influencing their well-being. Therefore, we ask what specific living arrangements these young people have, how they evaluate their places of residence, how these places differ for them, and how these housing situations affect their subjective well-being. Methods: Drawing on a quantitative cross-sectional research design, young people living in residential care facilities in the German-speaking part of Switzerland were invited to participate in an online survey that included innovative scales measuring the participants' housing situation on the activity, physical, and emotional dimensions. Respondents' well-being was assessed using the Personal Well-Being Index (Diener 1984, Cummins & Lau 2005). The final sample consisted of 563 young people from 90 different organizations and 15 cantons. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and multivariate regression were used to answer the research questions. Results: The results show that only 17 percent of the young people in our sample live exclusively in a residential care facility. 45 percent live in one additional place, and another 38 percent live in two or more additional places (e.g., with parents, relatives, or friends). While the ratings of their places of residence varied significantly by location, residential care facilities were rated lowest on all three emotional, physical, and activity dimensions. All housing dimensions have a significant impact on well-being, with the emotional dimension having the strongest influence. Conclusions: This study is the first to use a quantitative approach to empirically illustrate Smart and Meuth's arguments. The results show that many young people in residential care do indeed feel attached to multiple places of residence. Although it seems less important in how many places young people live or how long they have lived in one place, the attachment to a place of residence has a significant impact on the well-being of these young people. Therefore, in order to better identify and address the different types of disadvantages faced by young people in residential care, the findings provide valuable suggestions for improving residential care services as a specific place of residence. The conclusion of our presentation will discuss further implications for both theoretical research and practical applications in the field of out-of-home care.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Perspectives of young people in residential care on their multilocal residency settings
    (14.09.2023) Schmid, Thomas; Kindler, Tobias; Osswald, Jana; Fellmann, Lukas; Köngeter, Stefan; Schaffner, Dorothee; Zellner, Carole
    Background: In the field of child and youth care research, our understanding of the living conditions of young people in care is limited. Specifically, previous research has overlooked the fact that many children and young people in residential care may have multiple residences, in addition to their placement. Research questions: In order to fill this gap in research, our study draws on two theoretical frameworks – the Personal Life Theory developed by Carole Smart in 2007 and the perspective on housing as a complex social and pedagogical issue put forth by Miriam Meuth in 2018. The objective of the research is to examine the living arrangements and evaluations of (multiple) residences by young individuals in residential care. Therefore, the following research questions were addressed: (1) What specific living arrangements do young people in residential care have? (2) How do they evaluate their place(s) of residence in terms of emotional, physical and activity dimensions? (3) How do the various residential settings differ in the perspective of the young people? Methods: Drawing on a quantitative cross-sectional research design, young people living in residential care settings in the German-speaking part of Switzerland were invited to participate in an online survey that included innovative scales to measure their multiple residency settings. The final sample consisted of 563 young people from 90 different organizations and 15 cantons. Descriptive statistics and analyses of variance were used to answer the research questions. Results: The results show that only 17 percent of respondents live exclusively in a residential care facility. 45 percent live in one additional place, and another 38 percent live in two or more additional places (e.g., with parents, relatives, or friends). While the ratings of their places of residence varied significantly by location, residential care facilities were rated lowest on all three emotional, physical, and activity dimensions. Conclusions: This study is the first to use a quantitative approach to empirically illustrate Smart and Meuth's arguments. The results show that many young people, particularly those living in residential care, do indeed feel attached to multiple places of residence. Therefore, in order to better identify and address the different types of disadvantages faced by young people in residential care, the findings can provide valuable suggestions for improving residential care services as a specific place of residence. Our presentations conclusion will discuss further implications for both theoretical research and practical applications in the field of out of home care.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Effects of family interventions on interpersonal conflicts. A network perspective
    (SAGE, 23.02.2023) Fellmann, Lukas [in: Journal of Social Work]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    HELP! For Families/Patenschaften für Kinder mit psychisch belasteten und erkrankten Eltern: Projektevaluation. Gesamtbericht
    (Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 30.10.2015) Müller, Brigitte; Fellmann, Lukas; Gutmann, Renate
    In der Schweiz gibt es erst wenige spezifisch auf die Bedarfe von Familien mit einem psychisch erkrankten Elternteil ausgerichtete Hilfsangebote. Professionell, d.h. durch eine Fachperson der Sozialen Arbeit, begleitete Patenschaften ermöglichen betroffenen Kindern eine konstante und vertrauensvolle Beziehung zu einer zusätzlichen Bezugsperson, gleichzeitig werden die Eltern entlastet. Das Angebot 'HELP! Patenschaften' wurde gemeinsam durch den Basler Träger „Help! For Families“ und die Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit in enger Zusammenarbeit entwickelt – die Kooperation erfolgte im Rahmen der Konzeptentwicklung, der Begleitung während der Umsetzung und der Evaluation. Im Bericht sind die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sowie die daraus abgeleiteten Empfehlungen für die Weiterführung des Angebots festgehalten.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    wikip (Winterthurer Präventions- und Versorgungsprojekt für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern): Projektbericht
    (03.04.2014) Albermann, Kurt; Gäumann, Christine; Alessi, Monika; Müller, Brigitte; Gutmann, Renate; Fellmann, Lukas; Gundelfinger, Ronnie
    Im Projektbericht wikip beschreiben die Projektleitung und das für die wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Projekts verantwortliche Team der Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW den Verlauf des Projekts in der ersten Phase (2010-2014), den fachlichen Hintergrund, die Projektstruktur und -organisation sowie die bisherigen Aktivitäten und durchgeführten Massnahmen. Es wird zudem eine Übersicht über die Resultate der Evaluation und die daraus ableitbaren Schlussfolgerungen zu bisherigen Wirkungen des Projektes und seiner Massnahmen gegeben.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Projektevaluation wikip (Winterthurer Präventions- und Versorgungsprojekt für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern)
    (03.04.2014) Müller, Brigitte; Gutmann, Renate; Fellmann, Lukas
    Das Winterthurer Präventions- und Versorgungsprojekt für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern setzte sich in der ersten Projektphase 2010 bis 2014 zum Ziel, dem komplexen Unterstützungs-bedarf von Familien mit einem psychisch erkrankten Elternteil durch folgende Massnahmen zu begegnen: Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen relevanten Akteuren der kinder- und erwachsenenpsychiatrischen Versorgung, der Kinder - und Jugendhilfe sowie weiteren Organi-sationen und Fachpersonen aus dem Bildungs-, Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen, Sensibilisierung und Weiterbildung von Fachpersonen sowie die Identifizierung und Schliessung von An-gebotslücken bzw. die Schaffung neuer zielgruppen- und bedarfsorientierter Angebote. Die Evaluation zeigt auf, welche Wirkungen das Projekt auf der Ebenen des Netzwerks, der beteiligten Organisationen, der einzelnen Fachleute sowie der betroffenen Eltern und Kinder in der ersten Phase erzielen konnte und diskutiert die Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Datenerhe-bungen (Experteninterviews, Online-Befragung, Weiterbildungsevaluationen, Website-Statistiken, Gruppendiskussion im Rahmen der Prozessevaluation, multiperspektivische Fallbe-trachtung) im Hinblick auf die zu Projektbeginn definierten Zielsetzungen und Veränderungsbe-darfe, die in die Umsetzung gelangenden neuen Angebote sowie unter Bezugnahme auf aktuelle Forschungsliteratur und Beispiele „guter Praxis“.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht