Tappert, Simone

Tappert, Simone


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Contested urban green spaces in the compact city: The (re-)negotiation of urban gardening in Swiss cities

2017, Tappert, Simone, Klöti, Tanja, Drilling, Matthias

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"Was für Grün in der Stadt?"

2016, Klöti, Tanja, Tappert, Simone, Drilling, Matthias

Städtische Grünräume sind zentraler Gegenstand aktueller urbaner Aushandlungsprozesse darüber, wie sich die Stadt zukünftig zu entwickeln habe. Diese Stadtideale spiegeln sich auch in den Bedeutungen, welche aktuell dem städtischen Gärtnern zugeschrieben werden. Dabei kommt dem Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Natur sowie zwischen bebauten Räumen und Naturräumen in der Stadt eine besondere Rolle zu. Die Studie zeigt auf, dass Familiengärten und neue Formen urbanen Gärtnerns in Schweizer Städten im Spannungsfeld zwischen einem kompensatorischen und korrespondierenden Naturverständnis stehen und sich in ihnen die Sehnsucht nach ursprünglicher Natur mit dem Anspruch an funktionale Grünräume in der Stadt verbinden.

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Städtisches Gärtnern als emanzipierende Praxis - Die Aktivierung lokaler Gemeinschaft und der Anspruch auf autonome Produktion städtischer Räume

2017, Tappert, Simone, Klöti, Tanja, Drilling, Matthias, Oehler, Patrick, Käser, Nadine, Drilling, Matthias, Guhl, Jutta, Thomas, Nicola

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Allotment gardens in Swiss cities: Contested spaces in changing urban landscapes

2015, Tappert, Simone, Klöti, Tanja, Drilling, Matthias, Niin, Gloria, Mishra, Himansu Sekhar


Urban gardening and green space governance: towards new collaborative planning practices

2016, Nikolaidou, Sofia, Klöti, Tanja, Tappert, Simone, Drilling, Matthias

In the context of urban densification and central urban areas’ lack of open spaces, new forms of small-scale urban gardening practices have emerged. These gardening practices respond to urban pressures and open new modes of green space governance, presenting alternative and multifunctional ways to manage and revitalise cities. Focusing on the case of Geneva, the article unfolds two levels of discussion. On the one hand—and with reference to the theorist Habermas—it examines how multiple actors with different interests interplay and cooperate with each other in order to negotiate over open space, while discussing implications for local politics and planning. On the other hand, it describes how these negotiations result in new, innovative, and hybrid forms of public green space. The main findings indicate emerging forms of collaboration, partnerships, and governance patterns that involve public and private sectors and increase participation by civil society actors. Cooperation amongst several interested groups and the collective re-invention of public urban spaces increase these spaces’ accessibility for multiple users and actors, as well as present possibilities for alternative and diversified uses and activities. This might underline the hypothesis that future cities will be governed in less formalised ways, and that urban forms will be created through spontaneous, temporary, mobile, and adaptive negotiation processes.

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Future Scenarios of Allotment Gardens in the context of increasing urban densification and urban open space policies