Voss, Jeronimo

Voss, Jeronimo


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"Obdachlos sein ist teuer"

2021-12-13, Voss, Jeronimo, OReilly, Maike

Ein Interview mit Michael, einem Verkäufer von Arts of the Working Class in Frankfurt am Main und ein Kommentar zur Medienberichterstattung über das Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel.

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Cross-Fading the Milky Way - Artist Jeronimo Voss interviewed by Prof. Johan Hartle

2019, Voss, Jeronimo, Hartle, Johan, Tai, Chaokang, van der Steen, Bart, van Dongen, Jeroen

Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960), prominent astronomer and world-renowned socialist theorist, stood at the nexus of the revolutions in politics, science and the arts of the early twentieth century. His astronomy was uniquely visual and highly innovative, while his politics were radical. Anton Pannekoek: Ways of Viewing Science and Society collects essays on Pannekoek and his contemporaries at the crossroads of political history, the history of science and art history.

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Inverted Night Sky

2017, Hartle, Johan, Williams, Alena J., Voss, Jeronimo

Jeronimo Voss interessiert sich für die erzählerischen Qualitäten von Projektionsapparaturen. In vielen seiner Arbeiten greift der Künstler auf technisch formale Prinzipien der Phantasmagorie zurück. Unter Verwendung restaurierter Glasbilder der historischen Laterna Magica sowie digital bearbeiteten Bildern schafft er zeitgenössische Filminstallationen und Fotocollagen. Voss verknüpft mit den Mitteln der Montage historische Weltanschauungen, politische Theorien und Beobachtungen der Stadtentwicklung. Auf diese Weise entstehen ebenso gesellschaftskritische wie poetische Werke, die den sozialen mit dem gebauten Raum, Vorstellungen eines unendlichen Raums mit Bildern des Kosmos sowie Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ineinanderfügen.Jeronimo Voss, geboren 1981 in Hamm/Westfalen, lebt und arbeitet in Frankfurt am Main. Dort studierte er bis 2009 Bildende Kunst an der HfBK Städelschule, unter anderem bei Prof. Tobias Rehberger und in der Freien Klasse.

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Fanfares for Effective Freedom

2015, Voss, Jeronimo

Jeronimo Voss began his research on the history of Cybernetics in 2006. It took him from ancient mythology of navigation to the strategies of present-day big data governance. The story connects the Cybersyn Opsroom of the early 1970s state planned economy in Chile with its contemporary version of business consultancy in Switzerland. In previous exhibitions Jeronimo Voss presented this narrative as an illusional overhead projection. The story is now translated into its consequential form of an online display linking to further material in the web. Collaborators: Institut für Gebrauchsgrafik The Institut für Gebrauchsgrafik was founded in 2011 in Frankfurt am Main focusing on design and media production for the spheres of science, education, culture and social projects. Das Institut für Gebrauchsgrafik wurde 2011 in Frankfurt am Main gegründet, mit dem Fokus auf Gestaltung und Medienproduktion für Wissenschaft, Bildung, Kultur und Soziales.

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Mothers of Ultra

2020, Voss, Jeronimo, Xiaotian, Li, Plutte, Christoph

Mothers of Ultra is the title of a new video and fashion collection produced by visual artist and fashion designer Miao in collaboration with ChaoCoop based in Jieyang, China. The pieces are presented as a frontal window installation at Synnika in Frankfurt/Main as well as on www.synnika.space.

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To Launch A Soeng Joeng Toi in Frankfurt

2019, Xiaotian, Li, Voss, Jeronimo

Soeng Joeng Toi (SJT) is an open space of mutual aid and a platform for collaboration and connection, which was initiated in 2016 and officially launched in 2017 in a residential community in Guangzhou, China.


Martians Stranded on Earth

2017, Voss, Jeronimo

Ernst Mach schrieb im Jahr 1912: „Wir sind ganz außerstande, die Veränderungen der Dinge an der Zeit zu messen. Die Zeit ist vielmehr eine Abstraktion, zu der wir durch die Veränderung der Dinge gelangen, [...].“ Heute entwickelt der Physiker Julian Barbour diesen Ansatz von Ernst Mach weiter: „Time is an illusion and motion too, put into the world by us and our brains. [...] It’s not a linear story – it appears linear to us [...] but there is nothing linear at all.“ Wer mit zeitbasierten Medien arbeitet kommt zu ganz ähnlichen Ergebnissen. Eine Video-Timeline ist eine Montage von Einzelbildern deren Reihenfolge nicht festgelegt ist, sondern beliebig sortiert und umstrukturiert werden kann. Für Julian Barbour sind diese Einzelbilder Momente die ihren eigenen Rahmen verdienen: „Each moment, each now is very different to each other. A Now has no duration. Nows are eternal.“

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2020, Voss, Jeronimo

In urban planning Conversion means the transformation of buildings and areas, in IT: the change of a data format, in the armaments industry: the shift towards civilian production. In March 2020, employees of General Electric walked out against their company, demanding to switch its aircraft engine facilities to the production of medical fans, instead of firing the employees as planned. Similar developments were visible around the globe in the following weeks and months. Demands for conversion are increasing in all areas of life.

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Produktion, Reproduktion, Kooperation: Die Villa von der ‚negativen Utopie‘ zum Gemeinschaftshaus

2018, Voss, Jeronimo, Stiehl, Martin, Sehrt, Jessica, Tattara, Martino, Aureli, Pier Vittorio

Today more than ever, production transcends the boundaries that, since modernity, separated the domestic space from the workplace. New forms of production imply the overlap between work and life, to the point that they become indistinguishable. This condition clashes with the very purpose of the domestic interior, which, since its invention in the eighteenth century, supposedly existed in compensatory opposition to the work sphere. Commenting on the emergence of the domestic interior, Walter Benjamin wrote that “For the private individual, the place of dwelling is for the first time opposed to the place of work. The former constitutes itself as interior. Its complement is the office. The private individual, who in the office has to deal with reality, needs the domestic interior to sustain him in his illusions.” Source: Dogma, Realism Working Group: „Production, Reproduction, Co-Operation: The Villa from “Negative Utopia” to Communal House“, in: The Property Issue – Ground Control and the Commons, Aachen 2018, Page 154–173, hier S. 154

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Artists’ Studios in Berlin. Interview with Florian Schmidt

2015, Voss, Jeronimo, Sehrt, Jessica, Tattara, Martino, Aureli, Pier Vittorio, Stiehl, Martin, Florian, Schmidt, Hirsch, Nikolaus, Peleg, Hila, Kuehn, Wilfried, Fezer, Jesko, Hiller, Christian

How can the housing question (Wohnungsfrage) be appropriately reformulated in an age in which the work / life distinction is becoming increasingly blurred? The Realism Working Group and the architecture firm Dogma – in consultation with Florian Schmidt, Studio Commissioner of the Kulturwerk bbk berlin – are developing new living and working spaces for artists that challenge traditional designs and their underlying economic frameworks.