Nussli, Natalie

Nussli, Natalie


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Capturing the successes and failures during pandemic teaching: An investigation of university students’ perceptions of their faculty’s emergency remote teaching approaches

2022-12-21, Nussli, Natalie, Oh, Kevin, Davis, Jason P.

This research investigates teacher candidates’ experiences during two semesters of imposed remote instruction during a pandemic. Through qualitative research interviewing, the perceptions of a purposeful sample of five preservice teachers were captured to investigate the faculty’s emergency remote teaching approaches. The theory-based interview guide was developed based on six concepts, namely, feedback, care, student engagement, choices, collaboration, and autonomous learning. The results present factors affecting the quality of feedback. Several challenges were identified in the way and the timing in which content was structured, presented, and released. The interviewed participants’ engagement levels were determined by regular synchronous interaction, highly structured learning platforms, and precise communication. The challenges of collaboration, a lack of social cohesion, and a lack of adaptations made to the digital curriculum affected students’ motivation, engagement, and efficiency levels. Distinct structures, clearly communicated purposes, and a well-defined organization were considered to be key to ensuring learning autonomy. The study contributes to refocusing efforts with a view towards post-pandemic teaching.


Does short-term international immersion have a sustainable impact on teachers’ cultural competence? Follow-up interviews eight years after a teaching experience in South Korea

2021-10, Oh, Kevin, Nussli, Natalie

This qualitative study was conducted with teacher candidates studying in a Masters program at a university on the west coast in the United States. The main goal was to capture if immersion in a foreign culture and the short-term teaching of primary and secondary school students in South Korea had any sustainable impact on the participating teachers’ perception of their cultural knowledge, competence, and awareness almost a decade after their immersion experience. The researchers interviewed four teachers who had participated in one of two immersion projects conducted in 2010 and 2011. A questionnaire on teachers’ self-efficacy regarding culturally responsive teaching (modified from Chu & Garcia, 2014) was administered prior to the interview giving the participants a tool to reflect on what it means to be a culturally responsive teacher and to self-assess their own cultural competence and teaching practices. Four themes emerged from the interviews, namely, perspective taking ability, relationships, teaching strategies, and cultural knowledge. The findings indicate that international immersion not only offers an effective way for pre-service teachers to receive intercultural training. It also has the potential to create transformative learning experiences by immersing students in cultural contexts unfamiliar to them. The findings from this study will be interesting to teacher educators who consider integrating international immersion projects into their teacher education programs.