Schumann, Svantje

Schumann, Svantje


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The Analysis of Science Education Lessons at Primary Level

2020-01, Schumann, Svantje

The phenomenon of "swimming and sinking" is a very demanding basic concept not only for children but also for teachers. Nevertheless, it is often taught in science lessons at primary schools. The following article analyzes a teaching sequence on the subject of "swimming and sinking" in 2nd grade, available as video recording, as well as accompanying material and transcripts. The analysis of the implementation practice serves to examine the realities that result in practical consequence. A sequence from the lesson is analyzed using objective hermeneutics. The method of objective hermeneutics is a reconstructive method in contrast to a subsuming approach. It aims to decipher the typical, i.e. characteristic, structures of phenomena to be investigated and to "bring to light the objective laws operating behind the phenomena". In the case analysis there was maximum transparency: each sequence passage is available as a transcript and as an interpretation, each reader can try to replace the existing interpretation by an even more plausible interpretation using arguments and thereby increasing their knowledge. The case study concludes that the standardized form of knowledge transfer and the schematic view of science overtax children and teachers. The present study provides indications that it must be doubted whether standardized schematic teaching of scientific theory is capable of supporting the development of a researcher's habitus. It provides clues that it should at least be examined whether science education can instead be seen as applied science logic or science pedagogy for children and as science education with the aim of promoting the development of a researcher habitus in children.

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Inhaltsanalyse und Objektive Hermeneutik. Zur Analyse der Bedeutung sozialer Interaktion für Bildungsprozesse

2019-01, Schumann, Svantje

Die Interaktionsforschung war lange Zeit ein Stiefkind der Bildungsforschung. Aktuell, vor allem auch seit der Publikation von Hattie (2008/2017), wird der Interaktionsforschung eine größere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Im Bereich der Analyse von Interaktionen existieren unterschiedliche Verfahren. Eine wesentliche Fragestellung ist, wie sich die Bedeutung von sozialer Interaktion für Bildungsprozesse analysieren lässt und wie dabei die angewandte Methode unseren Blick auf den Gegenstand – die soziale Kooperation bzw. Interaktion – formt. Untersucht wird exemplarisch ein Fall aus dem Bereich der Frühpädagogik, für den schon ein Protokoll und ein auf inhaltsanalytisch-kategorisierendem Vorgehen beruhender Interpretationsvorschlag, bezogen auf die Bedeutung der Interaktion, vorliegt. Dieser nimmt für sich in Anspruch, zu gültigen Aussagen über eine Interaktionssituation zu kommen. Die Untersuchung desselben Falls erfolgt vergleichend mittels Objektiver Hermeneutik. Im Vergleich beider Verfahren wird ersichtlich, welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen bezogen auf Methode und generierte Hypothesen auftreten und wie sich die jeweilige Methodik auf die gewonnene Erkenntnis auswirkt; auch Forschungsdesiderata lassen sich ermitteln. Es lassen sich schließlich verallgemeinernd Schlüsse bezüglich der Analyse und der Bedeutung von Interaktionen ziehen.

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Streicheln und gucken bildet. Ein Plädoyer für frühe Tierkontakte

2019-09, Schumann, Svantje

Ob sie gemietete Hühner füttern oder im Wald Eichhörnchen beobachten – für Kinder sind Tierbegegnungen wichtige Erfahrungen. Warum sie möglichst früh stattfinden sollen und sie bildungswirksam sind.


Joining technology at primary school. Development of teaching ideas and materials

2018-01, Schumann, Svantje, Favre, Pascal, Brügger, Natalie

The aim of the project Joining technology at primary school, which was conducted as part of the EduNaT strategic initiative at FHNW (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland) in the period 2015 to 2017, was primarily to develop and test teaching ideas and materials for technology in General Science classes. The specific aim of the project was to reduce technophobia in teachers by making a tried-and-tested range of technical, didactic and media suggestions available to them on an online platform especially designed for this purpose. A collaborative approach was taken, with engineers and technicians from the FHNW engineering school, educators from the FHNW college of education and teachers from primary schools contributing their respective expertise - they worked together to develop teaching ideas and materials in the field of joining technology at primary school. The materials and ideas were then tested in workshops with 80 pupils from primary school classes. Audio and video recordings were made of the tests, which were then evaluated using objective hermeneutics. Observations made during the workshops led to a deeper understanding of the nature and essence of technical development processes in the participating children. It was possible to deduce from observation analysis, among other things, which joining techniques or elements are particularly suitable for the development of model thinking, which are better for gaining experience with technical design and which are better for understanding technical vocabulary. After evaluation, the teaching ideas and materials were reworked. The resulting teaching ideas and materials are now available through an online platform for qualifying teachers (training and professional development). The development process is presented here and insights are given into the ideas and materials developed by way of some examples.

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10 Gründe, in der Kita zu forschen

2019-03, Schumann, Svantje

Käfer beobachten, Schrauben sammeln oder testen, wie hoch sich Bausteine stapeln lassen – unendlich viel gehört zum kindlichen Forschen. Warum Kinder dafür Freiraum brauchen.