Hoffmann, Caroline

Hoffmann, Caroline


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    Hybrid ventilation in residential and office buildings
    (IOP Publishing, 2023) Hoffmann, Caroline; Hauri, Claudia; Primas, Alex; Dorer, Viktor; Huber, Heinrich [in: Journal of Physics. Conference Series]
    This project is focused on hybrid ventilation systems, a combination of natural and mechanical ventilation in residential and office buildings. Especially in dwellings hybrid ventilation systems are quite common. For instance, this can be the frequently occurring combination of exhaust fans in bathroom and toilet and / or a range hood in the kitchen with window ventilation in the other rooms. Currently, these systems are part of the planning reality, however, there are neither planning aids nor focused building standards available. A recently completed research project documents the state of the scientific knowledge, identifies most common planning challenges, and thus provides the basis for future planning aids for hybrid ventilation. This paper sets out to define the term "hybrid ventilation", presents the most common hybrid ventilation systems in Switzerland and gives planning guidelines for current components of hybrid ventilation systems.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Development of a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making model to assist building designers in the choice of superficial construction systems in urban areas
    (SAGE, 22.12.2022) Dürr, Jonas; Geissler, Achim; Hoffmann, Caroline [in: Journal of Building Physics]
    An enormous range of building materials that is almost impossible to keep track of is available. The trend toward building densification in cities continues apace. Coupled with climate change, a situation is emerging that poses ecological as well as economic risks in terms of living comfort in public, urban spaces. Building designers need help (tools) to be able to address a wide range of requirements within their planning. The development of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model BASK (engl. “Construction Materials for Cities in Climate Change”) is presented. The goal of the model is to assist building designers in determining surface materials for wall, ground and roof construction and help determine the best compromise between environmental, economic, and building practice criteria. Currently available criteria are heat stress, visual reflectance, CO equivalents, electricity production, retrofitability, sound absorption, construction costs, and life span. The criteria can be weighted by the designer, resulting in a customized ranking of construction systems that best meets the designer’s prioritized criteria. The design of BASK basically allows for an extension of the criteria. The version of BASK described in this paper includes 10 construction systems covering a wide range of construction types focused on walls. The tool requires technical data for materials considered in construction systems included, which are made available via a data base. The scope of construction systems can also be extended in the future. Based on the restricted set of construction systems the results of a sensitivity analysis and initial validation are given.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Fensterlüfter in der Gebäudesanierung
    (Ernst & Sohn, 06/2015) Hoffmann, Caroline; Geissler, Achim; Huber, Heinrich [in: Bauphysik]
    Bei der energetischen Gebäudeerneuerung werden oftmals nur die Fenster ausge-tauscht. Wird keine mechanische Lüftungsanlage eingebaut, die einen kontinuierlichen Luftaustausch gewährleistet, können mit dichteren Fenstern Feuchtigkeitsprobleme entstehen. Abhilfe wäre mit dem Einbau von Fensterlüftern möglich. Dabei entsteht einerseits die Frage, ob diese alleine in der Lage sind den Feuchteschutzluftwechsel zu gewährleisten. Andererseits ist ungeklärt, wie hoch die möglichen Einsparungen sind, wenn man die Fensterlüfter mit einer Zu- und Abluftanlage mit Wärmerückgewinnung (WRG) vergleicht. Der Aufsatz behandelt Fensterlüfter ohne WRG in querbelüfteten Wohnungen. Es werden die Ergebnisse thermischer Simulationen einer typischen Wohnung im Mehrfamilienhaus vorgestellt.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung