Hulliger, Beat
Wie evaluieren Einrichtungen der Schulsozialarbeit in der Deutschschweiz? Formen der Evaluationspraxis und begünstigende Einflussfaktoren
2023-09-13, Baumgartner, Edgar, Kaufmann, Aline, Lambertus, Michael, Hulliger, Beat, Zipperle, Mirjana, Baur, Katharina
Die Berufsunfallstatistik der Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich
2021, Heimsch, Fabian, Hulliger, Beat, Schüler, Sonja, Datta, Souvik
Management – Summary Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit wurde von der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz in Kooperation mit der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Arbeitssicherheit EKAS durchgeführt.
Regression based on medians with application to survey data
2019, Hulliger, Beat
Diskussion bestehender robuster Methoden auf Basis des Medians (Tukey's resistant line etc.) und Entwicklung zweier neuer Methoden. Implementation in R.
Determinants of Vietnamese household health expenditure: rural vs. urban
2021, Hulliger, Beat, Thu, Nguyen Thi Hong
Variance estimation for SILC Albania
2021, Hulliger, Beat, Boci, Liljana, Bollano, Kristaq, Memaj, Blerina
Variance estimation and accuracy of poverty indicators at regional level
2021, Hulliger, Beat, Boci, Liljana, Bollano, Kristaq, Memaj, Blerina
Modelling the choice of Vietnamese adolescents between school and work
2019, Hulliger, Beat, Thu, Nguyen Thi Hong
Based on the Vietnamese Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) 2014, the factors of participation in education and/or labour market of Vietnamese adolescents in the age range 11 to 18 is studied. Children working too much, in particular at age 11 to 15, are actually in child labour, and also older adolescents may compromise their future due to sacrificing education for work. Many children in developing countries combine school and work and, in addition, the category inactive or ‘not in education, employment or training’ must be taken into account. Hence, the choice between four possible outcomes, school only, combining school and work, work only and inactivity, is analysed by a comprehensive discrete choice model. The conceptual model for our analysis considers, in addition to classical personal and household factors, also ethnicity, region, urbanicity and seven public development programmes. These factors are particularly important for the development policy of Vietnam. The complex design of the VHLSS needs proper weighting and adaptation of methods. Gender, age, income and the education of adults in the household have a strong impact on the choice. Ethnicity, urbanicity and regional disparities are relevant, too, but only two development programmes have a significant impact.
Evaluation des kantonalen Durchimpfungsmonitorings Schweiz
2017, Hulliger, Beat, Schoch, Tobias, Walther, Ursula