Sterchi, Martin

Sterchi, Martin


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    The pig transport network in Switzerland. Structure, patterns, and implications for the transmission of infectious diseases between animal holdings
    (Public Library of Science, 2019) Sterchi, Martin; Faverjon, Céline; Sarasua, Cristina; Vargas, Maria Elena; Berezowski, John; Bernstein, Abraham; Grütter, Rolf; Nathues, Heiko [in: PLOS ONE]
    The topology of animal transport networks contributes substantially to how fast and to what extent a disease can transmit between animal holdings. Therefore, public authorities in many countries mandate livestock holdings to report all movements of animals. However, the reported data often does not contain information about the exact sequence of transports, making it impossible to assess the effect of truck sharing and truck contamination on disease transmission. The aim of this study was to analyze the topology of the Swiss pig transport network by means of social network analysis and to assess the implications for disease transmission between animal holdings. In particular, we studied how additional information about transport sequences changes the topology of the contact network. The study is based on the official animal movement database in Switzerland and a sample of transport data from one transport company. The results show that the Swiss pig transport network is highly fragmented, which mitigates the
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    A transdisciplinary approach supporting the implementation of a big data project in livestock production: an example from the Swiss pig production industry
    (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2019) Faverjon, Céline; Bernstein, Abraham; Grütter, Rolf; Nathues, Christina; Nathues, Heiko; Sarasua, Cristina; Sterchi, Martin; Vargas, Maria Elena; Berezowski, John [in: Frontiers in Veterinary Science]
    Big Data approaches offer potential benefits for improving animal health, but they have not been broadly implemented in livestock production systems. Privacy issues, the large number of stakeholders, and the competitive environment all make data sharing, and integration a challenge in livestock production systems. The Swiss pig production industry illustrates these and other Big Data issues. It is a highly decentralized and fragmented complex network made up of a large number of small independent actors collecting a large amount of heterogeneous data. Transdisciplinary approaches hold promise for overcoming some of the barriers to implementing Big Data approaches in livestock production systems. The purpose of our paper is to describe the use of a transdisciplinary approach in a Big Data research project in the Swiss pig industry. We provide a brief overview of the research project named “Pig Data,” describing the structure of the project, the tools developed for collaboration and knowledge transfer, the data received, and some of the challenges. Our experience provides insight and direction for researchers looking to use similar approaches in livestock production system research.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Unreliable is better: theoretical and practical impulses for performance management
    (Nomos, 2019) Stöckli, Sabrina; Messner, Claude; Sterchi, Martin; Dorn, Michael [in: Die Unternehmung]
    This review aims to stimulate discussion about a comprehensive understanding of performance evaluation – namely, the taken-for granted benefit of maximal reliable performance evaluation, where employee performance is evaluated with high levels of reliability (i.e., large samples of performance observations). So far, the management discipline has ignored the evidence-based view that one’s performance is better under unreliable performance evaluation compared to reliable performance evaluation. Drawing on tournament theory, behavioral research, and real-world sports data, we argue that while reliable performance evaluation boosts only superior employees, unreliable performance evaluation boosts all employees. The mechanisms that drive inferior and superior employees to perform better when evaluated unreliably substantiate that psychological insight is essential for efficient performance management. Overall, we complement the predominant thinking of performance management by offering innovative insights and implications that are significant for academics, employees, and employers.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    A survey-based design of a pricing system for psychotherapy
    (BioMed Central, 2018) Hulliger, Beat; Sterchi, Martin [in: Health Economics Review]
    Erstellung eines Tarifs für Leistungserbringer im Gesundheitswesen, psychologische Psychotherapeuten, aufgrund einer Erhebung über Kosten der Psychotherapie und einer Erhebung über Zeitaufwände für die Psychotherapie.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Pig data. Transdisciplinary approach for health analytics of the Swiss Swine Industry
    (2018) Sterchi, Martin
    Combining big data methods and transdisciplinary approaches for providing sustainable solutions for real-time decision making in the Swiss Swine Industry.
    06 - Präsentation