Blechschmidt, Anja

Anja Blechschmidt


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Naming images in aphasia: effects of illustrative and photographic images on naming performance in people with and without aphasia

2022-05-03, Reymond, Claire, Widmer Beierlein, Sandra, Müller, Christine, Kuntner, Katrin Petra, Falcón García, Noelia, Grumbinaite, Indre, Hemm-Ode, Simone, Degen, Markus, Parrillo, Fabrizio, Karlin, Stefan, Park, Sung Hea, Blechschmidt, Anja, Reutimann, Ricarda

Background: Picture naming is a common tool in aphasia diagnosis and therapy. However, opin-ions differ as to which type of image (e.g., photographs, drawings) is most suitable for naming tasks and whether there is a difference on naming correctness and latencies based on image type. Moreover, recent studies have mainly analysed colour photographs and black-and-white line drawings leaving out image types like graphic representations that apply image features that can facilitate naming such as colour, controlled size, or texture. Aims: To shed more light on ap-propriate image types for persons with aphasia, we created graphic representations depicting nouns and verbs and compared them to photographic stimuli in a naming task including persons with aphasia (PWA) and a control group (CG). Methods & Procedures: 33 PWA and 33 age matched persons (CG) participated in the study. Naming correctness and latencies were meas-ured in two different conditions: concepts depicted as coloured photographs vs. as graphic rep-resentations. 128 pictures of linguistically controlled German-language concepts (64 nouns, 64 verbs) had to be named. The designed graphic stimuli were developed by professional designers based on photographs. The photographs were selected from stock image databases according to a defined image concept. This image concept was based on empirical findings regarding im-age features that facilitate naming (e.g., colour, texture, shading) and was applied to the selec-tion of the photographs as well as to the creation of the graphic representations. The images were presented in pseudo-randomized sequences on a tablet and all reactions of the participants were videotaped. The data from the main study was analysed using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and linear mixed models (LMM).

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„Denk Sprache, denk SES” – Internationaler Tag der Sprachentwicklungsstörungen am 15. Oktober 2021

2021, Arisci, Nina, Blechschmidt, Anja, Starke, Anja

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Inklusion und Logopädie/Sprachtherapie/Sprachheilpädagogik: Angebote für Kinder und Jugendliche mit sprachlichem Förderbedarf in Schulen

2013-06-01, Blechschmidt, Anja, Reber, Karin, Allemann, David


Ein Leitschema zur Unterstützung des interprofessionellen Handelns

2022-05-01, Zahnd, Raphael, Kannengieser, Simone, Blechschmidt, Anja, Weisser, Jan

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Kompetenzorientierte projekt- und aufgabenbezogene Hochschullehre im Studiengang Logopädie

2013-11-01T00:00:00Z, Schräpler, Ute, Blechschmidt, Anja, Bucheli, Sandra, Frauchiger, Ursina, Kannengieser, Simone, Tovote, Katrin, Widmer Beierlein, Sandra, Richiger, Beat

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Risk factors for stuttering: a secondary analysis of a large data base

2010, Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta, Blechschmidt, Anja, Born, Claudia, Frey, Franz, Kawohl, Wolfram, Latal, Beatrix, Lupi, Gianpiero, Müller, Mario, Rössler, Wulf, Vetter, Stefan

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Ein Leitschema zur Unterstützung des interprofessionellen Handelns

2022, Zahnd, Raphael, Kannengieser, Simone, Blechschmidt, Anja, Weissen, Jan

Die Zusammenarbeit in interprofessionellen Teams wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten bedeutender. Es ist jedoch nicht immer einfach, sich über verschiedene Professionsgruppen hinweg zu verständigen. Der Beitrag zeigt, wie die interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit unterstützt werden kann. Mit Bezug auf Max Weber steht allerdings nicht der Begriff der Zusammenarbeit, sondern derjenige des Handelns im Zentrum. Der Beitrag fokussiert auf zwei Ansätze, die im Kontext interprofessionellen Handelns relevant sind. Einerseits geht es darum, das gemeinsame Referenzfeld als Rahmen zu nutzen, um über Professionsgrenzen hinweg zu handeln. Andererseits wird ein Handlungszyklus vorgestellt, der aufzeigt, inwiefern die verschiedenen Professionsgruppen vergleichbaren Handlungslogiken folgen können.

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Lebensqualität ist auch Partizipation

2013-10-01T00:00:00Z, Blechschmidt, Anja, Bossard, Marianne, Allemann, David