Schulze, Hartmut

Schulze, Hartmut


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    Engageing with Servicerobot «Relay». A longitudinal study on the change in emotional, cognitive and behavioral engagement
    (26.01.2024) Hamouche, Samira; Schulze, Hartmut
    The everyday use of robots is becoming increasingly prevalent due to continuous advancements in artificial intelligence. The great potential of using robots, such as Relay, an autonomous service robot, has been recognized in healthcare facilities in particular. In the context of changes in the workplace resulting from the use of robots, it is essential to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks that Relay brings. Furthermore, it remains unclear how practitioners’ engagement with Relay manifests, how it changes over time, and what the reasons behind such changes are. To address these questions, engagement is analyzed from three dimensions: emotion, cognition, and behavior. A longitudinal study was conducted in two hospitals employing Relay, utilizing non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews, and a scale reflecting attitudes towards Relay. Qualitative content analysis revealed four engagement types: the Committers, Prosaists, Optimists, and Pragmatists. Results indicated that the emotional dimension changed over time, whereas the cognitive and behavior-based dimensions remained constant. The scale indicated a decline in perceiving Relay as a social actor over time. Relay’s strength lies in relieving staff, while disruptions and technical malfunctions were cited as weaknesses.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Social Robots: Development and Evaluation of a Human-Centered Application Scenario
    (Springer Nature, 2019) Schulze, Hartmut; Kaufmann, Kaspar; Ziakas, Eleni; Catanzariti, Marco; Stoppa, Giancarlo; Burkhard, Roger; Tanner, Alexandra; Ahram, Tareq; Taiar, Redha; Colson, Serge; Choplin, Arnaud [in: Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019]
    This study aimed to develop and evaluate an application scenario for the use of a social robot, following a human-centered design approach. The social robot, which assisted the reception desk staff of a hotel by answering simple, repetitive and time-consuming questions (e.g. parking information, directions), was perceived predominantly positive by employees and guests of the hotel. However, the results suggested that to effectively reduce the employees’ workload and to provide a reliable source of information for the guest, the robot had to work on a high level of autonomy and technological stability. Additionally, the use of a social robot may estrange guests and employees alike, as they prefer human interaction or are fearful of job loss, respectively. An early inclusion of the employees in the design process has shown to reduce fears and increase acceptance towards the social robot and its integration into the workforce.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
    (Springer, 05.06.2018) Schulze, Hartmut; Mey, Günter [in: Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie]
    Die Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW-Psychologie) wird als Teildisziplin der Psychologie definiert und eingegrenzt. In ihrer Entstehung und Entwicklung hat die qualitative Forschung einen starken Einfluss, was an verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern und historischen Studien aufgezeigt wird. Anschließend werden aktuelle Entwicklungen der qualitativen Forschung in der AOW-Psychologie vorgestellt. Die Fallstudie wird dabei als gegenstandsadäquate Erkenntnisstrategie der Psychologie begründet und ihre methodische Arbeitsweise dargestellt. An zwei Beispielen wird das Vorgehen verdeutlicht, bevor die Gütekriterien für Fallstudien erörtert werden. Der Artikel schließt mit einer Bilanzierung und Bewertung der Entwicklung qualitativer Forschung in der AOW-Psychologie.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift