Aeschbacher, Marc

Aeschbacher, Marc


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Leading in society 5.0, The 5Co leadership concept

2023, Aeschbacher, Marc, Legena, Valeria, Gerber, Aurona, Hinkelmann, Knut

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Case study essento

2020, Meyer, Rolf, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Aeschbacher, Marc

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Case Study «Bureau Futur»

2020, Schulte, Volker, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Meyer, Rolf, Aeschbacher, Marc

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Digital Maturity Model - How companies can achieve sustainable competitiveness in the future and the digital age

2019, Fluri, Jasmin, Schwaferts, Dino, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Hinkelmann, Knut, Aeschbacher, Marc

For companies to be sustainably successful in the digital age, there are certain preconditions they must fulfill to be able to react to customer expectations and offer appropriate products or services competitively. This ability to proactively provide proper products or services within an adequate period is called Digital Maturity. To reach Dig-ital Maturity, companies must establish four preconditions: Customer Knowledge, Strategic Management, Technical Capability, and Cultural Agility. Those preconditions are called pillars of Digital Maturity. This chapter explains, why Digital Maturity concerns the whole company and requires different prerequisites on the leadership- as well as on the technical-, organizational, and cultural side of a company. The Digital Maturity assessment of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland is introduced and explains how to set up and incrementally perform a Digital Maturity assessment inside a company to continuously improve the companies’ Digital Maturity.

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Mentaltraining als Selfmanagementpraxis im Beruf

2021, Aeschbacher, Marc, Legena, Valeria, Schulte, Volker, Steinebach, Christoph, Veth, Klaske

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Case Study "Perseo Pharma"

2020, Kabous, Laila, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Meyer, Rolf, Aeschbacher, Marc

Founded in 2019, Perseo Pharma is a preclinical-stage biotech company with a unique asset for the development of enzyme therapies. Perseo Pharma possesses an innovative and proprietary enzyme shielding technology. Founded as independent spin-off of INOFEA AG, the company focuses on therapeutic enzymes for the treatment of cancer and rare genetic diseases. Over the past three decades, 30 therapeutic enzymes have been approved by EMA and FDA generating yearly 40bn. Therapeutic enzymes address a wide variety of indications, ranging from rare genetic diseases (enzyme replacement therapies) to oncology (key tumor-element depletion therapies). This offers biotech companies different opportunities and application fields for further development of enzyme therapeutics. The goal of this research is to analyze the case based on the 7-key model and provide recommendations on the financing opportunities available for Perseo pharma.

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Case Study «Amunemi»

2020, Aeschbacher, Marc, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Meyer, Rolf, Aeschbacher, Marc

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Start-ups. Aktuelle Case Studies für den Unterricht

2020, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Meyer, Rolf, Aeschbacher, Marc

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Case Study «Derma2go»

2020, Eisenbart, Barbara, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Meyer, Rolf, Aeschbacher, Marc

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Unternehmenskommunikation im Zeitalter von Social Media, Teil 1

2019, Aeschbacher, Marc, Legena, Valeria, Verkuil, Arie Hans, Hinkelmann, Knut, Aeschbacher, Marc

Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Problematik der Ausweitung der kommunikativen Möglichkeiten von Mitarbeitenden in Unternehmen, die heute über Social Media mit globaler Reichweite sich über das eigene Unternehmen äussern können. Dies hat sowohl unternehmenspolitische als auch rechtliche Konsequenzen für das Verhältnis zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer. Wie Organisationen damit umgehen können, ist eine schwierige Fragestellung, werden durch sie doch vormalige Gewissheiten demokratischer Gesellschaften mit in Frage gestellt. Der Essay leuchtet diese Problematiken anhand diverser Beispiele aus und bietet Lösungsansätze für die Unternehmensführung an.