Brüngger, Jonas

Brüngger, Jonas


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    Chancen einer digitalisierten Reisekette: Kundenerwartungen an den öffentlichen Verkehr
    (DVV Media Group, 10/2021) Schaffner, Dorothea; Hauser, Mirjam; Studer, Nora; Brüngger, Jonas; Langenauer, Fredy [in: Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau]
    Die Studie zeigt: Digitale Informationsangebote für die Reiseplanung und Durchführung haben die höchste Kundenpräferenz. Bei der Nutzung digitaler Services stehen Datenschutzbedenken im Hintergrund – eine Lenkung hinsichtlich des «besten» Reiseweges ist teilweise sogar erwünscht. Das Interesse an autonomen On-Demand Shuttles ist noch verhalten, hat aber für bestimmte Zielgruppen wie Autofahrer Potential – hier wird es auf die Ausgestaltung und Kommunikation ankommen.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Monotonie in der Zugverkehrsleitung
    (Technische Universität Berlin, 14.04.2021) Brüngger, Jonas
    Durch eine hohe Automatisierung ist die Aufgabe von Zugverkehrsleitenden über lange Zeiträume geprägt von typischen monotonierzeugenden Bedingungen. Unklar ist bislang, welche Entstehungsbedingungen wie stark zu der Entstehung von Monotonie beitragen. Offen sind auch die Art und Ausprägung der auftretenden Symptome von Monotonie bei der Aufgabenausführung in der Zugverkehrsleitung. Um Monotonie evidenzbasiert entgegenwirken zu können, ist es notwendig, Möglichkeiten der Reduktion zu testen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden drei Hauptfragestellungen zu Entstehungsbedingungen, Symptomen und Möglichkeiten der Reduktion von Monotonie untersucht, die das Wissen zur Monotonie erweitern und einen verbesserten praktischen Umgang damit unterstützen sollen. Zur Klärung dieser Fragestellungen wurden vier Untersuchungen realisiert. Aufgrund der neuen Erkenntnisse zu Entstehungsbedingungen und Symptomen von Monotonie werden bestehende Monotoniekonzepte mit neuen Erkenntnissen angereichert und modifiziert. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können als Grundlage für die Entwicklung konkreter Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von Monotonie verwendet werden. Um die Entstehung von Monotonie in der Zugverkehrsleitung zukünftig verhindern oder zumindest reduzieren zu können, wurden aus den Ergebnissen der durchgeführten Untersuchungen Grundsätze abgeleitet, die bei der Aufgabengestaltung in Zukunft berücksichtigt werden sollten. Due to a high degree of automation, the task of rail signalers is characterized by typical monotony-inducing conditions over long periods of time. So far, it is unclear which conditions contribute to the development of monotony and to what extent. Also open are the nature and manifestation of the emerging symptoms of monotony during task performance in rail signaling. In order to counteract monotony in an evidence-based manner, it is necessary to test ways of reducing it. In the present work, three main questions concerning conditions of occurrence, symptoms and possibilities of reduction of monotony are investigated, which should increase the knowledge about monotony and support an improved practical handling of it. To clarify these questions, four studies were realized. Based on the new knowledge about conditions of development and symptoms of monotony, existing concepts of monotony are enriched with new findings and modified. The knowledge gained in the present work can be used as a basis for the development of concrete measures to reduce monotony. In order to be able to prevent or at least reduce the occurrence of monotony in rail signaling in the future, principles were derived from the results of the studies carried out which should be taken into account when designing tasks in the future.
    02 - Monographie
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    Developing trainings to improve cognitive skills of technical operators in the railway domain
    (04.12.2020) Wahrstätter, Stefan; Brüngger, Jonas; Stoller, Nicole; Hostettler, Karin; Nisoli, Giulio; Fischer, Katrin
    Technical operators in the railway domain are experts responsible for the supervisory control of the traction power network as well as of the railway tunnels. The technical systems used to face these demanding tasks are constantly increasing in their complexity. To carry out this complex activity, it is essential that they have the necessary expertise, not only to master the execution of their own activity under normal conditions, but also to be able to react appropriately to unexpected events. To achieve this, the technical operators must be trained beyond the basic training in which they are educated in terms of technical knowledge and working with guidelines. Trainings to improve the cognitive skills required by technical operators are still lacking in Switzerland. Our team of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland together with a Swiss railway company, in a joint research project, developed trainings to improve the relevant cognitive skills of technical operator in the railway domain. In a first step, we conducted observational interviews to analyze the tasks of technical operators. In a second step, we applied a "Cognitive Task Analysis" (CTA) to identify the cognitive skills that the operators need to perform their tasks. In a third step, we grouped these cognitive skills in order to identify training topics for which the trainings should be developed. The resulting most relevant training topics are: (1) establishing mental models, (2) communication, (3) teamwork, (4) practical rehearsal. For each of these training topics, we defined specific goals that should be achieved by technical operators through the participation to the trainings. All defined goals related to three main categories: knowledge, skills and attitude. Only by considering all three categories, it can be ensured that achieving the goals leads to the theoretical understanding of the desired behavior, the ability and the willingness to really implement it in the work setting. Based on the goals defined for each of the identified training topic, we could finally develop trainings able to improve the relevant cognitive skills of technical operator. For each training topic, we developed two types of trainings: off-the-job trainings and on-the-job trainings. Off-the-job trainings are conceived to be carry out outside of working hours. These include presentations of theoretical content of the training, practical exercises with which the relevant skills can be acquired, and group discussions to support the transfer into the daily work routine. The on-the-job trainings consist of exercises that the technical operators can carry out during their working hours, independently or in consultation with instructors. All taken together, the participation to these trainings allows technical operators to achieve the defined goals, making sure that the relevant cognitive skills of their job are effectively trained.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Reducing Monotony in Rail Signaling by Secondary Tasks with Various Levels of Demand – An Experimental Study
    (02.12.2020) Brüngger, Jonas; Niederhauser, Mario; Wirth, Michaela; Peter, Josua; Huber, Tanja
    Monotony is a condition characterized by various symptoms. It shows itself through task-related boredom and passive task-related fatigue. In addition, monotony manifests itself in a reduction of attention and thus conveys, in reduced performance. In highly automatized train traffic control, monotony is a current problem. The question addressed in the present study is, whether a cognitively demanding secondary task does reduce the experience of monotony and mitigate the loss of performance more than a cognitively less demanding secondary task. The secondary tasks considered in the present study are job enrichments. Job enrichment means enriching a performed monitoring activity with additional tasks at a higher level of requirements. This results in a qualitative change in the activity. According to Kreikebaum and Herbert (1988), job enrichment measures extend the scope of activity of those carrying out the work by increasing the demands of the work on different skills (skill variety). In particular, they require additional anticipatory thinking (Ulich, 2005) and expand the scope of decision-making and control by increasing autonomy (Kreikebaum & Herbert, 1988). We realized an experimental laboratory setting using a unifactorial between-subjects design with 3 factor levels of demand (none, low, high). 40 test persons took part in the study. The primary task used in the experiment was a monitoring task similar to the tasks of train traffic controllers at their workplaces. For all test persons experienced monotony was recorded before and after the processing of the monitoring task (primary task), detection performance (d') and reaction times were recorded during the execution of the task. Two experimental groups worked on secondary tasks with different levels of demands, one control group performed the monitoring task without a secondary task. The secondary task included a simple visual search, a mental calculation (depending on the level of demand) and verbally naming the result of the calculation. An irregularly occurring acoustic signal triggered the necessity to process the secondary task. The results show a reduction in the experience of monotony compared to the control group for both levels of demand in the secondary task. The secondary task at the higher level of demand reduced the experience of monotony stronger than the secondary task with the lower level of demand. The secondary tasks led to no clear improvement in detection performance (d') or reaction times. No negative effects, such as a reduction in performance due to excessive demands, were shown. Based on the results of this study, task enrichment through secondary tasks as a measure against monotony appears to be valid in the context of monitoring activities. In practice, this should reduce various negative effects of monotony in train traffic control such as dissatisfaction, increased fluctuation, unacceptable sideline activities or falling asleep.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Use of modern communication devices in the train driver's cab – risks and design options
    (02.12.2020) Stoller, Nicole; Nisoli, Giulio; Brüngger, Jonas; Wahrstätter, Stefan; Dittrich, Melisa; Hostettler, Karin; Fischer, Katrin
    Most Swiss railway companies equip their train drivers with modern digital communication devices such as cell phones and tablets. The use of these devices is necessary for train drivers to perform their tasks but has a potential for distraction that should not be underestimated. Increasing irregularities and unsafe actions, including the signals passed at danger, can be attributed at least to a certain extent to the distraction of the train driver by these mobile and other digital devices in the driver's cab. In a research project conducted by the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland together with a Swiss railway company, we investigated which of these digital devices and functions lead to distraction in which situations. Based on this investigation, we analyzed how this problem should be addressed from a work psychology and design perspective. The final goal was to identify appropriate measures to reduce distraction or its consequences without restricting the scope of action of the train drivers or hindering them in the performance of their primary tasks (i.e. safe train driving). In a qualitative approach, we conducted observations of train driving in the driver’s cab and interviews with train drivers and experts. Based on the data obtained and on to the current literature, we conceived the first measures. In order to achieve a comprehensive approach, we developed measures that address the individual train driver as well as measures to improve the design of technology and organizational measures. In a further step, in workshops with other railway professional groups, we discussed and completed these measures in terms of their effectiveness and practicability. The result was a set of 26 preventive and protective measures. Preventive measures have the goal of avoiding distraction, whereas protective measures are conceived to reduce the negative consequences of distraction. While a preventive measure is for e.g. the introduction of attention trainings where train drivers learn to avoid certain distractions, a protective measure is for e.g. the feature of manual and temporary suppression of incoming messages which lead the driver to be distracted by messages but for a shorter duration. By carefully selecting and implementing these measures, the railway company can ultimately support its train drivers in the safe and sensible use of modern communication devices in the driver's cab.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Entwicklung sicherheitsförderlicher Aufsichtsstile im Bahnbetrieb
    (Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV), 27.10.2020) Ritz, Frank; Brüngger, Jonas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Analyse der Inadäquanz von Vorschriften und betrieblichen Anforderungen bei Rangierfahrten
    (Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV), 27.10.2020) Ritz, Frank; Brüngger, Jonas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Fehlpassungen von Vorschriften und operativen Anforderungen
    (Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV), 27.10.2020) Ritz, Frank; Brüngger, Jonas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Entwicklung von Leitsätzen für eine adäquate Regulationskultur im Bahnverkehr
    (Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV), 27.10.2020) Ritz, Frank; Brüngger, Jonas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Aufsicht durch das BAV und vorschriftenkonformes Verhalten in der betrieblichen Praxis
    (Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV), 27.10.2020) Ritz, Frank; Brüngger, Jonas
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht