Schmidt, Felix

Schmidt, Felix


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Rapid sequestration of perovskite solar cell-derived lead in soil

2022-08, Schmidt, Felix, Ledermann, Luca, Schäffer, Andreas, Snaith, Henry J., Lenz, Markus

Efficient and stable perovskite solar cells rely on the use of Pb species potentially challenging the technologies’ commercialisation. In this study, the fate of Pb derived from two common perovskite precursors is compared to cationic lead in soil-water microcosm experiments under various biogeochemical conditions. The rapid and efficient removal of Pb from the aqueous phase is demonstrated by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Sequential soil extraction results reveal that a substantial amount of Pb is associated with immobile fractions, whereas a minor proportion of Pb may become available again in the long term, when oxygen is depleted (e.g. during water logging). X-ray absorption spectroscopy results reveal that the sorption of Pb on mineral phases represents the most likely sequestration mechanism. The obtained results suggest that the availability of leached Pb from perovskite solar cells is naturally limited in soils and that its adverse effects on soil biota are possibly negligible in oxic soils. All three Pb sources used behaved very similar in the experiments, wherefore we conclude that perovskite derived Pb will have a similar fate compared to cationic Pb, so that established risk assessment considerations for Pb remain legitimate.


Renewable Energy from Finite Resources: Example of Emerging Photovoltaics

2020, Schmidt, Felix, Schaeffer, Andreas, Lenz, Markus

Renewable energies, such as sunlight, wind and geothermal heat, are resources that are replaced rapidly by natural processes. However, wind, hydro and solar installations strictly require raw materials that are, in fact, not renewable. Many raw materials are already facing a supply shortage which cannot be easily overcome. This work reviews the problem of critical raw material (CRM) use in photovoltaics (PV) as an example and explains why supply cannot be easily increased to meet demand. We discuss whether there is indeed a 'struggle for elements' in a Darwinian sense, which ultimately leads to a 'survival of the fittest' race in renewable energy technology. In the case of PV, the perception of the definition of 'fittest' needs to change from that considering energy conversion efficiency alone to that which holistically considers net energy produced per emission under the premise that sufficient environmentally and socially acceptable raw material supply exists for renewable energies and all other sectors.