Gatziu Grivas, Stella

Gatziu Grivas
Gatziu Grivas, Stella


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  • Publikation
    Digitale Transformation – Transformation der Unternehmen im digitalen Zeitalter
    (Springer, 2019) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Graf, Manuela; Gatziu Grivas, Stella [in: Digital business development. Die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Geschäftsmodelle und Märkte]
    Digitale Technologien verändern die Art und Weise, wie Menschen miteinander arbeiten, wie sie konsumieren, leben und interagieren. Es handelt sich dabei um einen kontinuierlichen Wandel, der Unternehmen sowohl vor großen Herausforderungen stellt, als ihnen auch zahlreiche Chancen bietet. Die Transformation der Unternehmung in das digitale Zeitalter ermöglicht Unternehmen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil, höhere Effizienz sowie Kostensenkung, um nur einige Vorzüge zu nennen. Hierbei sind jedoch grundlegende Veränderungen notwendig, mit denen sich Unternehmen auseinandersetzen müssen. Das Ausmaß und die Reichweite der Transformation werden oft unterschätzt oder nicht wahrgenommen. Das birgt Risiken und verpasste Chancen. Das Ziel dieses Kapitels ist, die Reichweite der digitalen Transformation zu diskutieren und die Leser dafür zu sensibilisieren, die Transformation als eine Reise zu sehen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Skills and competencies for digital transformation initiatives - Development of a model to identify relevant skills and competencies for a company's individual digital transformation roadmap
    (2019) Peter, Marco; de Roche, Murielle; Graf, Manuela; Gatziu Grivas, Stella
    The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the need for a structured method to identify skills and competencies that are required for a holistic digital transformation for a certain company in its particular environment. A framework called Transformation Compass, which includes all relevant business areas of an enterprise and where technology is seen as an enabler, serves as a starting point for the ascertainment of needed skills and competencies. The model developed as part of this research, named SkiCo (skills and competencies), maps the re-quired skills and competencies based on the categories of the Transformation Compass. On top of that, SkiCo structures skills and competencies in three dif-ferent levels: cluster, category, and sub-category and provides information about their origin.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    The technology matrix – A tool-based method for technology scouting
    (2019) Peter, Marco; Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Horn, Daniel; Rüegg, Florian; Barba, Renato; Graf, Manuela; Baptista Nunes, Miguel; Isaás, Pedro; Powell, Philip; Ravesteijn, Pascal; Ongena, Guido [in: Proceedings of the 12th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2019]
    The digital transformation of businesses is crucial when initiating business model innovations and using technology as added value. The difficulty today for businesses is to keep track of emerging technology trends that are relevant and could significantly support their digitalization process. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, which often do not have the resources for a proper investigation of emerging technologies. This research paper presents the technology matrix, a new tool-based method of scouting technology trends, based on the relevant factors business impact, project size, and feasibility of the incorporation of the technologies. Existing technology scouting tools on the markets where analyzed on their strength and weaknesses and best practices were incorporated into the developed technology matrix. Furthermore, expert interviews have led to important inputs when designing the technology matrix.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift