Geissler, Achim

Geissler, Achim


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    Development of a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making model to assist building designers in the choice of superficial construction systems in urban areas
    (SAGE, 22.12.2022) Dürr, Jonas; Geissler, Achim; Hoffmann, Caroline [in: Journal of Building Physics]
    An enormous range of building materials that is almost impossible to keep track of is available. The trend toward building densification in cities continues apace. Coupled with climate change, a situation is emerging that poses ecological as well as economic risks in terms of living comfort in public, urban spaces. Building designers need help (tools) to be able to address a wide range of requirements within their planning. The development of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model BASK (engl. “Construction Materials for Cities in Climate Change”) is presented. The goal of the model is to assist building designers in determining surface materials for wall, ground and roof construction and help determine the best compromise between environmental, economic, and building practice criteria. Currently available criteria are heat stress, visual reflectance, CO equivalents, electricity production, retrofitability, sound absorption, construction costs, and life span. The criteria can be weighted by the designer, resulting in a customized ranking of construction systems that best meets the designer’s prioritized criteria. The design of BASK basically allows for an extension of the criteria. The version of BASK described in this paper includes 10 construction systems covering a wide range of construction types focused on walls. The tool requires technical data for materials considered in construction systems included, which are made available via a data base. The scope of construction systems can also be extended in the future. Based on the restricted set of construction systems the results of a sensitivity analysis and initial validation are given.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Passive window ventilation openings in every-day use
    (Elsevier, 28.08.2021) Hoffmann, Caroline; Geissler, Achim; Hauri, Claudia; Huber, Heinrich [in: Building and Environment]
    The integration of passive window ventilation openings (PWVO, small air inlets integrated in the window frame) with additional exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom(s) can ensure a user-independent basic air change rate in dwellings. The project reported on herein is focused on how well buildings with PWVO work in real life.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Conversion of unheated basements and the conditioning of their indoor climate
    (IOP Publishing, 2019) Hoffmann, Caroline; Geissler, Achim; Huber, Heinrich; Hauri, Claudia [in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series]
    This paper deals with unheated basements in existing buildings. Due to soaring housing prices these rooms may be increasingly used for the storage of sensitive goods and temporarily for leisure activities. In order to keep these rooms free of mould various technical solutions are available. However, it is unclear whether they prevent mould growth and how high their energy demand is. This question is explored by simulating an unheated basement in an uninsulated, a renovated and a newly built building. The paper considers and evalueates four different operation modes for the basement.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    The prebound-effect in detail: real indoor temperatures in basements and measured versus calculated U-values
    (Elsevier, 12.09.2017) Hoffmann, Caroline; Geissler, Achim [in: Energy Procedia]
    This paper focuses on the topics U-values and indoor air temperatures of unheated basements with uninsulated cellar ceilings. Measurement values are compared with calculation procedures suggested by building regulations. Concerning the U-values it is shown that they are typically considered to be higher (i.e. worse) in uninsulated existing constructions than they effectively are. Measured temperatures in seven basements are higher (around 8 K) than a calculation according to regulations would yield. The paper derives suggestions for the adjustment of calculations focused on existing residential buildings.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Dem Prebound Effekt auf der Spur – Differenzen zwischen dem Heizwärmeverbrauch und dem rechnerisch ermittelten Heizwärmebedarf bei Bestandsgebäuden (Wohnen)
    (Wiley, 06/2017) Hoffmann, Caroline; Geissler, Achim [in: Bauphysik]
    Bei der Energieanalyse von unsanierten Bestandsgebäuden wird typischerweise ein Monatsbilanzverfahren zur energetischen Einordnung des Gebäudes verwendet. Der berechnetet Heizwärmebedarf ist dabei oftmals höher als der tatsächliche Verbrauch des Gebäudes. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, dass diese Abweichungen nicht einem einzigen systematischen Fehler im Berechnungsverfahren gemäß der Schweizer Norm zuzuordnen sind. Vielmehr ist es eine Vielzahl von Gründen, die zu den Abweichungen führt. Die Analyse wird anhand von 33 realen Gebäuden durchgeführt und durch eine Literaturrecherche ergänzt.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift