Graf, Iris

Graf, Iris


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    Mehr als Technik – wie man breites Interesse an ICT- und anderen technischen Berufen weckt!
    (06.09.2017) Resch, Dörte; Graf, Iris
    Im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) besteht akuter Fachkräfte-mangel, gleichzeitig ist der Frauenanteil tief. Bisher gelingt es der Branche offensichtlich nicht, das ungenutzte Potential an geeigneten Frauen auszuschöpfen. Dies liegt unter anderem daran, dass das Image der ICT für viele junge Frauen (und auch für viele Männer) wenig attraktiv ist. Ein Forschungsprojekt der FHNW hat das Image der ICT-Berufe genauer untersucht und auf dieser Basis Empfehlungen abgeleitet, wie Firmen und Verbände ein breiteres Interesse an die-sen Berufen und Ausbildungen wecken können.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Challenging the gendered segregation of work in the ICT-sector by de- and reconstruction of the professions identity discourses
    (19.05.2017) Resch, Dörte; Graf, Iris
    Purpose The persistence of gendered segregation of work in the ICT-sector in many European countries cannot be solely explained by unequal opportunities on the labour market or different (naturalized) interests or competences of men and women. Thus in this research it gets explored, why taking up studies or training in ICT does not appeal to women. The main goal is to find out how the identity of the ICT profession does (not) connect to female identity constructions. In a second step the analysis offers suggestions for reconstructions, so that a re-branding of a more gender inclusive identity of the professions identity can be developed. Design/Methodology Document Analysis of 59 documents on ICT degree programs, discourse analysis on 39 group discussions and problem centred interviews, n=84. Results Discourse analysis showed how the gendered discourses of the ICT profession are interlinked and thus form a heteronormative male image, which cannot be easily perturbed by e.g. just showing images of women. Limitations A quantitative study should be carried out to confirm the results on a broader scope. Research/Practical Implications It gets explained how identity constructions of the ICT profession are inherently gendered and that this gendering needs to be actively tackled on descriptions of the profession, degree programs and any promotional material on profession trainings. Originality/Value So far reconstruction, as known in discourse analysis, has not been connected with branding to mould an impact on a certain field of practice. Also the issue of tackling the gendered segregation of work through re-branding of an identity of a profession is novel.
    06 - Präsentation