Quade, Michael H.

Michael H.
Quade, Michael H.


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Mobile Business with Smartphones and Tablets: Effects of Mobile Devices in SMEs

2015-06-10T00:00:00Z, Leimstoll, Uwe, Quade, Michael H.

Today, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are omnipresent in many parts of the world. They are used for private and business activities. The effects of mobile business are discussed more and more in micro-enterprises as well as in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The question is: Do these devices have an impact on the productivity, flexibility and business processes of companies? The goal of this paper is to develop an explorative model that helps to identify and explain these effects. The investigation is based on a quantitative empirical study conducted among 900 Swiss SMEs. The model is estimated and evaluated using Partial Least Square (PLS) structural equation modelling. The results show that the number of mobile devices used and the portion of work carried out offsite have only a low impact on the perceived value of smartphones and tablets. On the other hand, the impact on value is high if mobile devices support business processes and if the variety of information used is high.


Current Trends and Challenges in Electronic Procurement: An Empirical Study

2007, Tanner, Christian, Wölfle, Ralf, Schubert, Petra, Quade, Michael H.

The following paper presents results from a longitudinal study on the use of ICT for B2B-related business processes in large Swiss companies. In an empirical survey, 68 questionnaires were personally collected from procurement heads and subsequently analysed. The findings show that reduction of purchase prices is the top priority when goal-setting in procurement. Electronic orders and invoices are the business documents that are most often exchanged electronically between partners. Electronic exchange of invoices (e-invoicing) is a current key topic for over 70 % of the companies. Procurement heads sense a lack of supplier involvement which makes the realisation of balanced B2B solution scenarios difficult. The study shows that IT, without doubt, plays a significant role in everyday procurement, but that the expectations of IT are rarely completely fulfilled.


Das Differenzierungspotential eines mehrdimensionalen Kriterienkataloges zur Bewertung von Onlineshops: Eine empirische Untersuchung in einem Schweizer Portal

2010, Dannecker, Achim, Quade, Michael H.

In dieser Arbeit wird ein Portal untersucht, das Onlineshops in der Schweiz auflistet, und diese durch Nutzer des Portals bewerten lässt. Aus dem methodischen Vorgehen der Analyse wird darüber hinaus eine Vorgehensweise entwickelt, die aufzeigt, wie die Qualität (Redundanz vs. Differenzierung) eines Kriterienkatalogs mittels einer explorativen Faktorenanalyse untersucht werden kann. Diese Arbeit ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Im zweiten Kapitel wird der aktuelle Stand der Forschung aufgezeigt. Es wird dargestellt, in welchem Kontext und mit welchem Nutzen Bewertungen ermöglicht und angeboten werden. Weiter werden Seiten im Internet aufgelistet, die Bewertungsfunktionalitäten in unterschiedlichen. Bereichen anbieten. Im dritten Kapitel wird das methodische Vorgehen bei der Extraktion der Daten, deren Aufbereitung für die anschließenden explorativen Faktorenanalyse aufgezeigt. Im vierten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse der explorativen Faktorenanalyse besprochen. Den Abschluss bildet eine Diskussion über Handlungsoptionen für zukünftige Entwicklungen von Bewertungsplattformen.


Benefit from Automated Product Recommendations at kdmz

2009-08-06T00:00:00Z, Quade, Michael H.

There are a number of recommender systems with different characteristics (Nageswara Rao and Talwar 2008). For a company it is not easy to select the right system. For the introduction of a recommender system is decisive, what kind of data exists and how suitable this data is for calculating recommendations. The question must be answered which algorithm calculates the best recommendations with these data. Afterwards the recommender system has to be developed and integrated into the existing systems (e. g. e-shop). This paper describes the case where a recommender system was introduced successfully into an existing system. For the description of this case the eXperience Methodology was used (Schubert and Wölfle 2007). According to this methodology the company is described first, and then some views onto the final solution, the project and development and to conclude the experiences which were made with the solution.