Nathan, Ganesh

Nathan, Ganesh


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    Technology and Ethics
    (01/2014) Nathan, Ganesh
    06 - Präsentation
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    Technological Innovation and Ethics
    (, 2014) Nathan, Ganesh; Bastos de Morais, Jean-Claude; Stückelberger, Christoph [in: Innovation Ethics: African and Global Perspectives]
    The aim of this article is to illuminate certain morally contentious links within technological innovation and to put forward some recommendations for ethical innovation.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Multi-stakeholder Deliberation for (Global) Justice: An Approach from Modern Civic Republicanism
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Nathan, Ganesh; Schepers, Stefan; Kakabadse, Andrew [in: Rethinking the Future of Europe. A Challenge of Governance]
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) are important in dealing with (global) governance gaps in many dimensions – economic, ecological, social and cultural. However, their effectiveness is under scrutiny by both academics and practitioners. In this Chapter, Nathan attempts to derive the minimal and common conditions – freedom as non-domination, and recognition – for input justice on deliberation for MSI, critiquing liberal deliberative democracy and advocating modern civic republicanism. He further challenges the idea of the common good and invites us to consider the common concerns of the choices. This Chapter aims to encourage debate and discussion on the possibility and plausibility of innovating governance structures based on these minimal and common conditions for input justice for (global) multi-stakeholder deliberation.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Multi-stakeholder deliberation for (global) justice
    (09/2013) Nathan, Ganesh
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) are important in dealing with (global) governance gaps in many dimensions – economic, ecological, social and cultural. However, their effectiveness is under scrutiny by both academics and practitioners. This paper attempts to derive the minimal and common conditions – freedom as non-domination, and recognition – for input justice on deliberation for MSI, critiquing liberal deliberative democracy and advocating modern civic republicanism. He further challenges the idea of the common good and invites us to consider the common concerns of the choices. This Chapter aims to encourage debate and discussion on the possibility and plausibility of innovating governance structures based on these minimal and common conditions for input justice for (global) multi-stakeholder deliberation.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Non-essentialist model of culture within multicultural/multinational organizations
    (06/2013) Nathan, Ganesh
    This paper first briefly clarifies the notions of essentialism versus non-essentialism and presents widely cited models of culture with varying dimensions: five (Hofstede), seven (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner) and nine (GLOBE study) - referred to as the 5-7-9 cultural dimensions in this paper - and critiques the underlying notions of essentialism that can lead to ethical concerns restricting the capacity for agency and choice which are necessary for the democratization of organizations. It then presents a model of culture within the paradigm of anti-essentialism, adapting the model presented by Nathan (2010) within the topic of multiculturalism based on Dithey’s works on social interactionism and meaning in history, shows that the model can pave the way to the democratization of organizations, and discusses the implications of organization culture in terms of agency, identity, and structure within multinational/multicultural organizations. The paper concludes by encouraging further research to enhance the non-essentialist model of culture within organizational studies.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Re-theorizing the firm
    (07/2012) Nathan, Ganesh
    This paper attempts to re-theorize the firm from a socio-political perspective to show that a firm is not only an economic, but also a social and a political actor. Given the multiple global crises, our traditional understanding of the purpose of the firm – the maximization of shareholder value – is increasingly being challenged. This paper shows that the purpose of the firm is rooted in our social life, and hence a notion of well-being and social justice gains significance rather than wealth creation to underscore the role of responsible governance for sustainability in many dimensions – economic, social and environmental. It concludes that the purpose of the firm should go beyond profit maximization of shareholders in pursuit of well-being of stakeholders and in deliberating global social justice for a sustainable world order.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Social Freedom in a Multicultural State –Towards a Theory of Intercultural Justice
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) Nathan, Ganesh
    Western democratic states are experiencing a backlash against the politics of multiculturalism. While a multicultural critique of liberal democracy is necessary it has all too often been rooted in the notion of cultures as separate and distinct, fuelling the backlash that regards this as a politics of division. The challenge facing liberals and multiculturalists alike is to recognise the importance of claims of culture without collapsing multicultural society into a series of discrete cultural ghettos. This book addresses the challenge by reframing the debate, moving away from the emphasis on cultural membership to focus instead on the contexts in which the particularities of minorities impact on claims for justice and recognition. We must respond to circumstances of injustice which impede minorities' capability to pursue meaningful activities in multiple dimensions – economic, social and political as well as cultural – as citizens of equal status. This book argues that it is possible to defend intercultural justice and freedom without entrenching culture, group and identity, and that it is important to do so.
    02 - Monographie