Die Aushandlung von Erziehungsräumen in der Heimerziehung 1970 - 1990 Ein interdisziplinärer Vergleich von Transformationsprozessen in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland

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angewandte Forschung
Die These vom Ende der Anstaltserziehung in den 1970er Jahren im deutschsprachigen Raum trifft nur sehr bedingt zu. Im Gefolge von 68 kam es zwar allerorts zu Kritik am System der geschlossenen Heimerziehung und zu mehr oder weniger durchgreifenden Reforminitiativen. Nicht wenige Kinder und Jugendliche gelangten jedoch mindestens weitere zwei Jahrzehnte in kaum veränderte Fürsorgeinstitutionen. Diese Schwellenzeit zwischen Veränderung und Beharrung hat bislang wenig wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Das Projekt will diese Forschungslücke nun schließen. Inhalt und Ziel In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren entwickelte sich die Heimerziehung in verschiedenen Wohlfahrtsregionen unterschiedlich bezüglich Dynamiken, Graden und Geschwindigkeiten. Wie zeigten sich diese Entwicklungen? Welche Dynamiken lassen sich ausmachen und welche wechselseitigen Wirkungen erzeugten diese lokal, regional, national und transnational? Welche strukturellen und institutionellen Hinterlassenschaften, welche Diskursfelder und Akteurskonstellationen bestimmten Grade und Geschwindigkeiten der Transformation? Das Ziel des grenzüberschreitenden Dreiländer-Projekts ist eine angemessene und differenzierte Beschreibung einer bislang wenig erforschten Schwellenzeit, die neue Erkenntnisse zur jüngeren Heimgeschichte erbringt sowie Methodologien zur Erforschung wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Transformationen liefert. Wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Kontext Das an drei verschiedenen Universitäten lokalisierte Projekt (Universität Innsbruck, Kassel und Nordwestschweiz) nutzt als Erkenntnisstrategie den Vergleich. Als empirische Untersuchungseinheiten dienen sechs Fallstudien. Sie repräsentieren drei prototypische und kontrastiv gewählte Wohlfahrtsregionen: Tirol/Vorarlberg (A), Hessen (D) und Zürich (CH). Untersucht werden die Aushandlungsprozesse um die sich wandelnden Erziehungsräume. Die jeweiligen Wohlfahrtslandschaften und Wohlfahrtsregime markieren hierbei die Kontextbedingungen. Eine relationale und handlungsorientiere Raumtheorie perspektiviert die Untersuchung.
Während FHNW Zugehörigkeit erstellt
Zukunftsfelder FHNW
Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit
Institut Integration und Partizipation
Finanziert durch
Prof. Dr. Gisela Hauss, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill. Universität Kassel
Prof. Dr. Michaela Ralser, Universität Innsbruck
SAP Referenz
Fachgebiet (DDC)
Gendered educational spaces in residential childcare 1970-1990
(15.06.2022) Hörler, Daniela
This paper explores how gendered educational spaces in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) transformed in the period between 1970 - 1990. Normative expectations concerning gender as well as other categories (i.e. class, sexuality) changed along with the transformation of society. It is to be investigated on how they changed. Current research about residential childcare in Switzerland focusses mostly on earlier periods of the 20th century and shows how educational spaces and practices were shaped by gender norms. Boys and girls, for example, were housed in separate rooms or houses and had gender specific chores (Bombach et al., 2017). With the modernization of society and culture through social movements in the 1960s and 70s the traditional normativity of gender changed. However, the expected “successful” life courses of girls and young women, mainly fixated on their sexuality, stayed a focal point of local agencies (Businger/Ramsauer, 2019). Instead of educating or punishing “fallen girls”, “safehouses” and institutions with new protection and prevention concepts were opened. Considering these concepts, the author asks about the emergence of new gendered norms and how adolescents produced their own space within these constellations of normative expectations (e.g., Elder, 1994). Employing the methodology of Grounded Theory this study examines photographs and textual primary sources from childcare homes of Zurich in the late 1980s with the perspective of spatial theories. The model of space by Henri Lefebvre (1991) with its three dimensions – Spatial Practice, Spatial Representations and Representational Spaces – is guiding the analysis of gendered educational spaces. The paper is part of a DACH research project, which investigates the changing educational spaces in three welfare regions: Tyrol/Vorarlberg (Austria), Hesse (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland).
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In Flux. The Refiguration of the City of Zurich's Residential Care System under Signs of societal Transformation (1970 to 1990)
(20.07.2023) Heiniger, Kevin
The city of Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, was home to nearly two dozen institutions for children and young people of all ages. The facilities formed an extremely dynamic field. In the period from 1970 to 1990, i.e. in the aftermath of the 1968 movement and the fundamental criticism of residential child and youth care (Heimkampagne), a large number of institutional concept changes and innovations took place: Institutions closed their doors and reopened them years later with new functions; the number of available places was reduced almost across the board, which in many cases was also justified by more personnel-intensive care. At the same time, the traditional values and practices continued to dominate the residential care system. Some facilities showed astonishing stability with minor adjustments. This tension between persistence and change can be vividly illustrated by the Pestalozzi Youth Center Burghof, a large organization (50 to 100 places) by Swiss standards, on the outskirts of the city of Zurich. The facility for male adolescents offered a medium- to long-term stay. Training workshops were on the grounds, where various vocational apprenticeships were offered. During the period under study, the facility underwent several adaptations and conceptual changes: For example, a school and therapy ward was opened in 1970 and closed again twelve years later. In addition, various restructuring measures took place. In 1987, the facility was temporarily closed, only to be reopened with a new care model in cooperation with the psychiatric clinic. The proposed presentation examines change on two levels: First, within the city administration, which acted as the operator of institutions of residential childcare and was shaped by an official planning logic, and second, on the institutional level with a specific view on the Burghof. The paper asks about change within official and institutional dynamics. It asks about interactions, constellations of actors, and the contemporary historical context. Particular attention is paid to the establishment of an observation station in the Burghof and the discussion about a closed ward. The latter triggered a controversy not only in the Burghof but also at the level of the city administration. These examples of new concepts show how they were linked to structural changes and that the geographical location played an important role. Instead of the abolition of reformatories demanded by the generation of 68, a new or renewed version of them was enforced by means of spatial and conceptual modifications. Literature: Jenzer, S., & Meier, T. (2018). Die Zürcher Anstaltslandschaft 1876 – 2017. In: B. Gnädinger, & V. Rothenbühler (Hg.), Menschen korrigieren. Fürsorgerische Zwangsmassnahmen und Fremdplatzierungen im Kanton Zürich bis 1981 (S. 75–145). Chronos. von Arb, G., & Bischof, A. (1991). heim! – Streifzüge durch die Heimlandschaft. Offizin.
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