Denk-Spielzeug für Commoning. Alternative Stadt-Nachbarschaften als Forschungsfeld einer experimentell-transformativen Mediengestaltung

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angewandte Forschung
Shintaro, Miyazaki
Frei, Lena
Gemeinschaftlich-nachhaltig genutzte Ressourcen, wie etwa Lebensmittel oder kommunikative Infrastrukturen wie Wifi, werden Commons genannt. Commoning meint die Aktivität des gemeinsamen Teilens dieser Ressourcen. Der durch zahlreiche alternativ-utopisch inspirierte Projekte formulierter Anspruch, infrastrukturelle Aspekte des urbanen Alltagslebens durch Commoning selbstverantwortlich und alternativ zu gestalten, wirft einige Fragen auf. Denn aufgrund der hohen Komplexität, die mit der gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung von Ressourcen bisweilen einhergeht, kann das einzelne Gemeinschaftsmitglied sein Commoning und dessen Konsequenzen oft nicht bis ins letzte Detail und in all seinen Konsequenzen durchdenken. Besonders wenn es um ein verstehendes Erfahren unvorhersehbarer, komplex-adaptiver Vorgänge geht, kann er oder sie deren Ablauf, so unsere These, rein intuitiv und ohne die Hilfe veranschaulichender medialer Denkwerkzeuge, wie computerbasierte Modelle oder Szenarien, nicht mehr vollständig erfassen. Aus diesem Grund wird im engen Austausch mit den Mitgliedern der schweizerischen Stadt-Nachbarschaftsprojekte NeNa1 in Zürich, LeNa in Basel und Warmbächli in Bern eine mobile, digitale Software-Anwendung entwickelt und erprobt. Dabei geht es um die spielerische Anregung und Erschließung neuer Denk- und Handlungsräume im Bereich des Commonings. Denn, auf diese Weise – so unser Ziel – könnten sich neue Wege für zukünftige gesellschaftliche Teilhabe- und Transformationsprozesse eröffnen. Das vierjährige Projekt, in dem sowohl geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche als auch gestalterische Methoden kombiniert werden, verfolgt zentral folgende Leitfrage: Wie lässt sich durch das gemeinschaftlich-experimentelle Gestalten und Entwickeln eines digitalen Spielsystems das Nachdenken über die intuitiv oft nicht nachvollziehbare Komplexität des Commoning anregen und Komplexität so spielerisch versteh- und besser verhandelbar machen?
Während FHNW Zugehörigkeit erstellt
Zukunftsfelder FHNW
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW
Institut Experimentelle Design- und Medienkulturen
Finanziert durch
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
NeNa1, Zurich
LeNa, Basel
Warmbächli, Bern
SAP Referenz
social transformation
experimental media design
scenario building
historically informed design research
creative coding
serious games
design research
Fachgebiet (DDC)
Slime Mold and Network Imaginaries: An Experimental Approach to Communication
(MIT Press, 01.10.2022) Savic, Selena; Grant, Sarah
Physarum polycephalum, or slime mold, is an acellular organism extensively studied in scientific experiments and artistic engagements. Artist and critical engineer Sarah Grant collaborates with architect and researcher Selena Savic on hybrid bio-networking experiments with slime mold as an approximation of a computer network. They study communication as an organic process, rethinking networks’ inherent technicity through encounters with a living organism. They discuss network imaginaries situated in the way slime mold forages for food: at once transmitting and materializing its experiences, constrained and conditioned by the environment. The results of this work are imaginative accounts of adaptive network infrastructure and protocols.
01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Modulating matters of computation, modelling and hyper-separations
(Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC), 09/2021) Savic, Selena; Miyazaki, Shintaro; Christensen, Michelle; Conradi, Florian; Søndergaard, Morten; Beloff, Laura; Choubassi, Hassan; Elias, Joe; Hannah, Dehlia
We engage in a conversation with critical ecofeminism, which proposed to transform the colonialism-racism-capitalism-patriarchalism induced environmental crisis by non-essentialist countering of oppressions and hyper-separations produced by human/nature dualism. We modulate the critical ecofeminist approach by countering a similar dualism, namely that of nature/technology. Furthermore, our theoretical balance-act has a praxis-oriented side: we believe that computation can be included in ecofeminist action. By providing alternative forms of engagement to instrumentalization, we trace pathways to different futures, countering the binary narratives of technology but also its moralizing of socio-cultural mediation. We take an intersectional approach to outcomes of computational modelling (simulations, visualisations, forecasts) and discuss the ecofeminist method of synthesis as a way to include different perspectives into computational processes. We work with two ‘modulated models’ that pay attention to assumptions, observations and thinking about urban commoning initiatives, and amateur knowledge of radio telecommunications. We aspire to provoke discussions about different modes of inclusion in communities and archives that are centred on shared, environment-friendly, solidarity oriented life-style and mutual care. Our approach engages with feminist arguments and inquiries into ways patriarchalism is embedded in our relationship to technoscience and engineering. We explore modes of resistance by proposing skilled and alternative uses of these techniques.
04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
Re-Imagining Commoning Infrastructures and Economies
(26.03.2021) Bedö, Viktor; Miyazaki, Shintaro
It is overwhelming to think there are no alternatives or the system is too big for design to generate impact. Commoning is seen as an alternative socio-technic and technological possibility of sensing and computing power promise some possibilities. Material Commons have logistic aspects, thus distribution and challenge infrastructures and market-based economic models. But we are lacking the means of translating the possibilities of technologies into concrete mechanisms and design principles that carry the values of commoning. This paper suggests the creation of imaginaries in combination with situated playful exploration to contribute the evoking what is on the fringes. It proposes a playful (street and video call) exploration format building on a fictional algorithm drive infrastructure for distributing rescued food and draws preliminary reflections about future uses of this and similar formats in designing alternative worlds.
06 - Präsentation
Modulating Matters of Computation, Modelling and Hyper-Separations
(15.09.2021) Savic, Selena; Miyazaki, Shintaro
We engage in a conversation with critical ecofeminism, which proposes to transform the colonialism-racism-capitalism-patriarchalism induced environmental crisis by a non-essentialist countering of oppressions and hyper-separations produced by human/nature dualism. We modulate the critical ecofeminist approach by countering a similar dualism, namely that of nature/technology. Furthermore, our theoretical balance-act has a praxis-oriented side: we believe that computation can be included in ecofeminist action. By providing alternative forms of engagement to instrumentalization, we trace pathways to different futures, countering the binary narratives of technology but also its moralizing of socio-cultural mediation. We take an intersectional approach to outcomes of computational modelling (simulations, visualisations, forecasts) and discuss the ecofeminist method of synthesis as a way to include different perspectives into computational processes. We work with two ‘modulated models’ that pay attention to assumptions, observations and thinking about urban commoning initiatives, and amateur knowledge of radio telecommunications. We aspire to provoke discussions about different modes of inclusion in communities and archives that are centred on shared, environment-friendly, solidarity oriented life-style and mutual care. Our approach engages with feminist arguments and inquires into ways patriarchalism is embedded in our relationship to technoscience and engineering. We explore modes of resistance through proposing skilled and alternative uses of these techniques.
06 - Präsentation
Modulating Matters of Computation, Modelling and Hyper-Separations
(BCS Learning and Development, 17.09.2021) Savic, Selena; Miyazaki, Shintaro; Christensen, Michelle; Conradi, Florian; Søndergaard, Morten; Beloff, Laura; Choubassi, Hassan
We engage in a conversation with critical ecofeminism, which proposed to transform the colonialism-racism-capitalism-patriarchalism induced environmental crisis by non-essentialist countering of oppressions and hyper-separations produced by human/nature dualism. We modulate the critical ecofeminist approach by countering a similar dualism, namely that of nature/technology. Furthermore, our theoretical balance-act has a praxis-oriented side: we believe that computation can be included in ecofeminist action. By providing alternative forms of engagement to instrumentalization, we trace pathways to different futures, countering the binary narratives of technology but also its moralizing of socio-cultural mediation. We take an intersectional approach to outcomes of computational modelling (simulations, visualisations, forecasts) and discuss the ecofeminist method of synthesis as a way to include different perspectives into computational processes. We work with two ‘modulated models’ that pay attention to assumptions, observations and thinking about urban commoning initiatives, and amateur knowledge of radio telecommunications. We aspire to provoke discussions about different modes of inclusion in communities and archives that are centred on shared, environment-friendly, solidarity oriented life-style and mutual care. Our approach engages with feminist arguments and inquiries into ways patriarchalism is embedded in our relationship to technoscience and engineering. We explore modes of resistance by proposing skilled and alternative uses of these techniques.
04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift