Publikation Angebote für Kinder psychiatrisch hospitalisierter Eltern. Befragung in psychiatrischen Kliniken zu Bestand und Bedarf(Universimed Cross Media Content, 2024) Albermann, Kurt; Weber, Alessandra; Seifritz, Erich; Gäumann, Christine; Müller, BrigitteViele Patient:innen in psychiatrischen Kliniken sind Eltern minderjähriger Kinder. Die Entwicklungsrisiken dieser Kinder sind hinreichend bekannt, gleichzeitig beschränken sich Unterstützungs- und Beratungsangebote häufig auf den ambulanten Kontext. Mittels Online-Befragung wurde in psychiatrischen Kliniken der Schweiz untersucht, inwieweit die Situation und die Bedürfnisse betroffener Kinder berücksichtigt erden und welche Angebote bestehen.01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Anstalten(transcript, 02.10.2023) Heiniger, Kevin; Rottmann, Andrea; Gammerl, Benno; Lücke, Martin04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Informatikdidaktik(hep, 2019) Bollag, Jessica; Bühler, Caroline; Clerc, Isabelle; Ducommun, Mira; Schär, Sonja; Makarova, Elena04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Informatikdidaktik Einstellungen und Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen auf verschiedenen Stufen des schweizerischen Bildungssystems. Abschlussbericht(Institut für Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe und Institut für Sekundarstufe I, PHBern und Institut New Work, Berner Fachhochschule Wirtschaft, 2021) Bollag, Jessica; Bühler, Caroline; Clerc, Isabelle; Ducommun, Mira; Schär, Sonja05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Beteiligung – Macht – Sinn. Selbstorganisation in der Sozialwirtschaft(Springer, 01.06.2024) Gawron, Marisa; Zängl, Peter; Schmidtke, Birgit; Kolbinger, Martin Lu; Molzbichler, Daniela04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Bewegte Zeiten. zur Geschichte der Juden in Basel, von den 1930er Jahren bis in die 1950er Jahre(Chronos, 2010) Sibold, Noëmi02 - MonographiePublikation Bildung in der Palliative Care(Hans Huber Verlag, 2014) Gasser, Catherine; Hofer, Simone; Schulte, Volker; Steinebach, Christoph04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Coercive residential care for children and youth. Locking away juvenile disruption and conflicts(23.06.2021) Hauss, Gisela; Heiniger, KevinThe paper focuses on coercive residential care for children and youth and thus on a crystallization point for conflicts over social order. Up into the 1970s, juveniles who challenged the given structures of power and social norms were perceived as at risk or themselves posing a danger. Viewed from a perspective of education, morality or medicine, they could be classified for instance as ‘juveniles with developmental or adjustment problems’ (‘Schwererziehbare’) or ‘psychopathological’. The measures arising from this were viewed as protective or coercive and compulsory. The present paper focuses on the coercive measures in Switzerland and raises questions about the so-called ‘children and youth with adjustment problems’ and their compulsory re-education in closed coercive residential care facilities. How did the perception come to be formed of these juveniles as having ‘adjustment problems’ and what role was played in this connection by the concepts developed for specific coercive residential facilities? What attributions were accorded in their classification and what stigmatizations were codified? How did the view of these adolescents change over time, and concomitantly, how also did the measures that were conceived for them change? The paper is based on an ongoing research project, which on the basis of archival sources investigates the interplay of professional expertise and politics within an umbrella organization operating supraregionally across the whole of Switzerland (1932 – 2000). Through the example of the discussions from the 1950s to the 1970s between administration, professional experts and policy decision-makers concerning the establishment of a special type of institution for juveniles seen as most difficult and disruptive, it proves possible to impressively show how the juveniles were classified and the associated conception of their coercive residential care. It becomes clear that conflicts did not arise just in the stage of implementation of measures; rather conflicts were already present in the processes of how the juveniles were classified and in the conception of their coercive residential care.06 - PräsentationPublikation Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt e_space. Beiträge zur konzeptionellen Differenzierung einer „Jugendarbeit in der Digitalität“(socialnet, 01.06.2024) Rösch, Eike; Steiner, Olivier; Gerngross, Martina01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Das Scheitern der Mütter. Zur Reproduktion von psychiatrisch-psychologischen Konzepten in Fremdplatzierungsprozessen im Kanton Bern, 1960–1980(Schwabe, 2023) Bühler, Caroline; Ducommun, Mira; Janett, Mirjam; Germann, Urs; Hafner, UrsIn the canton of Bern in the 1960s and 1970s, guardianship authorities and schools often turn to the educational counselling service (ECS), the child and adolescent psychiatric service (CAPS) or the Neuhaus children observation center when they notice deviant behavior in children and adolescents. In the assessments carried out by these institutions, the mother often becomes the focus of attention. In this contribution, we reconstruct the different lines of argumentation of the ECS, CAPS, and the Neuhaus in child placement processes: they assess the mothers’ parenting, describe how work-related absences affect the children and adolescents under investigation, or describe mothers who do not cooperate as incompetent. From this perspective, being a mother becomes investigable, assessable and mobilizable – and thus a priori discreditable. Social and psychiatric diagnoses confirm each other and ultimately produce the «neglected» child that is to be placed in a home or a foster family.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Development of an online service for coping with spousal loss by means of human-centered and stakeholder-inclusive design: the case of LEAVES(Routledge, 2024) Van Velsen, Lex; Schokking, Lotte; Siderakis, Eva; Knospe, Gloria-Mona; Brandl, Lena; Mooser, Bettina; Madörin, Sarah; Bilreiro Jacinto Braga, Ana Sofia; Gouveia, Afonso; Brodbeck, JeannetteTo support older mourners after the loss of their partner, LEAVES, an online self-help service that delivers the LIVIA spousal bereavement intervention, was developed. It integrates an embodied conversational agent and an initial risk assessment. Based on an iterative, human-centered, and stakeholder inclusive approach, interviews with older mourners and focus groups with stakeholders were conducted to understand their perspective on grief and on using LEAVES. Subsequently, the resulting technology and service model were evaluated by means of interviews, focus groups, and an online survey. While digital literacy remains a challenge, LEAVES shows promise of being supportive to the targeted end-users.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation 01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der beruflichen (Weiter-)Bildung(Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung, 2024) Steiner, Olivier; Kaiser, Fabienne01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation E-Inclusion of people with disabilities in vocational and professional education and further training organisations in Switzerland: First results of a quantitative survey(Springer, 2023) Steiner, Olivier; Kaiser, Fabienne; Antona, Margherita; Stephanidis, ConstantineThis paper presents first results of the quantitative part of the currently running NRP77 project “E-inclusion of people with disabilities in vocational and professional education and further training in Switzerland” (No.: 197423). In the framework of an explorative online survey, 431 professionals from 289 educational organisations assessed the digitalisation, inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) and digital accessibility of their organisation and, in particular, of their educational offer. The results allow first conclusions to be drawn about the status quo of e-inclusion in vocational and professional education and further training (VPET) organisations in Switzerland and indicate that the type of organisation has a significant influence on in this regard. PwD in VPET organisations in Switzerland often encounter barriers regarding e-accessibility. Inclusion of PWD in VPET organisations is therefore to be sustainably strengthened. At the methodological level the results of a principal component analysis (CATPCA) suggest that the conceptualisation of e-inclusion along the dimensions of structures, practices and cultures proposed by Booth and Ainscow can be a good starting point for further studies on e-inclusion.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Ein jüdischer Flüchtling in Basel. Die Geschichte von Heinrich Ungar(Schwabe, 2005) Sibold, Noëmi; Haumann, Heiko04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Ein neues Werkzeug für die Soziale Arbeit(dialog one Direct Marketing, 2024) Steiner, Olivier01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Eng mit der Praxis gekoppelt. Interview(2011) Truniger, Luzia01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Evaluation der Schulsozialarbeit in Laupen, Mühleberg und Neuenegg(Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 02/2015) Baier, Florian; Ahmed, Sarina; Fischer, MartinaAbschlussbericht zur Evaluation der Schulsozialarbeit in Laupen, Mühleberg und Neuenegg.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Fachstelle Schulsozialarbeit der Primarschule Regensdorf. Evaluationsbericht(Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, 09/2021) Fischer, Martina; Bodmer, Dominik; Baier, FlorianBericht zur Evaluation der Fachstelle Schulsozialarbeit der Primarschule Regensdorf05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Hochschulmanagement im Kontext der Entwicklung und Führung von Fachhochschulen in der Schweiz(Nomos, 06.07.2011) Truniger, Luzia; Dudeck, Anne; Jansen-Schulz, Bettina04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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